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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Oct 09, 05
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fable is an unknown quantity at this point
massive death toll in pakistan

estimates say that the death toll is as high as 30,000 people as a result of a massive earthquake, that was followed by over 20 aftershock registering as high as 6.2 also felt in Afghanistan and India



Last edited by fable; Oct 09, 05 at 11:40 AM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Oct 09, 05
prangin' out
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zarlon will become famous soon enoughzarlon will become famous soon enough
fuck so sad. i hope that aid is stepped up a notch soon.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Oct 09, 05
semblence within chaos.
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decypher is a jewel in the roughdecypher is a jewel in the roughdecypher is a jewel in the roughdecypher is a jewel in the roughdecypher is a jewel in the rough
I first read about this on one of those rotating Ads on msn.com. Right after it faded into a Ad for Fall decor and colors tips.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Oct 09, 05
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fable is an unknown quantity at this point
i was just informed that there are massive death tolls in india(over 5000), sri lanka(close to 10000 casualties) thailand and indonesia.

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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Oct 09, 05
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Originally Posted by zarlon
fuck so sad. i hope that aid is stepped up a notch soon.
There's only so much GDP that Countries can put into saving everyone before we start suffering.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Oct 09, 05
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Originally Posted by mapleleaf4ever
There's only so much GDP that Countries can put into saving everyone before we start suffering.
what do you believe "US" suffering would look like?
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Oct 09, 05
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Sorry. I don't fight about Political Issues on the Interweb. :)

I am a small c Conservative and stubborn as hell. :p
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Oct 09, 05
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Originally Posted by mapleleaf4ever
Sorry. I don't fight about Political Issues on the Interweb. :)

I am a small c Conservative and stubborn as hell. :p
honestly i didnt ask because i wanted to start a political debate, i just wanted you to qualify, or at least eloborate on such a statement that included the word "we"

Only for the simple reason that the moneys doesnt need to come out of any budget that directly effects the peoples of said countries. It just needs to come out of the heavily bloated military budgets.

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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Oct 09, 05
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mapleleaf4ever is a jewel in the roughmapleleaf4ever is a jewel in the roughmapleleaf4ever is a jewel in the roughmapleleaf4ever is a jewel in the roughmapleleaf4ever is a jewel in the rough
Okay, basically, by "us suffering" I mean by when we have to start cutting back on things in our nation ie Social Programs, our needed Armed Forces Upgrades etc to increase Foreign Aid then it's time to look at where the Aid is going and send it to where it's most needed. I'm more for the more efficient targeted spending of Aid Money, not just giving more and more to more and more.

It depends on your definition of a "bloated Military Budget". The United States, well their Budget is required to maintain their Forces supplied. They could however alter how much of their Budget is spending on R&D and divert that instead. But that won't happen. Canada needs more spending because our Armed Forces have been neglected severly since the 1970s. We still possess a lot of old substandard equipment. At one point our CP-141 Aurora ASW Patrol Aircraft weren't allowed to participate in NATO manoeuvers because we didn't have the NATO Standard Data Link or IFF Capabilities. Things like that. IMHO, Canada's Defense Budget isn't bloated, but becoming more what it should be.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Oct 09, 05
prangin' out
Join Date: May 2001
zarlon will become famous soon enoughzarlon will become famous soon enough
for the record, i didn't mean foreign aid. in some of the articles it seemed like some of the people affected were just waiting for the army to come around and help with digging through the rubble and trying to pull trapped survivors out of the buildings before it was too late.

so.. not us, their own internal aid. foreign aid is great too but they should be mobilizing their OWN aid workers and troops to help
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Oct 09, 05
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fable is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by zarlon
for the record, i didn't mean foreign aid. in some of the articles it seemed like some of the people affected were just waiting for the army to come around and help with digging through the rubble and trying to pull trapped survivors out of the buildings before it was too late.

so.. not us, their own internal aid. foreign aid is great too but they should be mobilizing their OWN aid workers and troops to help
are you suggesting that their respective "armies" arent moving quick enough? or that the "people" should be doing more?
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Oct 09, 05
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Originally Posted by mapleleaf4ever
Okay, basically, by "us suffering" I mean by when we have to start cutting back on things in our nation ie Social Programs, our needed Armed Forces Upgrades etc to increase Foreign Aid then it's time to look at where the Aid is going and send it to where it's most needed. I'm more for the more efficient targeted spending of Aid Money, not just giving more and more to more and more.

It depends on your definition of a "bloated Military Budget". The United States, well their Budget is required to maintain their Forces supplied. They could however alter how much of their Budget is spending on R&D and divert that instead. But that won't happen. Canada needs more spending because our Armed Forces have been neglected severly since the 1970s. We still possess a lot of old substandard equipment. At one point our CP-141 Aurora ASW Patrol Aircraft weren't allowed to participate in NATO manoeuvers because we didn't have the NATO Standard Data Link or IFF Capabilities. Things like that. IMHO, Canada's Defense Budget isn't bloated, but becoming more what it should be.
I would be completely supportive of making sure that the men and women of "our" army were equiped to deal with legitimate terror, except for the fact that there is any ever growing population that is starting to understand that there is no "our" army, it is the "governments army" At what point in the governments foreign policy, and subsequent occupations abroad translate into foreign aid?
When we upped our number of troops, and doubled our military budget?

Or when when a small number of puppet schools were built, where children were going to school in the middle of a war zone?

Or when we did nothing about the fact that the Afghan puppet government was announced as the Northern Alliance (who are on par with just as much violent and corrupt activity as the taliban)?

Or were we giving foreign aid, when General Rick Hillier announced that the canadian forces are not the public servants of canada, they are out to kill people, who he described as "murderous scumbags and killers?"

Or were we giving foreign aid when Paul Martin announced that he was intending to do all that it takes to put Canada on the podium of the world economic stage (a stage that has to do completley with a small fraction of large corporations, governmental powers, and corrupt middle men) after being specifically asked about what he hoped to accomplish with doubling the military budget?

Or were we giving foreign aid after organizations such as RAWAdenounced the occupation?

Were we giving foreign aid when we lead UN coallition forces in Haiti and massacred so called rebellions comprised mainly of women and children in some of the poorest ghettos like Cite Soliel?

Social programs are CURRENTLY being cut, and were being cut at a rapid pace BEFORE Canadian involvement in Afghanistan, Haiti, and "training" police in Iraq, not as a result of giving too much foreign aid!

We currently need an army to carry out an imperialistic agenda, so if you support a military that by there very nature follow governmental orders to a tee, then you in esscence support government action, imperialstic governmental agendas that use foreign aid as a tool to infeltrate various third word nations, only to exact a bill, that included previously state owned economic sectors.

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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Oct 09, 05
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Akeel has a spectacular aura aboutAkeel has a spectacular aura about
you wear a tinfoil hat don't you?
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Oct 09, 05
Join Date: Dec 2003
FlorpIncarnate is an unknown quantity at this point
Foreign aid causes dependence.

Furthermore the concept of the government forcing Canadian citizens to give their money to a foreign country makes my blood boil. It should be based on voluntary charity. I trust my government to spend my foreign aid dollars efficiently just about as much as I trust a four year old with a loaded weapon.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Oct 09, 05
tellin it like it is
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ja_raul is an unknown quantity at this point
this thread needs more bunnies
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Oct 09, 05
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fable is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by Akeel
you wear a tinfoil hat don't you?

Is this the way you usually communicate?, by making sly remarks slipped in a various opportunities, remarks that have actaully no bearing on the discussion, and are reminiscent of a shittalking bitch?

If you have a problem with my prose (which by in large, is posed as questions, non alienating, and seek to invite others so i can share my knowledge as well as benefit from others) then pipe the fuck up, but make sure its debate, and not shitslinging, because if thats the case, say it to my face, im pretty easy to find-im pretty sure your the same "akeel" that used to be roomies/friends with a cousin of mine (richie) - if im wrong then, feel free to ask for directions, ill happily ablige any beef that you obviouslly have with me- although i cant understand why? If this is just about not liking my words, then DONT read them-its that easy.

Otherwise understand that your offhand comments neither condradict or support anything that is being discussed, rather its more closely related to a small child holding his breadth for attention.

shakeel lochan
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Oct 09, 05
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fable is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by FlorpIncarnate
Foreign aid causes dependence.

Furthermore the concept of the government forcing Canadian citizens to give their money to a foreign country makes my blood boil. It should be based on voluntary charity. I trust my government to spend my foreign aid dollars efficiently just about as much as I trust a four year old with a loaded weapon.
I wasnt aware of any Canadians being forced to hand over money to foreign aid!? Where is this going on? Can you lead me to this information?

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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Oct 09, 05
Join Date: Sep 2001
Akeel has a spectacular aura aboutAkeel has a spectacular aura about
Originally Posted by fable
Is this the way you usually communicate?, by making sly remarks slipped in a various opportunities, remarks that have actaully no bearing on the discussion, and are reminiscent of a shittalking bitch?

If you have a problem with my prose (which by in large, is posed as questions, non alienating, and seek to invite others so i can share my knowledge as well as benefit from others) then pipe the fuck up, but make sure its debate, and not shitslinging, because if thats the case, say it to my face, im pretty easy to find-im pretty sure your the same "akeel" that used to be roomies/friends with a cousin of mine (richie) - if im wrong then, feel free to ask for directions, ill happily ablige any beef that you obviouslly have with me- although i cant understand why? If this is just about not liking my words, then DONT read them-its that easy.

Otherwise understand that your offhand comments neither condradict or support anything that is being discussed, rather its more closely related to a small child holding his breadth for attention.

shakeel lochan
did i hit a cord? i dont know any ritchie, and i'm pretty sure I dont know you, but if your inviting me to escalate this to a physical altercation i'll gladly oblige.

this is a rave message board buddy, i dont come here for deep political debate, i come here to entertain both myself and others. Go ahead and preach all the bullshit you want - but thats exactly what it is, just bullshit.

Now do you want me to give you a call?

btw, calling me a shit talking bitch is a bad idea.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old Oct 09, 05
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attn Akeel:

I think I may have been the one to hit a chord! Im curious to know what your ideas of entertainment entail?

Is it calling down people personally over a public forum because you do not agree with the words of another, rather than engage in debate or just ignore the subject?

Is it, uttering veiled threats to someone who called you out, solely because it was you that was perpetuating an immature motion to quash words you believed were bullshit?

Im just wondering when exactly did you become a spokesperson for this board, others like it, or even this community? Did I miss the grand vote? I know you are indeed a spokesperson for a respected longstanding music crew aka Pound Recordings, but at no time during any of my discussion with other such paramount members as sean(spk) was I under the impression that Pound was given free license to police the views of others, and subsequent shallow judgment calls?

Im sure you’ve been around the block, im sure you have years under your belt as well, but how does this translate into the right to attack me personally, and then justify it with some warped sense of self?

Small little me (im really not an imposing figure whatsoever) has been forced to spill my own blood in battles far more relevent, than the little spat that we are currently having, ive payed for speaking my mind, sharing truths and questioning establishments all my life, and ive been knocked down by heads who I trully belived had the ability to end my life, but im still here, doing nothing more than sharing what I know with people, and listening to what others have to say.

Im more than ready and willing to take a higher road (you can call it the bitch road if it makes you feel better) and attempt to take any steps towards diffusing a possible conflict, hell ill even do a song and dance-because ultimatley the movment im trying to help is a movment of positivity, creation, awarness, and connection, and not your words, or fists, will ever hope to stop such a movement. But in the same respect, ill be here, living my life to the best of my tarnished ability, waiting for anything you care to bring, but although I may sound "melodramatic" this "bullshit" that you are accusing me of spouting is in fact to dire a an effort, to let broken bones, and bruised egos to stop. Utter all the mild threats you want, and throw all the punches you feel necessary, because regardless of a reality that may see you puttn me to the floor, I wont stop gettn back up until im dead.

So brotha, all I can say, is you are going to do, whatever you feel is necessary to do, but I state one more time, real communication does not come in the form of underhanded disses, it comes with the ability to LISTEN. Im not here to make war, im here to try to stop the need for it in the first place.

You have my name, my number, and im sure a few people here cant point you in the right direction. I cant fault you with doing what you feel is appropriate, no more then I can stop myself. Id rather make friends with you then enemies, but I hold firm to my RIGHT to speak and write, and ill be wherever you would like to be, but if its not about beers and debate, rather fists and furry, ill still be wherever you would like me to be. You started this, and maybe you will end this, but you wont end the movement that im part of, because others have failed as hard as they have tried, because its about humanity bro, straight up. I didnt do anything except express some views, and hold you accountable for the slander you were dishing my way., but ill be around, it was YOU that escalated this with your negetive comments, so next move is yours, if this important for you to do.


Shakeel lochan


8110 lakefield drive burnaby bc

Last edited by fable; Oct 09, 05 at 10:26 PM.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old Oct 09, 05
where's the beach
Join Date: Apr 2003
mugsy is on a distinguished road
has anybody heard anything about chandigarh? so far ive found no info on them, so im assuming that they were not heavily affected by the earthquake. i have a friend that is doing an exchange there, and am pretty worried but trying to hold my cool. no ones heard from her or anyone else in the program.
chandigarh is pretty close to where the earthquake hit, but im assuming (and hoping) that its only close enough to feel some disruption, and destroy much. all ive heard about india is in other ajoining states.
any info would be awesome.
right now im going with the fact of knowing who she is, she up and left to help others in need, that or has been completely consumed with the work she was already doing over there.
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  #21 (permalink)  
Old Oct 09, 05
Join Date: Sep 2001
Akeel has a spectacular aura aboutAkeel has a spectacular aura about
I think you need you to lighten up.

If anyone is to blame for the "escalation" its you. Seems to me you can't take a small jab about the verbal diarrhea you spew, and you're the one leaving your phone # and wanting to meet in person - i'm flattered but you're not that high on my priority list. Although I can make the time.

Second, i'm not trying to "quash your words" go ahead and preach all you want, but be prepared to take the criticism of your long-winded, condescending, hippy bullshit.

I can call you on it as b/s as much as I want - are you saying i cant? Seems to me thats what your "essay" is about. I don't presume to impose my views on others just because I think they are justified.

Think about it.

Originally Posted by fable
attn Akeel:

I think I may have been the one to hit a chord! Im curious to know what your ideas of entertainment entail?

Is it calling down people personally over a public forum because you do not agree with the words of another, rather than engage in debate or just ignore the subject?

Is it, uttering veiled threats to someone who called you out, solely because it was you that was perpetuating an immature motion to quash words you believed were bullshit?

Im just wondering when exactly did you become a spokesperson for this board, others like it, or even this community? Did I miss the grand vote? I know you are indeed a spokesperson for a respected longstanding music crew aka Pound Recordings, but at no time during any of my discussion with other such paramount members as sean(spk) was I under the impression that Pound was given free license to police the views of others, and subsequent shallow judgment calls?

Im sure you’ve been around the block, im sure you have years under your belt as well, but how does this translate into the right to attack me personally, and then justify it with some warped sense of self?

Small little me (im really not an imposing figure whatsoever) has been forced to spill my own blood in battles far more relevent, than the little spat that we are currently having, ive payed for speaking my mind, sharing truths and questioning establishments all my life, and ive been knocked down by heads who I trully belived had the ability to end my life, but im still here, doing nothing more than sharing what I know with people, and listening to what others have to say.

Im more than ready and willing to take a higher road (you can call it the bitch road if it makes you feel better) and attempt to take any steps towards diffusing a possible conflict, hell ill even do a song and dance-because ultimatley the movment im trying to help is a movment of positivity, creation, awarness, and connection, and not your words, or fists, will ever hope to stop such a movement. But in the same respect, ill be here, living my life to the best of my tarnished ability, waiting for anything you care to bring, but although I may sound "melodramatic" this "bullshit" that you are accusing me of spouting is in fact to dire a an effort, to let broken bones, and bruised egos to stop. Utter all the mild threats you want, and throw all the punches you feel necessary, because regardless of a reality that may see you puttn me to the floor, I wont stop gettn back up until im dead.

So brotha, all I can say, is you are going to do, whatever you feel is necessary to do, but I state one more time, real communication does not come in the form of underhanded disses, it comes with the ability to LISTEN. Im not here to make war, im here to try to stop the need for it in the first place.

You have my name, my number, and im sure a few people here cant point you in the right direction. I cant fault you with doing what you feel is appropriate, no more then I can stop myself. Id rather make friends with you then enemies, but I hold firm to my RIGHT to speak and write, and ill be wherever you would like to be, but if its not about beers and debate, rather fists and furry, ill still be wherever you would like me to be. You started this, and maybe you will end this, but you wont end the movement that im part of, because others have failed as hard as they have tried, because its about humanity bro, straight up. I didnt do anything except express some views, and hold you accountable for the slander you were dishing my way., but ill be around, it was YOU that escalated this with your negetive comments, so next move is yours, if this important for you to do.


Shakeel lochan


8110 lakefield drive burnaby bc
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old Oct 09, 05
Join Date: Sep 2001
Akeel has a spectacular aura aboutAkeel has a spectacular aura about
Originally Posted by fable
Is this the way you usually communicate?, by making sly remarks slipped in a various opportunities, remarks that have actaully no bearing on the discussion, and are reminiscent of a shittalking bitch?
Originally Posted by fable
I didnt do anything except express some views, and hold you accountable for the slander you were dishing my way., but ill be around, it was YOU that escalated this with your negetive comments, so next move is yours, if this important for you to do.
take off your tinfoil hat - the negativity is coming straight outta your mouth first, brother.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old Oct 09, 05
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^hahah.. his name engulfs yours
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old Oct 09, 05
Join Date: Sep 2001
Akeel has a spectacular aura aboutAkeel has a spectacular aura about
yeah but like coca-cola i'm the real thing, baby ;)
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old Oct 09, 05
bungoshlung's Avatar
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bungoshlung is on a distinguished road
you're almost as quick as tim in response time.. bravo friend, bravo
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