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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Dec 11, 05
Tea Tea is offline
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Winter Love Horoscopes!

This is for fun, if you don't like or have any faith or care/interest for astrology I suggest you close this thread and not read on. For those that do, enjoy!!!

Aries: You of all signs have a thing with being single, and if you do get involved with someone it's on your terms and “I love you” does not come quick. Control is something you may be unaware of in yourself but it is something you need to have in your relationships. Your hormones these days are almost like a complete separate thing for you than love. You enjoy sex and need sex and don't do so well without it for long. Your smart and a lot of fun but it may take you a while to settle down because your not the type to settle, and it takes time for you to truly open up to people. The key word for an Aries is “self” so at all times it is important for you to protect yourself from what you fear may hurt you. This winter, try to not go for the person you already know won’t work If as an Aries you find you date people who are somewhat beneath you don’t be afraid to date someone on equal level. You are great yes but you do not need to be better than everyone else or too proud to try something with someone who may actually be good for you for once.

Taurus: Either you are in a very steady, loyal, domestic relationship or you are totally single without any labels. This sign is ruled by Venus, the planet of love and is never really without something of that nature being a dominant force in their lives. Like Aries, you are a strong earth sign so you are able to handle yourself alone, but unlike them you do long for that perfect connection, and when you find it you are loyal as ever. It is safe to say that sex is something Taurus’ love, can be addicted to or obsessed with so much that “fuck” is a word associated with bulls. If polled, it is very likely that any given guy or girl has had a one-night stand with a Taurus. They are capable of having emotionless sex. In fact they can check their emotions at the door very well. Some have said they do not have them...they do, it's just not always something the bull is so willing to share easily. I suggest true friendship if you want to win their hearts, you need to earn their respect and make them see you in order to make it work from both angels. This winter: Try to find five things in each day you are thankful for, people piss us off and shit sucks but look for something that makes you feel happy. Your disposition is everything for it controls a bull’s actions, if you’re not in the mood it does not matter who wants what from you. So, if your mood is bright…it is presumed the level of your life activity could follow in the same light.

Gemini: It seems that you have an eye for beauty or more so beautiful things. You can't help but be drawn towards fruit that temps you, the details of other people's lives excites you. You have a curiosity and a knack of charm that keeps you full in the relating department. There is a need for a gem to settle down and find the perfect mate, but at the same time they are the twins and go up and down, and their hearts can work the same way. In one light you think he's totally into you, in another light you think he can't stand you. Being free to a Gemini is fine, because it gives them the remote control to their freedom and they like to enjoy their life the way they see most fit. They will inevitably do whatever it is they want, and to change this notion for someone is an indication that they may be fallen or “into you”. Pursued easily. Attractive. Adored...but dual natured and sometimes vain or self involved. This winter: try to reveal a few secrets to the person you’ve been keeping in the dark, or go beyond what you are used and shake it up. Do something different. Challenging your self. And by taking a different direction you might lead yourself into a desirable place.

Cancer: You don't always put it all out where other people can see it and this honestly makes people desire you more. You can be so comfortable in yourself that it really shows, and so disgusted with yourself and it may still seem to show that you are comfortable. Still, you do have a moody aspect here in that your emotions change with what you want in that moment. Sometimes you say things you don’t mean, or act in a way that is not obvious but are not at all with ill intentions. If anything it is in you to protect the people around you. Have you kind of noticed that even when you try to be single it is somewhat impossible? Like there is a wingman or women waiting for you…and it seems like someone is always interested. Granted. You attract others for a number of reasons but the protection and maternal comfort you provide and the warmth of your nature tends to make you a good match for something consistent. This winter: Try not to allow yourself getting caught up in a pattern, don’t allow things that have gone wrong in the past go wrong again because you are unable to put your foot down. Also, this is the time to let go of old pain or truly express how happy you are with your SG other. It may seem safe to play it safe but sometimes others need to hear it from you instead assuming.

Leo: love. Is something you crave, so it is easier for you to be in a relationship because that is where you find the most comfort. You like love so much that you can’t handle when it goes away. Under the arms of a loved one, who pets you and praises you and makes you feel like 24 karats is where you shine. For some of you, though, while there may be someone in your life that has a title or is just somewhat important it is hard for you to live a drama-free life. You may sometimes feel about your partner “ can’t live with em’ can’t live without em’” but you always end up back with them. If you don’t feel this way, take it as a good sign and that maybe you found the person who can best take care or deal with you. You do see the good in others (and are wonderful at being able to compliment what you find appealing and lovely) but you are also able to see the bad, and there is a certain kind of way each Leo needs to be dealt with. It is unique to each lion but always requires a certain amount of ATTENTION. You may have to handle with care, or deal with a fire rage of emotions but they make wonderful partners. They are loving, and caring, warm, compassionate and full of life. This winter: Try to trust whatever it is that your stomach won’t let go of. Remember, it probably won’t work if you can’t let it go and believe he is with you for a reason. He may have made mistakes in the past but if you keep bringing them into the present letting them spoil every thing no one is going to be happy. For those that feel love has no problems, get out and do something special and well planned for the two of you, and if your true Leo you wouldn’t protest to a little winter romance.

Virgo: You are the most surprising these days. It seems you have a hard time staying satisfied because it can be hard for you to get really excited about too much at times. Sometimes it takes very little to keep you content and sometimes it is never enough. It is assumed that the virgin of the zodiac would portray that role in real life, however they are one of the most sexual signs of the zodiac. They are known to desire the exact opposite of what is expected; some may find that very dirty, pornographic or naughty ways of having sex could appeal to a Virgo. Regardless, they do need consistent loving and sometimes are tempted by the idea of just having sex with someone, no strings or emotions attached, and its found that Virgo’s can also easily let go out of someone they had one night sex with because for them It is rare to build real relationships on these kinds of encounters. They tend to have labels for people who do stuff like that and respect is not something is earned in cheap sexual favors, although they may have taken part in them. Committing takes time but once it occurs it might be a roller coaster rides esp. if the cheating curve is in effect. This winter try not to let the cold get you down or keep you indoors, try to stay focus on what makes you grateful and happy this year. Don’t write stuff off before you get a chance to read it…there may be something there you never saw the first around.

Libra: La la la Libra! Either you are in a very sexual, chill somewhat mature relationship or you are the person in your group of friends who never has a boyfriend/girlfriend but always has something going on or on the go. Libras are friendly, flirty and charming they tend to leave trails of their attraction wherever they go, and it is likely that someone will find a bread trail back to them. Libras are picky, however, when it comes to dating they are the best at playing the field. They may not even realize it but they have the best game ever. Some Libran women are known to work a room wonderfully, and trample on hearts but don’t allow themselves to get overtly emotionally attached from the start. They try not to be needy and of course this only makes them more needed. This winter try to focus on saying how you feel, sometimes you feel down on yourself (and even more so you are shit at making decisions) so sometimes you just play in the peaceful corners and avoid the confrontations of actually owning up to something or being apart of something real – but taking a chance in your case could be a very good thing. This is the time when magic starts to happen under this sign…and things start to come together. You may fear others will think its weird of you to say how you feel or become emotional but it may surprise you how greatly appreciated these gestures are when they come from an un-guessable source.

Scorpio: sizzle. Hot? Don’t worry it’s just you sizzling because you are so sexy. Does anyone under this sign feel like extremely sexy these days? Maybe it is the holidays or maybe it is someone in your life who makes you feel that way? Regardless, you may not try to end up in relationships or try to end up sleeping with the same person every other night of the week but it seems to happen. There is a mystery and a presence about you that intrigues. You have qualities of desire. You may not know this yet, but you are one of the best flirts in the zodiac…sometimes you don’t even realize you are doing it when you are doing it but it works. This winter, you too should try to share a bit more or open up a little. I know it is your common world to listen to the heartbreaks and traumas of others but your privacy key has got to turn a little. Don’t feel like you don’t need to tell people what’s going on with you, it’s okay, yes you are strong but sharing how you feel does not make you any weaker. Chances are some wondering admirer will really appreciate it. Speak.

Sag: You can’t really seem to stay un-attached these days either. Take a moment to look at your life; is it hard for you to recall a time when you didn’t have a SG or someone chasing you or someone you were chasing? As the archer your love life can be like a hunt or at some point a lovely, never-ending feast of love. You have a sense of adventure and a proud, confident presence that draws people in. You can also be a lot of fun, blessed with social skills to make it easier for other people who don’t have them and very aggressive in bed when you want to be. It is funny, however that there are likely insecurities about yourself that you have and deal with from time to time but on the surface that do not show to the ones who don’t know you well. You have the ability to master not wearing your heart on your sleeve when you don’t want to, for some that is a day-to-day struggle. This winter, try to ease up a little, there may be a few things keeping you wound up, or some of you may find your always on the go and wound up but try to get in a moment of peace. It may take some time for you to explode but you know you have the ability to do…just don’t try to let anything tilt you over this season, chances are its not worth it.

Capricorn: Picky. You can be anyhow. Sometimes people think you are an asshole but your not. The first impression can be wrong in your case because you are a caring person who would do anything for the person you care about. But it is important to you to hear that you did a job well done, even in the case of love…. validation can be important here. Success as well. Your not really the romantic type, even if you try it’s not of your nature- a girl or guy who knows where they are going in life is more important/attractive to you. You need someone in your life that wants a lot of the same things and builds up your motivation instead of making you settle for anything. Maybe you make an all-star breakfast or a wicked lover, chances are you are true chef at something, and have hidden talents that you may not have discovered yet. This winter get outside or do something that makes you feel alive. It’s important you be a bit selfish and finds something that makes you happy aside from any stresses, which may be wearing you down. Relax. You worry too much.

Aquarius: Sometimes you get the phase of not wanting to be single, but at the same time you can manage just fine without. For some of you though, this time last year you were alone and now your dating a girl or guy you really respect. Why? Because you wait. You look for someone who is actually special enough to date and don’t put up with bullshit. So if you are dating and Aquarius right now, just know that they really care about you for while they may be terrible at saying it or saying I love you they do, its just hidden in their subconscious. This sign like a Gemini is turned on my mental stimulation, physical attraction is important but it is the chemistry of conversation that will peak an Aquarius’s interest and keep it there over time. They like to know new things too, so never be afraid to be a total dork around them cause they’ll probably love it. This winter: try to work up the courage to be a bit sappy, I know you’d rather be cool, and yes you are quite but it wouldn’t hurt to do something out of the ordinary, no one will think any less of you.
But if any one can put the shock in em’ it’s you.

Pisces: Do you feel that sometimes it is so easy for you to get involved and sometimes it seems like you will die alone? Winter is always a time for a fish to feel pulled from a number of corners, people who you thought were over and done with you may re-appear looking for second chances or romantic encounters. It is up to you to decide if that person is worthy or not. Weak for sex and physical comfort you may agree to give in but remember that it is important for you to feel respected, and it can be hard for you to emotionally detach yourself from people. You are looking for that perfect, soul connection because your sign thrives for intimacy but finding the fit seems to be a game you may not always want to play, because you lose and get hurt and it seems useless at times. The people around you fill you with love and sometimes make you think you deserve the best the world has to offer, well you do, there are good fish and bad fish but the good ones are usually lovely human beings who have a lot to offer. This winter: Get to know people before you get to know their bodies. If you want to see something real happen in your life that doesn’t last two-month start with friendship first, go-slow and you might get some place far.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Dec 11, 05
Straight Outta Mocash
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Gusto is just really niceGusto is just really niceGusto is just really niceGusto is just really niceGusto is just really niceGusto is just really niceGusto is just really nice
you're right, i had no idea i had mad game. this is good news.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Dec 11, 05
Tea Tea is offline
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Originally Posted by gusto
you're right, i had no idea i had mad game. this is good news.
Just ditches cute brown girl on the dance floor...lol always leave em' wanting more.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Dec 11, 05
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hmm mine(sag) seems to b in check :)
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Dec 11, 05
semblence within chaos.
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decypher is a jewel in the roughdecypher is a jewel in the roughdecypher is a jewel in the roughdecypher is a jewel in the roughdecypher is a jewel in the rough
"This winter, you too should try to share a bit more or open up a little. I know it is your common world to listen to the heartbreaks and traumas of others but your privacy key has got to turn a little. Don’t feel like you don’t need to tell people what’s going on with you, it’s okay, yes you are strong but sharing how you feel does not make you any weaker. Chances are some wondering admirer will really appreciate it. Speak."

Hmm maybe i should open up a little.

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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Dec 11, 05
Tea Tea is offline
ghetto gold
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Originally Posted by decypher
"This winter, you too should try to share a bit more or open up a little. I know it is your common world to listen to the heartbreaks and traumas of others but your privacy key has got to turn a little. Don’t feel like you don’t need to tell people what’s going on with you, it’s okay, yes you are strong but sharing how you feel does not make you any weaker. Chances are some wondering admirer will really appreciate it. Speak."

Hmm maybe i should open up a little.


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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Dec 11, 05
semblence within chaos.
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decypher is a jewel in the roughdecypher is a jewel in the roughdecypher is a jewel in the roughdecypher is a jewel in the roughdecypher is a jewel in the rough
Sharing your inner thoughts DOES make you weaker.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Dec 11, 05
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baby-phat is a jewel in the roughbaby-phat is a jewel in the roughbaby-phat is a jewel in the roughbaby-phat is a jewel in the roughbaby-phat is a jewel in the rough
Hmm.. well apparantly I need love and attention. lol. Don't we all though? :)
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Dec 11, 05
'latinum respect.
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content with being alone....check

brightening my disposition? nah ;)
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Dec 11, 05
Tea Tea is offline
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Originally Posted by baby-phat
Hmm.. well apparantly I need love and attention. lol. Don't we all though? :)
spoken like a true Leo.

Yes, we do but its an intense desire of a leo...and they often are punctuated like an !!!!!!! love is needed for them to function....and its aparent in how they relate to others day-to-day...i could go on forever but i wont. bottom line: you are probably one of the most willing sign to let love in without too many stipulations.
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Dec 11, 05
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Capricorn: Picky. You can be anyhow. Sometimes people think you are an asshole but your not. The first impression can be wrong in your case because you are a caring person who would do anything for the person you care about. But it is important to you to hear that you did a job well done, even in the case of love…. validation can be important here. Success as well. Your not really the romantic type, even if you try it’s not of your nature- a girl or guy who knows where they are going in life is more important/attractive to you. You need someone in your life that wants a lot of the same things and builds up your motivation instead of making you settle for anything. Maybe you make an all-star breakfast or a wicked lover, chances are you are true chef at something, and have hidden talents that you may not have discovered yet. This winter get outside or do something that makes you feel alive. It’s important you be a bit selfish and finds something that makes you happy aside from any stresses, which may be wearing you down. Relax. You worry too much.

... That's right on the dot.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Dec 11, 05
Tea Tea is offline
ghetto gold
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Originally Posted by miss.myra
content with being alone....check

brightening my disposition? nah ;)

just be bright with me and we'll call it even.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Dec 11, 05
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I'm Capricorn, its mostly right except the part about being romantic, I totally am. I enjoy reading horoscopes, sometimes they are true.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Dec 11, 05
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Originally Posted by Tea
spoken like a true Leo.

Yes, we do but its an intense desire of a leo...and they often are punctuated like an !!!!!!! love is needed for them to function....and its aparent in how they relate to others day-to-day...i could go on forever but i wont. bottom line: you are probably one of the most willing sign to let love in without too many stipulations.
Well.. I guess it's a good thing that I have such a great family and great friends then. Lotsa love there. :)
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Dec 11, 05
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Originally Posted by Tea

just be bright with me and we'll call it even.

haha if by bright you mean smart, then I'm already there! :317:

and the part about the one night stands makes us look like we don't care, when really we're just extremely picky. :P
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Dec 11, 05
....fucking evol
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neoh will become famous soon enough
mine scared me.
big time.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Dec 11, 05
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mine is so right it makes me cry a little.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Dec 11, 05
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being a Leo, that is totally true.......:(
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old Dec 11, 05
Tea Tea is offline
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Originally Posted by miss.myra
haha if by bright you mean smart, then I'm already there! :317:

and the part about the one night stands makes us look like we don't care, when really we're just extremely picky. :P
bull men are not so much...they just love to fuck...but yes taurus's are picky like aries and virgos...and others.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old Dec 11, 05
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Originally Posted by Silverwinged
mine is so right it makes me cry a little.
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  #21 (permalink)  
Old Dec 11, 05
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ghetto gold
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Originally Posted by neoh
mine scared me.
big time.
In a good or bad way...was it off?
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old Dec 11, 05
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James is on a distinguished road
mine is pretty right on
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old Dec 11, 05
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islandgirl is an unknown quantity at this point
Taurus....yep that sounds like me!
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old Dec 11, 05
....fucking evol
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neoh will become famous soon enough
man, I even read the shit about my friends horoscopes and it's pretty close too.

This shit is way to eerie. Fuck.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old Dec 11, 05
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