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  #26 (permalink)  
Old Dec 29, 05
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not to mention their location too :)^^
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old Dec 29, 05
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Jen-E-03 is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by jono
Never seen a fight at Celebrities on their $2 high ball night and I go there a fair bit.
same! i've never even seen a fight break out at Celebs. It's all about the crowd that the club draws in. The music plays a huge part i believe.
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old Dec 29, 05
when Ricky moved to Victoria, I remember him telling me it was illegal to sell booze that was cheaper then 3.25$, because of amounts of accidents happened! not too sure about fights!
[that seems bazaar, but i guess not for the bar sales]

But i agree, there are many more fights happen at Hip Hop night clubs, then for instance Red Room, or Aqua!
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old Dec 29, 05
Originally Posted by Jen-E-03
same! i've never even seen a fight break out at Celebs. It's all about the crowd that the club draws in. The music plays a huge part i believe.
cause gay people don’t know how to fight! sorry JUST KIDDING! LOL

actually most gay guys take care of themselves more then heterosexual guys! (working out, etc), and can kick some serious ass!

gay guys normally don’t get into fights unless someone pisses them off badly! seen that happened, and trust me, they totally kicked some serious ass!

i think heterosexual just like to show off, and show everyone how tough they are, and that is why they get into fights a lot, ESPECIALLY after getting drunk!
seems like they really care what others think of them!

Last edited by alla; Dec 29, 05 at 01:48 PM.
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old Dec 29, 05
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dj_soo is just really nicedj_soo is just really nicedj_soo is just really nicedj_soo is just really nicedj_soo is just really nicedj_soo is just really nice
^ Tuesday at Celebs is pretty much their straight night (well, more than most other nights anyway).

What pisses me off about all this violence is that that hiphop invariably takes the blame a lot of the time when it's really just the mainstream thug-hop/bling-hop/shit-hop that draws out the monkeys. I've never seen a fight or violence go down at a good underground hiphop show regardless of how many people show up...
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  #31 (permalink)  
Old Dec 29, 05
we need to work hard on kids and music!

i mean really when you hear an ordinary hip hop song, it normally says bitch i will kill you or shoot u, if u don’t suck my dick! lol or something like that, obviously right there indicates violence and teaches teenagers wrong things, and also a lot about killing and guns!
what else can we expect from growing kids when the music like that is allowed to be listened to! and all it teaches them is violence! as well as violent movies!
growing up and listening/watching anything has to do with violence only teaches them negative things, rather then positive!

i mean if u compare it to house, or breaks, or drum n bass, almost none of the genre contains negative lyrics in any of the songs, only something like you are my sunshine, and something that is nice to listen to! Violence and electronic music just don’t match!
yes some of the songs might not sound as complete song, because it doesn’t contain full on lyrics, and most of people that do like hip hop / rap say they mostly listen to this genre of music, because it has a full on lyrics, rather then just few sentences, but then again, its something that our generation could think about and start producing full on lyric songs...
the future is in OUR hands :P

personally, whenever I have kids, I will make sure they don’t listen/watch any sorts of violent movies! It is also up to parents the way you bring up your kids!
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old Dec 29, 05
Originally Posted by mofo-x
^ Tuesday at Celebs is pretty much their straight night (well, more than most other nights anyway).

What pisses me off about all this violence is that that hiphop invariably takes the blame a lot of the time when it's really just the mainstream thug-hop/bling-hop/shit-hop that draws out the monkeys. I've never seen a fight or violence go down at a good underground hiphop show regardless of how many people show up...
you must of been too drunk!

lol just kidding! :P
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old Dec 29, 05
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FeelGood is a jewel in the roughFeelGood is a jewel in the roughFeelGood is a jewel in the rough
garbage in (hiphop/cheap drinks/lots of 'thugged' out people, attitude)


garbage out (fights)
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old Dec 29, 05
nippity do da
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its hard to say that just because we listen to a lot of killing and guns and violence in hiphop it causes a person to become violent.. well i've been listenin to a lot of hiphop/rap for the past like i dunt even know when maybe 8-10 years and i haven't been in a fight in a looooong time.. i agree that it will bring out the violence in a violent person.. but its all up to the person right.. you fight because you wanna fight or you have to
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old Dec 29, 05
you are an exception! and your parents must be brilliant! :P

but think about these days, how many guys are there like you? very very little amount, out of millions of people?
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  #36 (permalink)  
Old Dec 29, 05
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I guess im an exception too.
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  #37 (permalink)  
Old Dec 29, 05
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LastWerd is on a distinguished road
I run Wednesdays at Barcode. We have $1.50 drafts and $2 highballs.

we play drum and bass, breaks, some underground hip hop and dirty house and funky house coming soon...

We never have fights.

I would blame it on the crowd more then the booze. Top 40's, god, I cant believe how much it rules the world! and how its all over television and the radio, its horrible, its all about racism, drugs and guns.
I really sucks that electronica is thought of to be the drug music, top 40 crowd is just as bad
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  #38 (permalink)  
Old Dec 29, 05
Originally Posted by LastWord
I run Wednesdays at Barcode. We have $1.50 drafts and $2 highballs.

we play drum and bass, breaks, some underground hip hop and dirty house and funky house coming soon...

We never have fights.

I would blame it on the crowd more then the booze. Top 40's, god, I cant believe how much it rules the world! and how its all over television and the radio, its horrible, its all about racism, drugs and guns.
I really sucks that electronica is thought of to be the drug music, top 40 crowd is just as bad
didnt it just start recently? u cant really say there are no fights, yet, because it only happened few times!
correct me if i'm wrong!

nice promo btw! :D
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  #39 (permalink)  
Old Dec 29, 05
Peace 2 Da Godz
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Atlantis77 is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by eighty5
garbage in (hiphop/cheap drinks/lots of 'thugged' out people, attitude)


garbage out (fights)
do u really go by that equation??
besides u just summed up most of the clubs in vancouver and their crowds. so why target plush? or the cheap drinks for that matter??
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  #40 (permalink)  
Old Dec 30, 05
Go Canucks Go!!
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KenJi is on a distinguished road
There are alot of clubs in vancouver and the lower mainland that drinks are super cheap.

Tommy's 9-1-1 thursday 9 drinks for a dollar, two dollar doubles? hip hop, top 40 and rnb?

Its more of inside the crowd. The employee's there and how they take control of situations. Example as some have said allowing people to drink to that over-extent.
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  #41 (permalink)  
Old Dec 31, 05
Join Date: Jul 2002
Haze is an unknown quantity at this point
I think that liquor prices have some bearing on violence and such in a club. With prices being so cheap, there are more people that will be WELL BEYOND their limit since it is so cost effective to do so as opposed to regular priced drinks. This is mind I believe that bartenders and servers to some extent must be held accountable to pay attention to how drunk their patrons are. (yes I know this is very difficult with a club being so loud and busy; plus it is hard to cut someone off when you are trying to make money as more drinks served = more tips)

A side note to super cheap liquor is that it can also start massive liquor wars; meaning that if one club is going to charge next to nothing for liquor, then the next one and the next one and the next will all have to start doing the same thing to compete... This will cause a lack of money to many clubs and make some doors close as well as talent throughout the clubs start to die... No money in, means no money to spend. This alone is another reason I do not agree with ultra cheap liquor.

I also (as much as I hate to admit this) believe that music does have some influence on the actions of the patrons since most of the violence occurs at top 40's nights (lets be honest too top 40's means rap and RnB, not hip hop)
It must be due to conditioning over the course of the night, as if you are hearing songs that are justifying and glorifying "shooting a bitch in the face" etc. as some people get more drunk they get more easily influenced. (and causes many to have the liquid courage runnign rampant) This combined with the "dancing" that usually happens (well all the grinding cuz that is basically what is going on for a better portion of the night) will cause some problems as if a girl "dances" with one guy and then different one, it can lead to jealousy, which leads to problems. (many guys are dumbasses what can ya say?)

- ë
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  #42 (permalink)  
Old Dec 31, 05
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FeelGood is a jewel in the roughFeelGood is a jewel in the roughFeelGood is a jewel in the rough
Originally Posted by Atlantis77
do u really go by that equation??
besides u just summed up most of the clubs in vancouver and their crowds. so why target plush? or the cheap drinks for that matter??
i targeted plush because they ALWAYS overserve.
read my post on the other page.
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  #43 (permalink)  
Old Jan 01, 06
I <3 House
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Ree Fresh is an unknown quantity at this point
You can't blame fights on one thing such as cheep drinks. Ironicly ppl wouldnt take advantage of such cheep drinks if drinks were so expencive to begin with. So maybe we should be blaming the over priced drinks :p

Really I think the blame should be on our culture to begin with. Otherwise next I think it depends on who the clubs let in and stay in.
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  #44 (permalink)  
Old Jan 01, 06
I <3 House
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Ree Fresh is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by Haze
This is mind I believe that bartenders and servers to some extent must be held accountable to pay attention to how drunk their patrons are. (yes I know this is very difficult with a club being so loud and busy; plus it is hard to cut someone off when you are trying to make money as more drinks served = more tips)

- ë
In Australia you have to have your RSA (Responsible Serving of Alcohol) Your not alowed to work behind a bar unless you have one. Basikly its a day corse that goes over basic facts on alcohol/drinkers etc and the rules and limits when serving. Example your not allowed to serve more than 1 or 2 drinks per person, your allowed to cut ppl off when you feel they have had too much, your allowed to call a taxi for them and how to take care of ppl who are intoxicated (the servers rights and the drinkers rights) etc etc. The only rule I wasnt happy about was that we couldnt refuse to serve a women who was pregnet.

Its good though because in some bars I worked at the management would ansist that I keep serving them, but I still had the right to cut them off. And if my boss refused, I could prosicute them. A server could also be fined if they were cought serving someone who was over the limit.

You also had to have a simular cirtificate if you wanted to work in a casino. Again I like the idea of the workers being given the right and responsibility to watch out for ppl who may be going over board with things like gambling and drinking.
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  #45 (permalink)  
Old Jan 01, 06
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acidic_liquid is an unknown quantity at this point
OK, I'm sorry but in this case, blaming the music is just as bad when people were blaming artists/music for the Columbine shooting. I've been clubbing for over a year and not once have I seen a fight break out. I went to Plaza, Caprice, The Royal, Celebrities, Richards, Atlantis, etc.

Hip hop music does not make people want to get a gun and shoot someone. People themselves cause this. It's the group of people that just want to cause shit and fill up the club with their huge egos. It's the guy that gets pissed off because of some territorial issue or a fear of being emasculated. Hip hop has nothing to do with it.

You can't place all the blame on cheap drinks either. I've been to several cheap drink nights with no fights. But sure, I agree, drunk people could mean uncontrollable people.

And I don't believe eighty5 is an exception. I think he's a lot like many people I know. This is a different issue but you just wouldn't know there are a lot like him because how many articles are there on how many "good" guys there are who listen to hip hop and don't start fights?
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  #46 (permalink)  
Old Jan 02, 06
I <3 House
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Ree Fresh is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by acidic_liquid
OK, I'm sorry but in this case, blaming the music is just as bad when people were blaming artists/music for the Columbine shooting. I've been clubbing for over a year and not once have I seen a fight break out. I went to Plaza, Caprice, The Royal, Celebrities, Richards, Atlantis, etc.

Hip hop music does not make people want to get a gun and shoot someone. People themselves cause this. It's the group of people that just want to cause shit and fill up the club with their huge egos. It's the guy that gets pissed off because of some territorial issue or a fear of being emasculated. Hip hop has nothing to do with it.
100%!!! I was watching a really intresting documentry by David Suzuky on how children develove agresive behaviour. In the end they beleive that agressive behaviour in humans starts at a very early age. Whether it be a mother smoking while pregnent and the nicoteen damages brain cells, a young child being shaken when young cuasing brain damage that effecting a person's way to comunicate socialy. Most important the way we teach children how to deal with problems at a very early age "use your words" and learning how to deal with their feelings in a proper way.
They were saying that by time children become teenagers its already too late to re teach proper behaviour and that things like music etc wont incurage someone to become agressive.
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  #47 (permalink)  
Old Jan 02, 06
feelsssss love
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Liqwid is a jewel in the roughLiqwid is a jewel in the roughLiqwid is a jewel in the rough
Fights don't happen at Celeberties on tuesdays nights and they have 2$ highballs, and 4$ cover.

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  #48 (permalink)  
Old Jan 02, 06
feelsssss love
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Liqwid is a jewel in the roughLiqwid is a jewel in the roughLiqwid is a jewel in the rough
Originally Posted by Jen-E-03
same! i've never even seen a fight break out at Celebs. It's all about the crowd that the club draws in. The music plays a huge part i believe.
yeah, as i already said.

everyones there for pure pleasure and fun! i had soo much fun on new years there

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  #49 (permalink)  
Old Jan 02, 06
no clouds in my stones
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Originally Posted by alla
but think about these days, how many guys are there like you? very very little amount, out of millions of people?
Wow. What an ignorant post.

The majority of people who go to Plush aren't the ones fighting. There is a VERY small number of people who cause the problems. I went to Plush practially EVERY Monday from the end of July to the middle of October and I witnessed ONE fight - actually, I wouldn't even call it a fight because there were only a few pushes and shoves before the bouncers jumped in and threw both guys out. On a nightly basis I would see bartenders refuse service to those who were too intoxicated.

I think it's really funny how everyone automatically points fingers at the club. When did we lose sight of the fact that we are SUPPOSED to be responsible for ourselves? When was it that we no longer had to take ownership for our own actions, sober or not?

The bottom line for me is that people go clubbing to get drunk and dance. Whether the drinks are $2 or $8, you're still going to have a club full of drunk people.
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  #50 (permalink)  
Old Jan 02, 06
Join Date: Jul 2002
Haze is an unknown quantity at this point
In Australia you have to have your RSA (Responsible Serving of Alcohol)
There is also such a program here in Canada, called Serving It Right, however it is not followed all the time... I agree that it cannot be pinpointed to one single cause, as it is a mix of various elements that cause the issue.

I am guilty of claiming that music does have SOME (as in not all) bearing on violence in nightclubs, but if music doesn't have any influence; how come much of the violence that occurs at a club is usually at one that has rap on high rotation?

- ë
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