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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Apr 10, 06
Join Date: Nov 2001
djmarkpaul will become famous soon enough
You selfish bastard!

So I am convinced that human beings are among some of the most perverse, selfish creatures the universe has ever seen...but ya know it's not all bad, as long as I have my trusty ipod along with me for the ride.

It's got me thinking though...how many of us, let's say here in the west, part of the working class, are really trying to make things better?

Now here's the thing, I believe that alot of people, the majority perhaps, seems to think they are doing "their part" for society at large. Now see to me that's just not enough....and it's because the shit just keeps hitting the fan. Now you may be like me and see that all these ancient prophecies lining up to 2012 means that there might just be something to all them, or you may think, it's just a coincidence, because you're just naturally skeptical.

I don't care what it is you believe, I think we can agree though that right now, we are in a geopolitical mess and are rampantly warring. You may believe different reasons behind all this, but I think we all can agree on this much.

So anyways, like I said, many feel they are doing "their part", but in actuality, they aren't really doing shit to get us out of the mess we're in. What I mean is, I think the only way to actually do your part is by trying to undo the biggest, worst problem we have as a society, and the rest of the minor problems will be solved afterwords as a result, a trickling down effect you could say.

I bet if you were to poll the average, so called caring working class person and actually get their most sincere honest opinion, most would say they aren't actually attempting to undo the worst problem we as a society have. Most would say something to the effect that they are just doing their part.

This part they mention, would be like running for the cure for cancer, or raising money for charity (like a tsunami fund, or cancer), or do a good deed to a random person (who happens to have cancer).

What I mean to say is, the bane of this society isn't all these terrorists the telly has had us peg, or these outrageous politicians we can't see to understand get elected/re-elected. Sure they're bad, horrible, the cause of much suffering indeed. But they wouldn't have the power if people didn't recipricate their attitude. It's really the average person that goes along to get along. It's you, you selfish bastard, you make me sick! It's joe blow at the construction yard who figures, he's gonna join the military and blow off those towel-head toting terrorists without the slightest inclination of the history of the middleast, the culture that they wish to remove, and the behind the scenes operatives active there that really make it tick (read not who they have been hired to murder/rape). Just say you are doing it for your country, and condemn all the pacifists for lack of patriotism, yeah, that seems to work. Or it's jane hoe that for some perplexing reason thought even though she's not finished school, she'd party it up anyways and get pregnant, have a kid, and bring them into the mess of a life they have because they were to selfish to think straight about it before they decided to add an extra person on this already overpopulated planet (I am not advocating abortion here btw). You dumb slut, it wasn't enough that you couldn't respect your own body but now you bring in someone else to learn more about disrespect. It's your stupid fucking highschool teacher that might have taught you english, and they had absolutely no creative flair, personality, or motivation to teach their class, it was just...routine. Man....why the fuck did you even become a teacher, you don't even like kids! I guess it doesnt help that all of you doing your cancer/tsunami part thang don't realize that you are actually in a way helping the evil/unjustice you wish to rid. Oh my, what's that? You can't even admit it! In a way I feel sorry for you, but I guess that doesn't matter, you will never be able to see what I mean without thinking of me as an ego-maniac. Oh if only you knew the irony of it all.

There's a countless list of archetypes I could mention but I think that illustrates the point. As a result, I have been dedicating some portion of my life to try and better this mess we're in. I did it in a way, where regardless of how far gone it may seem to go, no matter how fringe and how out there the explantion may intially seem, I would attempt to get to the bottom of this mess, and try, as I may, to do my best to undo it. I have found that not only is the average person so uninformed that they not only can't concieve the matter unless it's in the form of parody, they get angry at you for trying to do something about it. I guess that's where you could say the origin of my bitterness/cynicality comes from.

So this goes out to you, dear reader, parasite et al. Chances are, if you're reading this, you're wasting your time somehow today in a way where you could be bettering this mess we're in. So fuck you. FUUUUUUUUCKKKKK YOOOOOUUU! :060: ;)

No really though, if you're still reading this, maybe you are a part of the minority that can act selflessly from time to time and not be worried about breaking social paradigms where your sanity is put to question because the bunnypeople just won't get it. What a rediculous thing to do btw huh? Since I can't understand where you are coming from, let's just take all your ideas and call them nonsense! What arrogance we have, as a people, to not strive to protect civil discourse where we can agree to disagree (the paradox is intended all through out the spiel you moron :392: ). Seriously, if you're still reading, please share with the rest of us, what are you doing to better the world. What is..."your part"?



In a way I want to apologize, for not being enough, for not, stopping what we all eventually would want stopped. I just want to protect freedom of expression and have individuality be something that give us more points of view and insight, not to be some megalomaniac game of russian roulette. It's just sad and I'm just frustrated, because something as potentially beautiful as individuality is becoming discared moreso everyday, and it's because we are perverting it, so we don't deserve it. We do this because when we say we are doing "our part" it just plainly isn't enough. BTW I know this should probably be in the Punching Bag section, but I thought more people would read it here. I guess I just don't have the common curiosity...must be a selfish bastard.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Apr 10, 06
prangin' out
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zarlon will become famous soon enoughzarlon will become famous soon enough
"Man....why the fuck did you even become a teacher, you don't even like kids!"

i think you're being unnecessarily harsh here. you're generalizing people so much, blaming THEM for not embarking upon "humanitarian missions" or "effecting change" when maybe if there was less judgement upon these very people that you blame, they would be able to do more good in the world.

what about the teacher who has a passion for creative teaching to high school age kids, but gets shat on for years and finally gets burnt out cause they can't take the brunt of the school-age thugs?

what about the girl who gets pregnant and has a baby when she isn't finished school because she doesn't feel theres anything else to do?

i understand that these seem like only negative things but believe me there is something to be learnt from this. for every cause there is an effect.

to change society, maybe we need to stop hating so much - and try to understand, like, really understand, instead of just spouting negativity and how wrong things are.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Apr 10, 06
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Apr 10, 06
tellin it like it is
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ja_raul is an unknown quantity at this point
Interesting read, and fuck you too, just kiddin.

Ive always thought that no matter what people strive for (big or little things), whether it be a phD, or a carpenters certificate, it will have little to no impact on the direction of our society, sure, its a cynical view, but it gets me through the day. Now dont get me wrong, I havent surrendered to fate and just given up on my goals and dreams, I have just come to the realization that my 2 cents is actually a fee of effort in the long run.

People talk about how governments are corrupt, how 9/11 never happened, how this will give you cancer, how that will prevent it, and frankly, I feel better just dealing with my own shit and not having to worry about how a meal at mcdonalds might give me diabetes. I occasionally donate money, sometimes its to get rid of change in my wallet, and sometimes its because I feel a certain charity will make a noticeable difference in my community, perhaps im just jaded from walking through downtown for so long and having the panhandlers beg for change only to see them waste it on drugs.

edit: may I ask how old you are djmarkpaul?

Last edited by ja_raul; Apr 10, 06 at 10:14 AM.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Apr 10, 06
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Originally Posted by 3507321C
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Apr 10, 06
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What do you do? Other then try and sway an electronica message board towards the idea that aliens control the earth, and all poloticians are part of a secret society?

or is that a full time job?

I guess it's really easy to judge people, as long as you don't have to look at yourself.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Apr 10, 06
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fable is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by djmarkpaul
So I am convinced that human beings are among some of the most perverse, selfish creatures the universe has ever seen...but ya know it's not all bad, as long as I have my trusty ipod along with me for the ride.

It's got me thinking though...how many of us, let's say here in the west, part of the working class, are really trying to make things better?

Now here's the thing, I believe tha..............

From these words, I garner you may be demoralized, frustrated and angry? Perhaps feeling a little isolated, disenfranchised with a side order of confusion?

I think one of the greatest hypocrisies in existence is the calculated distancing from the most empathetic in our society. How individuals who have the capacity to feel far more pain and anguish of others, find themselves almost shunned by the general populace.

It may sound a tad self-serving, but if you’re feeling any of the emotions I mentioned, you should probably align yourself with your support system or like-minded individuals. The fight, the movement, the resistance-whatever name you apply to endeavoring for equality/social justice is all important, but this struggle is maintained by groups of individuals such as yourself, and therefore it is important that you takes whatever step necessary to ensure you are physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally prepared for an ongoing fight.

A personal example; after most events/meetings/forums/petition drives/hip hop shows/pickets/workshops/film screenings/study sessions etc etc. I get seriously low. Mind numbing, heartbreakingly low, my view of the planet gets infinitely dark, and usually the initial antidote to this deep depression is anger. Anger is a good survival tool at times. But considering this depression comes down multiple times in one day, there is a lot of anger needed. But so much anger fries a person, decimates a person. So anger can only be used a miniscule bursts, enough to get you to stand up. Then you need to turn to what you are in fact fighting for- and that’s community - whatever that means to you. Its imperative. Its essential, and sometimes its hard to find.

This post of yours contains a lot of bitter truths, but as I've learned, unless it’s in the right avenue, it will just bring ignorance, hate, or apathy. I understand and utilize prose for agitation but only in times of personal security, because usually a portion of responses are blowback, and one needs to be prepared, unless it may cause one to be seriously effected on an emotional/spiritual/mental level in negative fashion.

Really all im trying to say, is to keep your head up, and when you cant, understand there are many peoples shoulders you can rest it on for a moment, before its time crawl back into our personal hell and do what we need to continue to do.

If you’re down for grabbn a coffee or a brew sometime, give me a shout.

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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Apr 10, 06
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Originally Posted by NinjaBoy
What do you do? Other then try and sway an electronica message board towards the idea that aliens control the earth, and all poloticians are part of a secret society?
aliens do control the earth(important to bypass the typical image of a 'grey') and only the important politicans belong to secret societies.

bilderberg group.

^start there.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Apr 10, 06
d i g i t a
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starbright will become famous soon enoughstarbright will become famous soon enough
STFU NINJA BOY, HE IS ACTUALLY USING HIS BRAIN FOR CONSCIOUS THOUGHT, unlike you, going along with all the other drones on the board. you judgmental pos.

and so, yes i agree.

(i just got home from writing an in class essay for a final exam kinda related to this, and since i haven't slept since saturday night, even then it was only for a measly 5 or 6 hours, I FEEL LIKE FLIPPING OUT A LITTLE, and now you've all been warned...)

embracing the individual self is separating us all further and further apart. we all are encouraged to be unique and in the end that just makes us all the same yet misunderstood.

we cannot make positive changes on a global scale without re-establishing ethics, right and wrong, and collective goals. people need to come together to overcome the devils we have been selfishly feeding as individuals and families since long before any of us were born. more importantly we need to recognize when we are a part of those devils, and FEEL enough toward fellow beings to WANT TO SACRIFICE for them.

post modernism gives us the "right" to choose the paths we lead.
so who is deciding right from wrong?


hopefully that makes it evident that i am not claiming to be a role model.
right this minute i think it's so dumb how we're all encouraged to think critically, how in schools there is no right or wrong as long as you can defend your ground. how djmarkpaul or i or anyone can post any given random thought and then anyone else is equally entitled to challenge it. no one respects anyone and we're spinning in circles.

we need guidance.
constructivism is freaking powerful, enough to give birth to modernism and modernism is what built this cage we're living in.
it took us a while, but we finally clued in to the fact that we've had enough modernism, but post-modernism by definition has no aim!!! therefore we're still living in a modernist social structure cuz we don't care enough to break anything down. we need to fight back collectively instead of wallowing in pity or gnawing away at ourselves because, "none of us is is as strong as all of us."

so yah, i guess i'm getting too tired to think for myself and not sure where i was taking this, except to a long winded posted ending with some lame cliché that no one wants to hear, but yes, people are selfish and need to get together and i'm guilty too because love being a big hermit and we're all fucked ok, the end.

ps - i may return to this thread after sleeping and have more to contribute... though it's probably just as likely that i'll come back to read it and delete my post all together. why i even came on here to begin with idk... lolwtfomgstfu.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Apr 10, 06
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Originally Posted by starbright
STFU NINJA BOY, HE IS ACTUALLY USING HIS BRAIN FOR CONSCIOUS THOUGHT, unlike you, going along with all the other drones on the board. you judgmental pos.

and so, yes i agree.

(i just got home from writing an in class essay for a final exam kinda related to this, and since i haven't slept since saturday night, even then it was only for a measly 5 or 6 hours, I FEEL LIKE FLIPPING OUT A LITTLE, and now you've all been warned...)

embracing the individual self is separating us all further and further apart. we all are encouraged to be unique and in the end that just makes us all the same yet misunderstood.

we cannot make positive changes on a global scale without re-establishing ethics, right and wrong, and collective goals. people need to come together to overcome the devils we have been selfishly feeding as individuals and families since long before any of us were born. more importantly we need to recognize when we are a part of those devils, and FEEL enough toward fellow beings to WANT TO SACRIFICE for them.

post modernism gives us the "right" to choose the paths we lead.
so who is deciding right from wrong?


hopefully that makes it evident that i am not claiming to be a role model.
right this minute i think it's so dumb how we're all encouraged to think critically, how in schools there is no right or wrong as long as you can defend your ground. how djmarkpaul or i or anyone can post any given random thought and then anyone else is equally entitled to challenge it. no one respects anyone and we're spinning in circles.

we need guidance.
constructivism is freaking powerful, enough to give birth to modernism and modernism is what built this cage we're living in.
it took us a while, but we finally clued in to the fact that we've had enough modernism, but post-modernism by definition has no aim!!! therefore we're still living in a modernist social structure cuz we don't care enough to break anything down. we need to fight back collectively instead of wallowing in pity or gnawing away at ourselves because, "none of us is is as strong as all of us."

so yah, i guess i'm getting too tired to think for myself and not sure where i was taking this, except to a long winded posted ending with some lame cliché that no one wants to hear, but yes, people are selfish and need to get together and i'm guilty too because love being a big hermit and we're all fucked ok, the end.

ps - i may return to this thread after sleeping and have more to contribute... though it's probably just as likely that i'll come back to read it and delete my post all together. why i even came on here to begin with idk... lolwtfomgstfu.
A tad unclear, but great post. Hyper individuality in my own personal belief was a tool of capitalism/imperialism that was propagated mainly in the west for the primary agenda of control. The negative impact of hyper individuality is a disconnection from community, which therefore negates the empathy needed for connections to be created within members of a community, and forming a support network, which enables a strong body to be created for the purpose of protecting, and enabling specific humanitarian standards. Congruently hyper individuality is plugged directly into the main vein of consumption. Intangible qualities or needs, which could be supplied by strong community, are transferred into material goods or "wealth" and it’s this "wealth" that in turn, hyper individuals believe to empower them.

The shear effort, dollars, incentives and attention given to members of the general populace is a clear indicator that there is ulterior motives behind perpetuated individuality in the face of almost incalculable number of social "illnesses" connected to alienation, loneliness, feeling of a lack of purpose or identity. Its revolves around control.

But we live in strange, scary and simultaneously hopeful times. Oppression is rampant, and not just incidental oppression, but calculated, planned and organized oppression. But we also see resistance movements growing stronger and stronger every day. The west in all its posturing and arrogance seems to be treading a path of desperation, understanding that the rest of the world is understanding that the west has been at the core of imperialism and capitalist enslavement for decades upon decades. Across Latin America, South East Asia, the Middle East and our own home turf we see Indigenous peoples, working peoples, poor peoples, historically oppressed peoples, men and women coming together to fight for common interests. Interest such as adequate housing, food, free education, healthcare, and larger issues such as self-government, access to their own domestic resources for the sole purpose of survival and not profit.

It’s happening. The biggest bubbles to burst exist in our own backyard, because the oppression originates in our own backyard, and how its been kept. The death toll, violence and destruction will continue in the world until we, here in the west tear down our domestic oppressive structures. We help the people of Palestine, by fighting for Indigenous peoples of Canada; we help the people of Afghanistan and Iraq by standing against our own government. We help Haitians by questioning and resisting our own law enforcement agencies here in Canada. We fight for the peoples of Bolivia, Rwanda, Mozambique, Somalia, etc etc when we carry out the battle on the home front consistently, and honestly and with all the heart and effort we can offer. The roots of corruption, inequality, oppression and exploitation by and large exist in western corporate and government structures and are increasingly being carried out my military invasion and occupation. And this is only the beginning.
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Apr 10, 06
tellin it like it is
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ja_raul is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by starbright
STFU NINJA BOY, HE IS ACTUALLY USING HIS BRAIN FOR CONSCIOUS THOUGHT, unlike you, going along with all the other drones on the board. you judgmental pos.

and so, yes i agree.

(i just got home from writing an in class essay for a final exam kinda related to this, and since i haven't slept since saturday night, even then it was only for a measly 5 or 6 hours, I FEEL LIKE FLIPPING OUT A LITTLE, and now you've all been warned...)

embracing the individual self is separating us all further and further apart. we all are encouraged to be unique and in the end that just makes us all the same yet misunderstood.

we cannot make positive changes on a global scale without re-establishing ethics, right and wrong, and collective goals. people need to come together to overcome the devils we have been selfishly feeding as individuals and families since long before any of us were born. more importantly we need to recognize when we are a part of those devils, and FEEL enough toward fellow beings to WANT TO SACRIFICE for them.

post modernism gives us the "right" to choose the paths we lead.
so who is deciding right from wrong?


hopefully that makes it evident that i am not claiming to be a role model.
right this minute i think it's so dumb how we're all encouraged to think critically, how in schools there is no right or wrong as long as you can defend your ground. how djmarkpaul or i or anyone can post any given random thought and then anyone else is equally entitled to challenge it. no one respects anyone and we're spinning in circles.

we need guidance.
constructivism is freaking powerful, enough to give birth to modernism and modernism is what built this cage we're living in.
it took us a while, but we finally clued in to the fact that we've had enough modernism, but post-modernism by definition has no aim!!! therefore we're still living in a modernist social structure cuz we don't care enough to break anything down. we need to fight back collectively instead of wallowing in pity or gnawing away at ourselves because, "none of us is is as strong as all of us."

so yah, i guess i'm getting too tired to think for myself and not sure where i was taking this, except to a long winded posted ending with some lame cliché that no one wants to hear, but yes, people are selfish and need to get together and i'm guilty too because love being a big hermit and we're all fucked ok, the end.

ps - i may return to this thread after sleeping and have more to contribute... though it's probably just as likely that i'll come back to read it and delete my post all together. why i even came on here to begin with idk... lolwtfomgstfu.
delete this post? ^^
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Apr 10, 06
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Originally Posted by starbright
STFU NINJA BOY, HE IS ACTUALLY USING HIS BRAIN FOR CONSCIOUS THOUGHT, unlike you, going along with all the other drones on the board. you judgmental pos.

and so, yes i agree.

(i just got home from writing an in class essay for a final exam kinda related to this, and since i haven't slept since saturday night, even then it was only for a measly 5 or 6 hours, I FEEL LIKE FLIPPING OUT A LITTLE, and now you've all been warned...)

embracing the individual self is separating us all further and further apart. we all are encouraged to be unique and in the end that just makes us all the same yet misunderstood.

we cannot make positive changes on a global scale without re-establishing ethics, right and wrong, and collective goals. people need to come together to overcome the devils we have been selfishly feeding as individuals and families since long before any of us were born. more importantly we need to recognize when we are a part of those devils, and FEEL enough toward fellow beings to WANT TO SACRIFICE for them.

post modernism gives us the "right" to choose the paths we lead.
so who is deciding right from wrong?


hopefully that makes it evident that i am not claiming to be a role model.
right this minute i think it's so dumb how we're all encouraged to think critically, how in schools there is no right or wrong as long as you can defend your ground. how djmarkpaul or i or anyone can post any given random thought and then anyone else is equally entitled to challenge it. no one respects anyone and we're spinning in circles.

we need guidance.
constructivism is freaking powerful, enough to give birth to modernism and modernism is what built this cage we're living in.
it took us a while, but we finally clued in to the fact that we've had enough modernism, but post-modernism by definition has no aim!!! therefore we're still living in a modernist social structure cuz we don't care enough to break anything down. we need to fight back collectively instead of wallowing in pity or gnawing away at ourselves because, "none of us is is as strong as all of us."

so yah, i guess i'm getting too tired to think for myself and not sure where i was taking this, except to a long winded posted ending with some lame cliché that no one wants to hear, but yes, people are selfish and need to get together and i'm guilty too because love being a big hermit and we're all fucked ok, the end.

ps - i may return to this thread after sleeping and have more to contribute... though it's probably just as likely that i'll come back to read it and delete my post all together. why i even came on here to begin with idk... lolwtfomgstfu.
I hope your essay was better then this. Because, quite frankly, this is a terrible, unreadable mess.

Last edited by NinjaBoy; Apr 10, 06 at 04:38 PM.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Apr 10, 06
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Originally Posted by NinjaBoy
I hope you essay was better then this. Because, quite frankly, this is a terrible, unreadable mess.

but the sentiment is rock solidly CLEAR.

Or perhaps just what i extropolated from it - which was about working in congruence with a greater community for similiar humanitarian endevours, while attempting to organize said community in preparation for more direct action towards destroying current oppressive structures.

Last edited by fable; Apr 10, 06 at 04:41 PM.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Apr 10, 06
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Originally Posted by fable
but the sentiment is rock solidly CLEAR.

Is it? All I hear is the commercial drive coffee shop talk about how everything needs to change.

However, what has he done, or what has mark paul done? That's my point, it's clearly stated without any ramblings.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Apr 10, 06
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Originally Posted by fable
but the sentiment is rock solidly CLEAR.

Or perhaps just what i extropolated from it - which was about working in congruence with a greater community for similiar humanitarian endevours, while attempting to organize said community in preparation for more direct action towards destroying current oppressive structures.
I see what your getting at, but it's easy to discuss how things should change, but it's hard to try and change it. Not impossible to have an induvidual make a large diffrence, but it takes a lot of work. Of which, I haven't seen mark paul or starbright bring up an example of.

It comes down to this. It's easy to bitch and say everyone's attiuide but yours sucks.

It's hard to accept that you haven't done anything to change the world because you spend all your time on fnk bitching.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Apr 10, 06
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i agree with a lot written above, and im not going to pretend to really know what the fuck im talking about because for the most part i dont, but i do think that the evolution of our individualistic society is having a huge impact on the world today. people are moving away from their close, comfortable communities, into global, electronically influenced arenas, lacking understanding, respect, and dare i say love. the ever growing ignorance to difference is going to lead to the end of it for all of us eventually.

i also blame all that " I'm Rick James" shit.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Apr 10, 06
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matéo is a jewel in the roughmatéo is a jewel in the roughmatéo is a jewel in the roughmatéo is a jewel in the rough
Well in starbrights defence I think that just by being in school an educating herself on the issue is a step in the right direction. Educating other people is another step. If she is actually doing things day to day to help argue her point? who knows, but I bet if markpaul/starbright did add all the things they do for this cause day to day, someone would jump on whatever they said fast.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Apr 10, 06
MoonBeach coming soon...
Join Date: Oct 2003
Bevvy Swift is a jewel in the roughBevvy Swift is a jewel in the roughBevvy Swift is a jewel in the roughBevvy Swift is a jewel in the rough
but what is the work of one? or two? or even ten? surely speaking your mind (to ultimately raise awareness and possibly gain support) is the place to start, is it not? who are you to come in here and cut this guy down because he sees something wrong with the world laid in front of him, and feels the need to express it?

surely you feel it too, but your just in denial, like myself and so many others, and are too afraid to admit to yourself, because that might possibly mean youd actually have to DO SOMETHING about it? im not pointing any fingers, because im just as guilty, but at least im not cutting this guy down. alot of people have alot of waking the fuck up to do.

edit - for ninjaboy
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old Apr 10, 06
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esoter1c is a name known to allesoter1c is a name known to allesoter1c is a name known to allesoter1c is a name known to allesoter1c is a name known to allesoter1c is a name known to allesoter1c is a name known to allesoter1c is a name known to allesoter1c is a name known to allesoter1c is a name known to allesoter1c is a name known to all
10/10 for the sig. EDIT:4 mateo...
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old Apr 10, 06
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djmarkpaul will become famous soon enough
"Needs more edits"
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  #21 (permalink)  
Old Apr 10, 06
Straight Outta Mocash
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Gusto is just really niceGusto is just really niceGusto is just really niceGusto is just really niceGusto is just really niceGusto is just really niceGusto is just really nice
Originally Posted by djmarkpaul
Seriously, if you're still reading, please share with the rest of us, what are you doing to better the world. What is..."your part"?
you first? or was this post it?
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old Apr 10, 06
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Join Date: Sep 2005
fable is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by NinjaBoy
Is it? All I hear is the commercial drive coffee shop talk about how everything needs to change.
Heh, I thought I was the only one (old enough) that still used that reference!

I can understand how the original post could be taken as offensive, considering it seemed to have sprouted out of no previous discussion, or one that is evident on this board lately, but the root of the comments is important to recognize, rather than questioning the legitimacy of how the points where put across.

I didn’t hear someone calling everyone out, or questioning what others do in terms of humanitarian or revolutionary organizing, but I did hear someone demoralized. That is what I focus on. I focus on the core of people’s angst and frustration these days. I’ve been doing work for a long, long time, but its only within the last year I've come to terms with that fact that the first challenge is to create an organized, self perpetuating, educated community that is flexible, versatile, self critical and continuously growing. Until we further form this in Canada and the US, we aint doing nothing. Or at least we are not going to create anything that lasts.

Three years ago, 38 million people worldwide took to the streets and what has come of that? I will never denounce those actions taken years ago, but I will not completely say it was a success on its own merits. But as an example and a model of what we need to improve upon today, it’s priceless. Just like taking my individual awareness, and my self directed studies of revolutions, resistance movements, self governing bodies, etc etc and take my perceptions and apply them to the ever growing resistance movement.

In saying all this, it’s important to listen to people, when they are at their angriest, saddest, most forlorn, and not get defensive. Im not very defensive, as I consistently take every opportunity to be humbled, but I do react like a raging cougar a lot of times, and really its reactionary too. Your comments in this thread don’t resemble any of the heat I've rained down on people in my history, but I bet it sometimes comes from the same well. One of our own frustration, or offense. Why does it seem like those who do nothing complain the most? Why lash out people, instead of asking where to jump in? Why tell people they don’t do shit, when you could be doing something? All relevant comments, and understandable, but take a few seconds to listen further, and I've found 9/10, there’s someone who just doesn’t know where to jump in, or just needs a few minutes to jump out.

It aint easy coming to terms with the reality that most people just don’t give a shit, past their own small worlds. It aint easy understanding that we are settlers on land that was stolen and built on the lives of millions. It aint easy coming to terms that our "choices" which we believe were fought for, and indicate our freedoms, are really just illusions, masking the more sinister truths that we haven’t fought hard enough, not even close. In all these realizations we need to be coldly calculating but empathetic at the same time. It’s a very important time, make or break kinda deal. We can drive someone further away from the fight, or we can gain comrades for live and beyond.


(the coffee shop commercial drive politics are far more heated, calculated and relevant these days) Hit up Britannia community center on wed nights at 6:30 in the lower level conference room under the library, for some real political discussion. Things usually move onto Joe’s cafe, or uncle fattys afterwards.

in solidarity,
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old Apr 10, 06
Join Date: Nov 2001
djmarkpaul will become famous soon enough
Originally Posted by NinjaBoy
What do you do? Other then try and sway an electronica message board towards the idea that aliens control the earth, and all poloticians are part of a secret society?

or is that a full time job?

I guess it's really easy to judge people, as long as you don't have to look at yourself.
Who says I don't judge myself?

I always put any theories I have to question. When I state a fact, I give sources, if people can't get over themselves to sincerely put them to question, that's their business. I don't hold any hard feelings with you Chris, but a part of the reason I would distance myself from folks that take your stance on the geopolitical mess we're in is because I see a big ego in the way.

What's that? You aren't interested in telling me what you are doing for your planet? Then fuck off. People like you are social parasites and don't even know it. It's too bad, you are actually a pretty witty and intelligent guy, it's not that you can't concieve of the problem that is at hand, it's that you don't care at all to get over your ego. I don't know what it is with you people that make this so hard, the changes for our society would be so worth it, maybe just accept to some extent the notion that the media and government at large are force feeding their populace propaganda to arrange a coming global order that is already merging police and military excersizes the world over. There is an urban terror operation coming in winnipeg in the next year or 2, who knows it may just hit the headlines, watch for it. Why do you think these things just keep increasing in size and frequency? Barking up the coincident theory tree much?

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  #24 (permalink)  
Old Apr 10, 06
Join Date: Nov 2001
djmarkpaul will become famous soon enough
Originally Posted by Gusto
you first? or was this post it?
To those that understand, I extend my hand, to the doubtful that remain, take me as I am.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old Apr 10, 06
Join Date: Sep 2004
esoter1c is a name known to allesoter1c is a name known to allesoter1c is a name known to allesoter1c is a name known to allesoter1c is a name known to allesoter1c is a name known to allesoter1c is a name known to allesoter1c is a name known to allesoter1c is a name known to allesoter1c is a name known to allesoter1c is a name known to all
Fable says:
Three years ago, 38 million people worldwide took to the streets and what has come of that?

/////Nothing but a lot of wooden signs with words.

Maybe this will work better

Option 1:Words
Option 2:Actions

One speaks louder.

Last edited by esoter1c; Apr 10, 06 at 05:58 PM.
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