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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Nov 16, 06
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ps3 lineups started last night

i cant believe they camped through that storm..

lineups are already getting big for the 2 or 3 units per store that are released on friday.

i shake my head at them.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Nov 16, 06
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there are some horrendous lines a couple blocks from my place at the Best Buy, I'm going to try and salvage some pictures.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Nov 16, 06
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project.one has a spectacular aura aboutproject.one has a spectacular aura aboutproject.one has a spectacular aura about
Im looking forward to getting a PS3 myself. However, I can wait till after XMas when they go down in price, and Im not waiting for hours in a lineup to get one!
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Nov 16, 06
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future shop is selling the 360 for $450 with 4 games and a 20 gig HD to compete with the ps3 release..

only on friday... so.. its a very good option.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Nov 16, 06
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that is a hell of a deal.... tryin to scrounge up 450 bucks now
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Nov 16, 06
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PS3 will own 360.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Nov 16, 06
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Originally Posted by Two_Six View Post
PS3 will own 360.
main gripe with ps3

if you dont have a 1080p tv.. all you get is 480p you cant get 720.

if that is true.. then its going to make a lot of people unhappy.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Nov 16, 06
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^it's true, ps3's are currently only offering 1080p and 420p

if your tv only have 1080i, then you're getting a 420p signal.

also, don't waste your money people. buy 2nd gen ps3's
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Nov 16, 06
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wtf is wrong with people???? i saw them camped outside future shop today, is life really that sad for them they have to camp out to make sure they are the first to get a fucking game console......

biggest zekes ever!
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Nov 16, 06
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Originally Posted by omega_image View Post
^it's true, ps3's are currently only offering 1080p and 420p

if your tv only have 1080i, then you're getting a 420p signal.

also, don't waste your money people. buy 2nd gen ps3's
if history has taught us anything, its to wait for the second gens LOL
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Nov 16, 06
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My ps2 does just fine=)
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Nov 16, 06
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totally shouts "rob this line of people"

someone's bound to carry cash
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Nov 16, 06
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^ i remember hearing about kids getting jacked after buying 360's last year.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Nov 16, 06
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i'll just get a wii.

you ps3 guys can talk about awesome graphics, i'll be the guy having some actual fun.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Nov 16, 06
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actually i have to hand it to the wii for actually evolving gaming a little

its differnt gameplay.. and that is actually interesting
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Nov 16, 06
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i guess the people in line have never heard the word pre-order before.

i find it funny that people STILL camp out line to buy tickets through ticketmaster too.

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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Nov 17, 06
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Originally Posted by G3N3R4L View Post
actually i have to hand it to the wii for actually evolving gaming a little

its differnt gameplay.. and that is actually interesting
Pretty much how I look at it...I don't have time to be 'serious' about gaming anymore...I'd rather have some random thing I can pick up one weekend afternoon and screw around with. If I ever do get serious back into gaming it'll be DMing on computer.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Nov 17, 06
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FireWire will become famous soon enough
Some people really take gaming seriously.

There must've been at least a day, or even a week, back in my very early days - when I got completely obsessed and focused on gaming. PS1 was pretty much the attraction in those days and I remember not being able to think a single thought that wasn't gaming related at the time.

I see a lot of adults in those lineups. That's what I find really, really sad.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old Nov 17, 06
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i just saw a sold ps3 on ebay for $9100
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old Nov 17, 06
dumb it down, would ya?
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i've never been a big playstation fan. i think that most of their games suck and their controllers are awkward.
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  #21 (permalink)  
Old Nov 17, 06
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Originally Posted by Filo View Post
that is a hell of a deal.... tryin to scrounge up 450 bucks now

buying mine at lunch! =D
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old Nov 17, 06
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Kraig is a jewel in the roughKraig is a jewel in the roughKraig is a jewel in the roughKraig is a jewel in the roughKraig is a jewel in the rough
Next-Gen has spent this week with a final U.S. production model of PS3. Here are our impressions of the experience and our view on whether the machine represents good value...
First Impressions

This system is noticeably larger than the Xbox 360, but does a very good job of looking sleek, all the same. It’s a monster, and while it runs very quietly, it’s hot. The fan kicks up after extended play, but it's still quieter than the 360.

The sexy touch-only buttons for power and eject, alongside the slot-loading Blu-ray drive, help emphasize its fine lines. So does the so-damn-shiny black exterior. If electronics investments were measured by heft and sheen alone, the PS3 would scream value.

Powering it on, we were prompted to download a firmware upgrade if we wanted to try to get online. That's the nature of things these days, though: the Wii wants one before it will hit the web, too. We also had to download one onto the 360 to get the HD DVD drive running. Still, Sony fans have waited a long time for this console, and downloading firmware is a poor way to spend your first moments with a new console.


The Cross Media Bar (XMB) interface, inherited from the PSP (and spinning out across more of Sony's devices as we speak) has a simple elegance that the 360's dashboard, can't match. There are a bunch more options than the PSP, of course, but they're grouped in much the same way: by category.

What we found trickiest is the need to enable HDMI output before that port actually works (we had to briefly futz around in 480i via the included composite cable). Annoyingly, when you play games, pushing the PlayStation button doesn't overlay the XMB - you just get a simple quit or config menu, with no access to your friends’ list or anything. Not a great move, Sony, when Microsoft makes it all so easy.

The controller and games

One good place to judge the PS3 is its controller. A lot of nonsense has flown about the Siaxis motion sensing (accusing Sony of ripping off Nintendo) and the lack of rumble (accusing Sony of not wanting to pay Immersion money). The controller, thanks to the lack of motors, is light, which is surprisingly good feeling. It’s almost identical to its PS2 predecessor, and is comfortable and familiar. Using the PS3's controller is like coming home.

The PS3 comes complete with a host of decent software as is its launch lineup; lots of it recycled from the 360, true, but that won't matter to any but those who already have one. What we have from Sony is a one-two punch of core gaming: Resistance: Fall of Man, which should warm the hearts of everyone but the most rabid Halo fans, and Genji: Days of the Blade, which at least looks very pretty.

In fact, it's almost more interesting to talk about Genji than Resistance: everyone knew Resistance, coming from Insomniac, the guys behind Ratchet & Clank, would be good. There was no mystery there. What's so encouraging about Genji is how good it looks. This is a launch game that handily slices through any suggestions the PS3 isn't capable: it looks better than the majority of the spruced-up current-gen games still shipping a year into the 360 - though its gameplay somewhat stale.

The characters look fantastic. The levels pack subtle detail. Even if the game itself doesn't deliver, it makes us dream of Onimusha, or Final Fantasy. It whispers potential. What else are launch games for? The lone first-party offering that supports 1080p is NBA 07 , but it won't really impress on any level beyond resolution.

PlayStation Network

The PlayStation Network isn't available to US PS3 gamers just yet, unfortunately. On the other hand, I can just about read Japanese, so I signed up for a PlayStation Network account anyway. The setup is simple and similar to any online store, and you can skip the credit card entry if you don't intend to buy anything online - a nice touch.

We headed straight to the PlayStation Store and downloaded a Ridge Racer 7 demo - interesting that Sony doesn't mind if you jump the international gap, as long as you're faintly convincing. Of course, we'll delete this account as soon as the US ones are available.

The PlayStation store is fairly barren; a demo of Blast Factor, the Geometry Wars clone, is also available. If you have money to spend, Mainichi Issho and the full version of Blast Factor are all you get: no PSone games just yet (they wouldn't work on the PS3 anyway.) There's a free Genji download (character costumes) and some movies (Afrika, Casino Royale, a Blu-ray commercial, etc.) The RR7 demo, by the way, automatically runs in English, presumably because that's what the system's language is set to.

The PlayStation Network is basic but functional: it gets its own slot on the XMB, and you'll see the obvious options. Messaging is first, and the rest are player options: adding them, blocking them, or just finding them from a list of opponents you've recently met (a nice touch.) Unfortunately, since we don't have any online games right now, that's as far as we go. At least the basics are present and correct.

Out of the box the system also supports a web browser - and at the 1080p resolution we're running, it's a very nice thing. The loading seems a little slow compared to Firefox on a Windows XP machine, using the very same broadband connection, and flash-heavy pages seem to confuse it a bit.


Of course, the system also plays Blu-ray movies, something Sony would suggest is an integral part of the next-gen experience. Well, there are plenty of critiques of the format online from people who fret over these things much more than I ever will. Having spent the weekend mucking about with the Xbox 360 HD DVD drive and the PS3, I'll tell you I'm now completely sold on high definition video: the leap in clarity is amazing. Is either one better? They look the same to me. Talladega Nights isn't a great movie for showing off the format, though: an action movie with expensive special effects (MS tucked in King Kong) would have been a better choice. This movie just looks cheap and stupid in 1080p. But the detail is still fantastic, and, even stuck with the Sixaxis as the only way to control the player, Blu-ray is damn nice.


So what are we left with? In 2006, PlayStation 3 isn't about what the system can do. It's about what the system will do. Yes, if you spend $600 you deserve to get $600 worth of entertainment. But it's a (minimum) six-year promise that Sony's making, and it'll take a while for the games to ramp up, as it always does. Is it worth it right now? No. Even the Blu-ray movie selection kind of sucks.

But will the PS3 be worth it in the end? There can't be a doubt. At a base level, Sony has achieved every function essential for this system to compete with the 360. You can argue the finer points, but if you suggest that the PS3 isn't exactly what it needs to be, you're simply wrong. It's the inheritor of the PlayStation legacy, and it's also a system that is a technical powerhouse and an attractive one, too. The PS3 is a must-buy – eventually. But is it worth $600 and a night in a parking lot? Not a chance.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old Nov 17, 06
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Originally Posted by wizzfish View Post
i'll just get a wii.

you ps3 guys can talk about awesome graphics, i'll be the guy having some actual fun.
You'll also be the guy with an extra 400 in your pocket if u stick to the Wii. I'm going to pick one up after xmas.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old Nov 17, 06
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yeah one just sold for 15,100 on ebay.

theres a ton of hype which is good, but all these people will be replacing their machines by march of next year. also whats the rush? launch titles look alright, and sure even they will be a huge improvement over current gens, but why not wait until a developer an actually utilize a BR disc?

there's no way in hell as the space on a BR disc is being used at maximum efficiency right now.

think the last time i was absolutely nuts was when FF 7 came out. i bought a ps just for that game.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old Nov 17, 06
_-=Boondock Saint=-_
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Lexington (KY) - Three PS3 campers and a WKYT news reporter were hit in a drive-by Wednesday night while outside the Lexington Kentucky Best Buy store. The four people were hit by BB pellets and were not seriously hurt. According to WKYT, some of the campers are now afraid for their lives and have left the line.
damn people...ruining everyones fun, lol
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