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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Sep 18, 08
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jenai can only hope to improve
Using tor, I am currently nmap'ing gov.bc.ca

*** Warning: do not try this at home on your linux box without tor enable lest the government security cops track your IP down to your ISP, and notify your ISP that you have violated your AUP and TOS!!! >:)

People who are in the know have derided my use of tor and privoxy to anonymize my packets.

However, after a Linux meeting at a certain geek locale, I decided to nmap gov.bc.ca and net.gov.bc.ca using tor to cover my butt.

Why? to see if enough data leaks back to determine what OS they are using, be it Open Source or worse, Microsloth or what have you.

Sadly,Cisco guards all the gov.bc.ca nodes so their IOS 12.2 is what they are using.

I dunno if that is their own OS or a variation of UNIX. However, it's hardened and probably isn't OS.

Here is a couple of typical nmap responses:

Node 1
**** remote operating system guess ****
* used port 443/tcp (open)
* used port 65301/tcp (closed)
* os match: Cisco 3750 switch running IOS 12.2
* accuracy: 87%
* reference fingerprint line number: 693
* os match: Cisco DOCSIS cable modem termination server running IOS 12.1
* accuracy: 86%
* reference fingerprint line number: 676
* os match: Cisco Aironet 350 WAP running IOS 12.3
* accuracy: 86%
* reference fingerprint line number: 119

Node 2
**** remote operating system guess ****
* used port 443/tcp (open)
* used port 65301/tcp (closed)
* os match: Cisco Aironet 350 WAP running IOS 12.3
* accuracy: 87%
* reference fingerprint line number: 119
* os match: Cisco 3750 switch running IOS 12.2
* accuracy: 87%
* reference fingerprint line number: 693
* os match: Cisco DOCSIS cable modem termination server running IOS 12.1
* accuracy: 86%
* reference fingerprint line number: 676
* os match: Cisco 820-series router running IOS 12.3
* accuracy: 85%
* reference fingerprint line number: 641

Basially, though, unless the geeks at gov.bc.ca admit to it, there aint any way of knowing what they prefer -- but they love Cisco.

Hopefully IOS 12.3 is hardened enough to avoid any overload errors because those HTTPS ports are the only weak link in the CISCO routers.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Sep 18, 08
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Sep 18, 08
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jenai can only hope to improve
^^ i warned you.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Sep 18, 08
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jenai can only hope to improve

our government's servers are not being protected by Open Source. They bought into Cisco, which aint Open Source.

they aint even using OpenBSD!!!

hopefully the HTTPS exploits on Cisco routers and proxy servers are all useless.

Last edited by jenai; Sep 18, 08 at 10:50 AM. Reason: The BC government networks are pwn'd by Cisco.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Sep 18, 08
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so you really think your anonymous.....?

stupid fuckin script kiddie...
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Sep 18, 08
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Originally Posted by jenai View Post

OH YA PS: they run ibm servers, a mixture of linux and solaris with websphere and the ibm version of apache. their database servers are oracle. the ip you're trying to connect to is load balanced so you're actually scanning a virtual ip on a cisco load balancing device, which is useless information. OMG ALL THIS WAS FIGURED OUT WITH A PUBLIC IP THEY CAN TRACE BACK TO ME OMG BRB JAIL.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Sep 18, 08
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you should hack The Gibson
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Sep 18, 08
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Originally Posted by jenai View Post

our government's servers are not being protected by Open Source. They bought into Cisco, which aint Open Source.

they aint even using OpenBSD!!!

hopefully the HTTPS exploits on Cisco routers and proxy servers are all useless.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Sep 18, 08
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Sep 18, 08
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jenai can only hope to improve
network security geeks being paid civil servant wages [$15-35 an hour or a yearly salary) are tomorrow's cybercops.

nothing escapes their scrutiny, though it'd violate their hacker code to implement NSA-like surveillance on their networks.

however, the regular cops are worse cos they are mistaken in believing that the Leftist activists are "domestic terrorists" when common street criminals are almost as bad as terrorists.

truth is, letting at-risk children stay in risky family situations is the potential seed of tomorrow's domestic terrorism, and the State is aiding and abetting this travesty. yes, right-wing politics is the root of the mother of terrorism, not social activism!!

port scanning is not a crime!
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Sep 18, 08
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jenai can only hope to improve
is that Bill Gibson of Neuromancer fame?

i swear, the guy barely uses a computer.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Sep 18, 08
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Originally Posted by jenai View Post
network security geeks being paid civil servant wages [$15-35 an hour or a yearly salary) are tomorrow's cybercops.

nothing escapes their scrutiny, though it'd violate their hacker code to implement NSA-like surveillance on their networks.

however, the regular cops are worse cos they are mistaken in believing that the Leftist activists are "domestic terrorists" when common street criminals are almost as bad as terrorists.

truth is, letting at-risk children stay in risky family situations is the potential seed of tomorrow's domestic terrorism, and the State is aiding and abetting this travesty. yes, right-wing politics is the root of the mother of terrorism, not social activism!!

port scanning is not a crime!
you have no idea what you are talking about
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Sep 18, 08
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Originally Posted by jenai View Post
network security geeks being paid civil servant wages [$15-35 an hour or a yearly salary) are tomorrow's cybercops.

nothing escapes their scrutiny, though it'd violate their hacker code to implement NSA-like surveillance on their networks.

however, the regular cops are worse cos they are mistaken in believing that the Leftist activists are "domestic terrorists" when common street criminals are almost as bad as terrorists.

truth is, letting at-risk children stay in risky family situations is the potential seed of tomorrow's domestic terrorism, and the State is aiding and abetting this travesty. yes, right-wing politics is the root of the mother of terrorism, not social activism!!

port scanning is not a crime!
Even if we had your name and address and forwarded to the Government, RCMP or their web administrators, I'm pretty sure they wouldn't care that you are spending your meager existence trying to figure out what OS they run.

PS - That was the worse segway I've ever seen between topics.

port scanning is not a crime!
And nobody cares.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Sep 18, 08
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Originally Posted by jenai View Post
port scanning is not a crime!
Yeah, but OS Fingerprinting can be considered an invasion of privacy, and is oft looked at as a malicious act. Whoever you're scanning can get ahold of your ISP and get you flagged as a cracker.

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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Sep 18, 08
tiestn vancorstenfold
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sage, who are you talking to?
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Sep 18, 08
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Originally Posted by jenai View Post

our government's servers are not being protected by Open Source. They bought into Cisco, which aint Open Source.

they aint even using OpenBSD!!!

hopefully the HTTPS exploits on Cisco routers and proxy servers are all useless.
yo nikkuh, how is open source supposed to protect a mufuckah if everyone knows what its made of.

its like wearing a level three vest when everyone got rifles, completely fuckin useless.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Sep 18, 08
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Originally Posted by jenai View Post
network security geeks being paid civil servant wages [$15-35 an hour or a yearly salary) are tomorrow's cybercops.

nothing escapes their scrutiny, though it'd violate their hacker code to implement NSA-like surveillance on their networks.

however, the regular cops are worse cos they are mistaken in believing that the Leftist activists are "domestic terrorists" when common street criminals are almost as bad as terrorists.

truth is, letting at-risk children stay in risky family situations is the potential seed of tomorrow's domestic terrorism, and the State is aiding and abetting this travesty. yes, right-wing politics is the root of the mother of terrorism, not social activism!!

port scanning is not a crime!

you're all sorts of crazy.

bipolar disorder must be a bitch.

actually i guess its a bit like meth, verbal diarrhea that dosn't make any sense only instead of saying it, you actually think and believe it.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Sep 18, 08
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Originally Posted by SEAN! View Post
yo nikkuh, how is open source supposed to protect a mufuckah if everyone knows what its made of.
Best practices comparison. "Security through obscurity" is a bit of a BS idea because it assumes that the hacking public will never figure out your security schemes.

its like wearing a level three vest when everyone got rifles, completely fuckin useless.
I must report you to the metaphor police. Open source is the equivalent of wearing kevlar. Keeping security protocols closed is the equivalent of wearing a plastic vest made up to look like kevlar in the hopes that whoever is holding the gun won't pull the trigger because they figure you're wearing kevlar and there's no point.

I'll leave it to you which one is more secure.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old Sep 18, 08
tiestn vancorstenfold
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I'm going to back orifice sage's box.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old Sep 18, 08
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Originally Posted by ppcock View Post
I'm going to back orifice sage's box.
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  #21 (permalink)  
Old Sep 18, 08
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Originally Posted by ebbomega View Post
Best practices comparison. "Security through obscurity" is a bit of a BS idea because it assumes that the hacking public will never figure out your security schemes.

I must report you to the metaphor police. Open source is the equivalent of wearing kevlar. Keeping security protocols closed is the equivalent of wearing a plastic vest made up to look like kevlar in the hopes that whoever is holding the gun won't pull the trigger because they figure you're wearing kevlar and there's no point.

I'll leave it to you which one is more secure.
honestly, i don't know anything about computers.

i just thought if everyone had the basic elements of what you were doing someone would figure it out if they really wanted to.

do you think the NSA or CSIS use opensource software, they're not thinking obscurity is their only defence, its just the first step.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old Sep 18, 08
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Originally Posted by SEAN! View Post
honestly, i don't know anything about computers.

i just thought if everyone had the basic elements of what you were doing someone would figure it out if they really wanted to.

do you think the NSA or CSIS use opensource software, they're not thinking obscurity is their only defence, its just the first step.
Yup, it's called OpenSSL. THANKS FOR COMING OUT.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old Sep 18, 08
tiestn vancorstenfold
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Originally Posted by ebbomega View Post
Dude, with sage's posts about nothing. I'm sure I can find a way to do it.
Or disguise myself as a 13 year old girl who's obsessed with the Show Cats and put him behind bars for sex with a minor for a few years.

To catch a predator bizzznitches!
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old Sep 18, 08
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there is nothing wrong with security through obscurity, it is an incredibly effective part of any security strategy. the only issue comes in when it is used as the only method of security.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old Sep 18, 08
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Originally Posted by ppcock View Post
Dude, with sage's posts about nothing. I'm sure I can find a way to do it.
Or disguise myself as a 13 year old girl who's obsessed with the Show Cats and put him behind bars for sex with a minor for a few years.

To catch a predator bizzznitches!
As with all computer security tricks, social engineering will get you everywhere. Especially where it involves watching as they type in their password. Then it's just a matter of knowing what kind of remote connectivity apps they have installed (ubuntu ships with openssh) and then sudo for root access.

Even easier if he has an infrared keyboard, then you can sniff out his password next time he updates his computer just by standing by his window.
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