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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Jul 05, 01
Join Date: Jun 2001
CuriousG is an unknown quantity at this point
Movie Reviews

Scary Movie 2

I heard it was bad.

Actually I can't wait to see it.

That's what most people said about the first one. I have the first one, my favorite scene was when the girl was watching "Shakaspee in lud" in the theatre...that scene was funny...

I don't trust people's review anymore. sometimes they're true; Yes I found "Crouching Tiger" to be an awesome movie, as a matter of fact it's one of my favourites of all time. And it's true about "Good Will Hunting", it was a kickass movie.

But "Chocolat"? No thank you. I hated it. And also "The English Patient", winner of 10 Academy Awards.

I guess I just have to understand that movie taste, just like musical taste and just about everything else in life is subjective and relative.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Jul 05, 01
Resident Old Guy
Join Date: Apr 2001
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Comtrary to what my previous thread made you think, I actually liked Scary Movie 2. Just like how I liked the first one.

There was one part in it though, it kept it from being a great movie in my eyes. Grrr, it even makes me a little mad.

But yes, I have to agree with your view on the subjectiveness and relativity of most movie reviews. One example, Moulin Rouge. You know it was destined to be crap. I mean take a look at the lead single on the soundtrack, pure, unadulterated crap. Just like the movie.

Aside from that, sure the critics loved it, but I heard of and know of people that have walked out during the movie. I trust the opinion of my friends more than the opinion of some critic that probably got paid for what he or she said. Think aboot it, there aren't many movies where it is so crappy you have to leave halfway through.

I honestly think that Moulin Rouge has achieved new, unexpected levels of crapulence. Not even Titanic was that bad.

As for good movies, go see Half Baked. Trust me.

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Jul 05, 01
Join Date: Dec 2000
mojojojo is an unknown quantity at this point
Half baked was funny...
but my favorite all time stupid movie was Beavis & Butthead do America. And the critics gave it two thumbs up too... ^^
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Jul 05, 01
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Join Date: Jun 2001
manik is an unknown quantity at this point
Movie critics are human, so they're prone to the same personal tastes as we are. I do, however, take into account various reviews of "x" movie before plunking down $10 to go see it. It's important to read several reviews, not just one or two, because generally if 7 out of 10 reviewers rave about a movie... It's going to be decent.

Half Baked was boring. Scary Movie was boring. Stupid movies in general bore me, but then again I'm a movie elitist so what do I matter?

Hehe... Moulin Rouge... Oh man. I cried during that movie, but I think that has more to do with the fact that it was "Sketchy Sunday" and I'd only slept for an hour and a half than the actual storyline.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Jul 05, 01
Join Date: Apr 2001
*addy* is an unknown quantity at this point

Seen that movie twice, and I still love it. The lead character can't act to save his life, and at times it's pretty damn corny...
but the CARS make up for it.

I loved Moulin Rouge!!! I guess I can appreciate that stuff... cause i like dancing/singing/musical type theatrics. I thought it was an awesome movie. Even like the way it was filmed, the background, the costumes were beautiful.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Jul 06, 01
Join Date: Jan 2001
c.tard is an unknown quantity at this point
haha half baked is one of my fav movies!! yaaa.. i own the video (i wanted the DVD..but i didn't wanna wait 3 weeks for them 2 order it in..)

hmm.. okie.. critics like.. roger adn ebert (or whatever the fuck it is now) they've just plain out seen TO MANY MOVIES!! i mean think about it.. they're old and all they do is watch movies. they say all of them are so crappy.. but when i see em.. i love em! they're good. and the ones they say are good.. lick my cunt! i just usually see the ones they say suck.. cuz they usually end up better...

i mean take pearl harbour for an example.. they said it was bad..and like historically wrong.. well if they really watched the movie.. it wasn't a god damned historical enactment!! if it was.. it would be more historically correct.. and then it would probably be shown on the history channel or something! it was more about the relationships at the time.. i mean if it wasn'tw hy would they spend so much time at the beginning developing the characters and what not??
k take it..i haven't actually seen the movie.. but this is what i've heard from EVERYONE i know who's seen it.. i was even talking with my dad bout it (he saw it..)

i basically don't like movie critics.. wel.. the way they talk bout the movies anywayz.. they say good ones are bad.. and bad ones are good (in my eyes anyways) meh..

i mean.. it's not with all movies.. some movies tey say suck do truly lick! but ya.. the majouriyt of movies they say suck are way better then they let you think..

but then again i don't see many movies they look sooo great on the commercials cuz they all tend to be worse in the entirety.. plus..half the scenes from commercials are cut outta the movie... and if you go into a movie not expecting so much..it usually seems so much better cuz it's mroe than you expected..
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Jul 06, 01
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Join Date: Apr 2001
starsprite is an unknown quantity at this point
I never pay any attention 2 what critics have to say because i mean, thats their opinion(mine usually ends up being different). They gave Dude Wheres My Car? a bad review but that didn't stop me from going to see it twice in 1 week! Sometimes I'll agree with what they say (American Beauty-4 stars, hell ya!) but usually i think all they gotta say is bullshit!:296:

I cant wait to see Scary Movie 2!
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