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  #26 (permalink)  
Old Nov 21, 03
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M!SKA has a spectacular aura aboutM!SKA has a spectacular aura about
Originally posted by Playboybuny
well first of all..not all models r dumb..ok..so i dont think that was very nice of u to say..cause i am a model and i sure am not dumb..
Are you sure??? Because I read through this entire thread and not ONE person called models dumb.
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old Nov 21, 03
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haha.. burn
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old Nov 21, 03
Bounce or be Bounced
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B-Funk is on a distinguished road
i didn't think they were too thin. i thought they were just right to fit into that model catagoery.
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old Nov 21, 03
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Playboybuny is an unknown quantity at this point
hahhahaha very funny..she never said that they where dumb..but to me..it seemed like she ment that...im just tellin u people what i think..i wasnt being rude about anything or sayin whos better. So i dont think its fair that u have to criticize people on how thin a person is..thats the way they r.
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old Nov 21, 03
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M!SKA has a spectacular aura aboutM!SKA has a spectacular aura about
Originally posted by Playboybuny
hahhahaha very funny..she never said that they where dumb..but to me..it seemed like she ment that...im just tellin u people what i think..i wasnt being rude about anything or sayin whos better. So i dont think its fair that u have to criticize people on how thin a person is..thats the way they r.
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  #31 (permalink)  
Old Nov 21, 03
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PHUNK is an unknown quantity at this point
a nation of beautiful people is for sure israelis.

no fat people over there. even if the girl has a nasty troll face, she has the rock hard body of a goddess.
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old Nov 21, 03
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ummm ok
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old Nov 22, 03
Hot Rod Ho
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Originally posted by Playboybuny
hahhahaha very funny..she never said that they where dumb..but to me..it seemed like she ment that...im just tellin u people what i think..i wasnt being rude about anything or sayin whos better. So i dont think its fair that u have to criticize people on how thin a person is..thats the way they r.
You're not doing a very good job at representing these smart models you speak of.

FYI- I am a model as well

I never once came near to even thinking that any of these girls were dumb, what I think about their weight has NOTHING to do, whatsoever, with their intelligence or lack thereof.

I am not critising anyone because of their weight, it is the messge it sends the girls and women of North America, and the problems it causes that I am adressing.
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old Nov 22, 03
Hot Rod Ho
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Originally posted by quEstion_low
i didn't think they were too thin. i thought they were just right to fit into that model catagoery.
The problem IS that model category, the significance of it and the insignificance of others. Yes there are women that size that naturally exist... arg. I'm, not even going to start. If you don't get the point yet.. I'm not going to go there either or I'll get myself in trouble.

And playboybunny, yes some women ARE that way, but a giant majority of REAL women aren't that size and feel shamed, emberassed, unattractive and unimportant because of the standards set for them in the media. Standards that they do not or can not reach. And for your information alot of models ARE that way because of unhealthy eating habits, whether personally or drug induced. I'm not agreeing with the stereotypical assumptions of models in general, but there is -some- sad truth behind them.

Most of these women don't even have enough muscle on them for me to beleive that they actually work out to lose the weight. Then again, I'm not a doctor.
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old Nov 22, 03
Never trust a Brunette
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damn i missed it :toasted:
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  #36 (permalink)  
Old Nov 22, 03
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OK well u dont have to put me down cause i sure wasnt doign that to u...all i wanted to say is that i didnt think they where to skinny..cause its victoria secret adn they do not alow that. yes some models r way to skinny..but those kinds of models r the ones who model for the lower companies. MistressSpankME if ur a model then what agency r u in?? cause if u dont like skinny then i dont know what model agency ur in cause most of the ones ive been to r small tall girls..and they dont tell them what to eat..if i was told to eat nothign then i would say im out but not every agency is like that.
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  #37 (permalink)  
Old Nov 22, 03
Hot Rod Ho
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I didn't mean to insult you, but I just had no clue where your rant was coming from when you claim to have a functioning brain.

I'm my own agency. I don't do normal modelling and I don't want to. I'm also not overweight, I could weigh 100 pounds if I wanted to but I dont. I love my curves, and they are encouraged in the type of modelling I do.

I have had an agency when I was younger, and many of my friends have and do. Yes, they don't outright tell you not to eat or to start doing coke tokeep the weight off, but they put enormous pressure on you to either lose weight or keep it off. I've seen girls running crying from the offices way too many times because they got in shit for gaining 5 pounds.

You obviously don't get my point, or the issues behind it. And it doesn't suprise me considering you are young and good looking yourself, not many people like you notice the problems that images like the Victoria secret girls (who I am saying are skinny period, not too skinny for the work they are doing), and the messages surrounding them, cause.And it's not my place to say why you don't, because I don't know you but Maybe you should open your eyes and your mind a little more if you want to understand what myself and the other girls are talking about because its a HUGE problem whether you realise that or not. (again, I'm not insulting you I'm just trying to open your eyes to the situation)

Last edited by MistressSpankME; Nov 22, 03 at 03:46 AM.
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  #38 (permalink)  
Old Nov 22, 03
Hot Rod Ho
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MistressSpankME is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally posted by Playboybuny
cause if u dont like skinny then i dont know what model agency ur in cause most of the
I dont NOT like skinny, that is sooo not my point.

Maybe trying to explain it is a lost cause, so I'll just leave it up to you to decide if you care enough to think about the topic a little more.
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  #39 (permalink)  
Old Nov 22, 03
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ok well then i want to know what ur saying..im not trying to start anything..im just asking u a question..and u wont answer me..?
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  #40 (permalink)  
Old Nov 22, 03
Hot Rod Ho
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uh... what question did I not answer??

I tried to explain it, if you haven't begun to understand my point then it could take forever... or never.

What I can do is look up some sites with statistics, facts etc, that will show you why I think it's wrong that so many models are super skinny, and act a certain way in commercials, shows, movies etc (but thats a whole other branch of the subject)
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  #41 (permalink)  
Old Nov 22, 03
Join Date: Aug 2003
Playboybuny is an unknown quantity at this point
ok..well i dont understand why where getting into other modeling now..we where talking about victoria scret and i already said some agencys like skinny..but i think too skinny isnt good...just like u but i victoria secret isnt too skinny..And i asked u what agency u r in...U dont need to get all cocky with me..im being nice..u dont have to talk to me like i know nothing
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  #42 (permalink)  
Old Nov 22, 03
Hot Rod Ho
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MistressSpankME is an unknown quantity at this point

specifically http://www.about-face.org/goo/why.shtml (look at gallery of offenders)






Last edited by MistressSpankME; Nov 22, 03 at 04:15 AM.
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  #43 (permalink)  
Old Nov 22, 03
Hot Rod Ho
Join Date: Jun 2002
MistressSpankME is an unknown quantity at this point

Since 1945, in ALL issues of Seventeen, the largest percentage of pages were devoted to articles about appearance

In the 70’s an analysis of Ladies Home Journal, Mc Calls and Good Housekeeping magazine revealed the dominant message to be that marriage is inevitable for women, and in order to catch a man that she must be less competent than he, more passive and more virtuous.

Morality messages have significantly increased in food, weight control and fitness articles an ads over the past 20 years, linking morality to food choices and body weight (i.e.: morality messages alluding to lack of control, laziness and self indulgence linked to being overweight)

The average person sees between 400 and 600 ads PER DAY, that comes to 40 million by the time s/he is 60. 1 of every 11 containing a DIRECT message about beauty

Studies have shown that exposure to images of thin models produced depression, shame, guilt, body dissatisfaction, and stress.

Studies have also found a DIRECT relationship between media exposure and eating disorder symptoms.

In Fiji, gaining weight used to be a sign of good health and attractiveness. Since Western Television arrived in 1995, Harvard researchers have discovered a new trend of bulimia, anorexia, and Western-style dieting among young Fijian girls.
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  #44 (permalink)  
Old Nov 22, 03
Hot Rod Ho
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MistressSpankME is an unknown quantity at this point
I wasnt getting cocky, that was my answer to your question.

I Don't have an agency. I brought up other modelling because i do "other" modelling. You can see my gallery for examples. The modelling I do is reminiscent of the times when Jingles Statistics ring true.
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  #45 (permalink)  
Old Nov 22, 03
Hot Rod Ho
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MistressSpankME is an unknown quantity at this point
The way a person develops their own body image is through comparisons with the environment. Today, the media is the main beauty source for females. When the image they are fed is as unrealistic as the ones used in advertising, people tend to develop a warped and negative opinion of themselves. Most people, especially children and teenagers, don’t realize that what they see on TV and in magazines is far from realistic. Media links thinness to symbols of happiness, importance, success and love for women. Body dissatisfaction, persistent dieting, and the relentless pursuit of thinness has become normal behavior of women in Western society. An image such as Barbie’s is impossible, and inhuman; but it is that exact body that so many women and young girls strive for. 90% of all girls age 3-11 own a Barbie doll, which they look to as an early role model.

Hopefully that stuff helps you to understandm my point. And when reading that stuff, don't brush it aside because YOU might not act, feel, or think that way. Just because you don't, dones't mean millions of other girls don't. Judging by your pictures you are alot closer to the high standards of beauty set by the media than a huge majority of women.
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  #46 (permalink)  
Old Nov 22, 03
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Playboybuny is an unknown quantity at this point
well maybe studies show this...but mayeb if these girls just say whatever i dont wanna be thin to be cool or to be able to be a model. u know..i dont think it every girl leads to depression, shame, guilt and stress...if they do then i think thats supid cause ur making urself feel like shit cause of what other girls look like. Who cares what a perfect girl is supose to look like, as long as u love urself. So i dont think u need to tell me all this info. Its nice of u..but like i said..girls who make themselves feel this way need help. cause the perfect small skinny girl will never change on tv or magazines. thats the way life is right now.
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  #47 (permalink)  
Old Nov 22, 03
Hot Rod Ho
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MistressSpankME is an unknown quantity at this point
I apologize, I'm not trying to sound cocky but dealing with this is pretty damn frustrating for me, I obviously am very passionate about the issue. But I'm trying because I want you or well.. -anyone- who doesn't already understand the whole point, to understand it or at least be introduced to the idea.
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  #48 (permalink)  
Old Nov 22, 03
Join Date: Aug 2003
Playboybuny is an unknown quantity at this point
i so understand whta ur saying...but like i said..it wont change..al girls will fel this way cause this is the image..be skinny and skanky right...its shitty that this is the way thigns r going in life..but it wont change. Sad to say but true.
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  #49 (permalink)  
Old Nov 22, 03
Hot Rod Ho
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MistressSpankME is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally posted by Playboybuny
well maybe studies show this...but mayeb if these girls just say whatever i dont wanna be thin to be cool or to be able to be a model. u know..i dont think it every girl leads to depression, shame, guilt and stress...if they do then i think thats supid cause ur making urself feel like shit cause of what other girls look like. Who cares what a perfect girl is supose to look like, as long as u love urself. So i dont think u need to tell me all this info. Its nice of u..but like i said..girls who make themselves feel this way need help. cause the perfect small skinny girl will never change on tv or magazines. thats the way life is right now.
still.. not... getting.. point...

I agree with some things you said, but no matter WHAT reason these girls are letting images effect their body image whether you or anyone thinks its stupid or not. IT happens, and there is a reason, a big fat reason for it and there shouldn't be such a big one in the first place.

And no, the media is not going to change if people don't realize what is going by realising how ridiculous these standards of beauty and significance are and actually doing something about it.. The market for plus size modelling is growing because people spoke up about how wrong the lack of it was. And It's not only effecting womens body image, but their self esteem. There are other repressing messages in advertising that are only undoing whatever progess females have made over the years (right to vote, work, have independance etc) and preventing any further growth and empowerment.

Of course this doesn't apply to EVERY woman. Not all girls get depressed when they look at their selves in the mirror and DON"T see what's in the magazines, and women still are making huge acheivements converning their independance and empowerment. But the negative part is still a HUGE problem and you will obviously never understand that.

Oh well, at least I tried.
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  #50 (permalink)  
Old Nov 22, 03
Hot Rod Ho
Join Date: Jun 2002
MistressSpankME is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally posted by Playboybuny
i so understand whta ur saying...but like i said..it wont change..al girls will fel this way cause this is the image..be skinny and skanky right...its shitty that this is the way thigns r going in life..but it wont change. Sad to say but true.
with that attitude it won't change.

I know that our standards of beauty will never be completely reversed back to what they used to be, but if it can improve only a bit... or if me or anyone else can keep even one girl from hating herself and possibly starving herself to death because of it, then it's worth trying isn't it? With your attitude you, and anyone else with the same point of veiw will never change anything no matter how big or small of a difference.
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