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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Sep 20, 01
Registered User
Join Date: Apr 2001
Crunch is an unknown quantity at this point
Counter Strike 1.3!!!!

I sorta like it. good concept bad follow through.

what do you guys think?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Sep 21, 01
Join Date: Apr 2001
rawb is a name known to allrawb is a name known to allrawb is a name known to allrawb is a name known to allrawb is a name known to allrawb is a name known to allrawb is a name known to allrawb is a name known to allrawb is a name known to allrawb is a name known to allrawb is a name known to all
i still just use roger wilco for voice chat, i dont need to here every fuckhead with a microphone tell me how gay i am and how im a cheater.

also, the new bounding boxes make crouching stupid, so now it's a jump/strafe game. fucking lame.

at least they took out bunnyhopping.

i dunno, i'm sure ill get used to it.

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Sep 21, 01
pV 2008 ~
Join Date: Nov 2000
ƒORM is on a distinguished road
I agree with you both on this one

There were several things about the upgrade that I like and several things about the upgrade I didn't like.

The good:

Especially on levels like de_dust where the t's are at the bombsite before you've finished buying.

~New Levels:
Though I haven't tried them all, the new maps look promising.

~The opengl fix:
There was a hack called the CSC multihack that is no longer of any use. There won't be as many players with 32-2 stats.

I'm not sure itf it's just me..but i notice a slight improvement in flow to the game.

~Smaller scoreboard:
Now if on a 22-32 player map you have a chance at seeing your frags

~Gui menu for voice and commands:
Can be set under the controls tab which allows newbies to make quick responses or buy items

~Voice command:
Not a bad enhancement when used properly. The BEST feature about this is the fact you can MUTE the ANNOYING DUMB idiots that have nothing better to do than breathe into the mic or ramble on about Bin Laden. To mute an idiot simply hold down the TAB key and drag your mouse over the appropriate name then click on it once. This will change the open speaker to a closed speaker and you will no longer be subject to hearing all the thoughts that can be comprised by a CS pest.

Now for the bad:

~Accuracy on submachine guns:
I was getting nailed from long distances with a few guns that should be outlawed in CS 1.3 including the CT tMp.

~Installation issues:
Last night after installing the 1.3 upgrade I ran into several problems. a) I needed a new update for halflife (75megs) b)I had to reinstall c)I had to reboot my machine a few times before it was running smooth.

Lame headshots from people jumping around like cheerleaders.

~Voice command:
Noisy lammos that won't shut it. THANK_HEAVENS for the MUTE command.

~Seems like whenever the voice command is activated there is a great reduction in the frequency. Like a channel switch from 8/16 to 4 channels or 8bit - 2bit.

~New glitches that will slowly reveal themselves:
Like the picture of me packing a C4 on Militia.

Overall i'm somewhat impressed with the new features and glad to see that everyone has been reduced to the same playing field with the absence of cheats. This will help keep some of the matches a little closer. But already the haxors are hitting up the coding...trying to find all ways to exploit it.

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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Sep 22, 01
its a boh selecta bonanza
Join Date: Apr 2001
SoniK is an unknown quantity at this point
can someone send me the damn file?

i cant dload it anywhere...

- SoniK
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Sep 23, 01
Registered User
Join Date: Apr 2001
Crunch is an unknown quantity at this point

ICQ me 39393315

i have both the files you need.

i've been sendin them to everyone
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Oct 01, 01
Join Date: Jan 2001
tribal_guy is an unknown quantity at this point
1.3 is alrite

what i have found about 1.3 is that some things have changed for the better and the worse.


bunnyhoppin is gonedee, but still seems like they can bunnyhop but not as much.

voice command is cool but i cant get it to work 4 sum reason.

whats gui? and what does it do?


they made headshots easier to get so its bullshit

dumbshits talkin all the time altho there is the mute which is cool

they should outlaw the awp altho its a good snipe gun its hektik

accuracy is shittier than b4, seems everyone else just has better acuracy than i do.
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