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  #26 (permalink)  
Old Nov 25, 05
rip zilla.
Join Date: Apr 2003
ash1ee is just really niceash1ee is just really niceash1ee is just really niceash1ee is just really niceash1ee is just really niceash1ee is just really niceash1ee is just really nice
I saw it when it was last in Vancouver over a year ago. And also 2 years ago in New York. Loved it even more the 2nd time. Can't believe i've yet to see the movie. Soon tho. Its been a busy week!
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old Nov 26, 05
Tea Tea is offline
ghetto gold
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The fact that every part of rent is sung is apart of why it is so amazing and loved, because you get the chance to memorize an entire play and act it out with your friends if you wish. (done it) Also, its home is the stage. The dialouge might weird me out, but i'm really glad to hear such good things because i've seen the play three time (twice here and once in NYC), know every single word to the play and am soooo excited. Can't wait to see this. School comes first though..but i will get there forsure.
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old Nov 26, 05
veN veN is offline
Basically, I win.
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Originally Posted by ash1ee
I saw it when it was last in Vancouver over a year ago. And also 2 years ago in New York. Loved it even more the 2nd time. Can't believe i've yet to see the movie. Soon tho. Its been a busy week!
Im sorry that me being sick and working with S got in the way. We will see it soon ok? Im free lots next week, just wednesdays are not so good.

I also need to watch antm sometime. Maybe we do that and watch Rent on Mon? Lemme know what your schedule is like for this week.
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old Nov 29, 05
Join Date: Nov 2000
acidic_liquid is an unknown quantity at this point
I guess I'm pretty much alone here.

I was a little disappointed. The pacing was quite off. In the first 3/4 of the movie, there is very minimal dialogue. After one song, there's hardly any time to breathe before the next number comes on. This works a bit because the lyrics in the songs usually count as dialogue as well, but I found it a bit awkward.

Then, the movie slows down, and there is some story and character development through a 10 minute break of no musical numbers. And at this point, the movie stalls a bit, at some point seeming to end but it keeps going.

I guess I'm just used to "Chicago's" style where it was very clear when a musical number was on. Plus that movie had AMAZING editing. But, I also liked Moulin Rouge, where characters just burst out into song. For some reason, I found this formula awkward in "Rent." I guess it works better on stage.

The movie is not all bad. I liked it, to tell the truth. There are great, heartfelt moments like the tribute scene which felt very real. Plus there are outstanding performers/performances. I particularly liked "La Vie Boheme" and "Maureen's Tango." Plus the medleys scattered throughout. Rosario Dawson surprised me. It's good to see her expand her horizons.

Overall, the movie is good, yet flawed. Those who have seen the show on broadway seem to love it. Next time they come here, I'll be sure to catch them.
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old Nov 29, 05
Tea Tea is offline
ghetto gold
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Originally Posted by acidic_liquid
I guess I'm pretty much alone here.

I was a little disappointed. The pacing was quite off. In the first 3/4 of the movie, there is very minimal dialogue. After one song, there's hardly any time to breathe before the next number comes on. This works a bit because the lyrics in the songs usually count as dialogue as well, but I found it a bit awkward.

Then, the movie slows down, and there is some story and character development through a 10 minute break of no musical numbers. And at this point, the movie stalls a bit, at some point seeming to end but it keeps going.

I guess I'm just used to "Chicago's" style where it was very clear when a musical number was on. Plus that movie had AMAZING editing. But, I also liked Moulin Rouge, where characters just burst out into song. For some reason, I found this formula awkward in "Rent." I guess it works better on stage.

The movie is not all bad. I liked it, to tell the truth. There are great, heartfelt moments like the tribute scene which felt very real. Plus there are outstanding performers/performances. I particularly liked "La Vie Boheme" and "Maureen's Tango." Plus the medleys scattered throughout. Rosario Dawson surprised me. It's good to see her expand her horizons.

Overall, the movie is good, yet flawed. Those who have seen the show on broadway seem to love it. Next time they come here, I'll be sure to catch them.
You are not alone. They cut all of my favorite song, the tunes, which the mainstream would not think to play on the radio. Makes sense that hollywood decided to ignore them. The songs that acutally ment something to me. I dunno, i think i would have been more impressed if there weren't any big stars in the show, i would have preferred seeing the original broadway cast up there. As i would have enjoyed hearing Marc (soo cute) say" close on Rodger, his girlfriend April left a note saying we've got aids before slitting her wrists in the bathroom." I guess that is the advantage of film, you are able to capture "The flashback shot", for some reason i prefer the singing...maybe it's because it's marc's voice singing the line that i missed it in the movie. It's just the little parts that only the obsessed would notice.

I am still going to add this DVD to the collection, and see it a second time with a special renthead friend....because i will always enjoy the music and the story (no matter how much the movie tweeked it) but it does not compare to watching a performace live on stage. I would pick the stage over the the film anyday.

Angel was fantasic, stole the show.

Last edited by Tea; Nov 29, 05 at 04:26 AM.
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  #31 (permalink)  
Old Dec 04, 05
feelsssss love
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Liqwid is a jewel in the roughLiqwid is a jewel in the roughLiqwid is a jewel in the rough
I really like this movie; I saw it today. I was expecting better, but it was still well done. Like they could have really EFFED it up, but it wasn't that bad. It even made me cry.

one that that pissed me off, is that i saw in tinsel town and the sound in the theater was soooo bad......i had to complain after. The music wasn't as powerfull as the live musical, but it wasn't bad.

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  #32 (permalink)  
Old Dec 05, 05
rip zilla.
Join Date: Apr 2003
ash1ee is just really niceash1ee is just really niceash1ee is just really niceash1ee is just really niceash1ee is just really niceash1ee is just really niceash1ee is just really nice
i loved it.
hopefully will see in theatre again and defin. buy the dvd.
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