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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Jun 25, 07
Silverwinged's Avatar
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Silverwinged is just really niceSilverwinged is just really niceSilverwinged is just really niceSilverwinged is just really niceSilverwinged is just really niceSilverwinged is just really nice

avoiding me much? ;)
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Jun 25, 07
I'm on the trail!
Join Date: Feb 2003
wishbone is a glorious beacon of lightwishbone is a glorious beacon of lightwishbone is a glorious beacon of lightwishbone is a glorious beacon of lightwishbone is a glorious beacon of lightwishbone is a glorious beacon of lightwishbone is a glorious beacon of lightwishbone is a glorious beacon of light
this is exactly the sort of things that keep fnk alive!



* 1600 - Marin le Roy de Gomberville
* 1602 - Jean-Jacques Boissard
* 1606 - Pierre du Ryer
* 1611 - William Cartwright; Thomas Urquhart
* 1613 - John Cleveland
* 1615 - Tanneguy Lefebvre
* 1617 - Ralph Cudworth
* 1620 - Lucy Hutchinson
* 1621 - Andrew Marvell
* 1622 - Molière
* 1626 - John Aubrey
* 1627 - John Flavel
* 1628 - John Bunyan
* 1630 - Isaac Barrow
* 1631 - John Dryden
* 1633 - Samuel Pepys
* 1639 - Thomas Ellwood
* 1640 - Aphra Behn
* 1643 - Gilbert Burnet
* 1644 - Matsuo Bashō
* 1648 - Robert Barclay
* 1651 - William Dampier
* 1652 - Thomas Otway
* 1657 - Bernard le Bovier de Fontenelle
* 1659 - John Asgill
* 1681 - Robert Keith
* 1685 - George Berkeley
* 1689 - Samuel Richardson

[edit] Deaths

* 1600 - Richard Hooker (theologian)
* 1605 - John Stow
* 1607 - Sir Edward Dyer
* 1612 - Robert Armin
* 1616 - William Shakespeare; Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra; Francis Beaumont; Richard Hakluyt
* 1621 - Guillaume du Vair
* 1623 - William Camden
* 1624 - Stephen Gosson
* 1625 - John Fletcher; Thomas Lodge
* 1626 - Lancelot Andrewes; Samuel Purchas
* 1631 - Michael Drayton; Guillén de Castro y Bellvis
* 1633 - Abraham Fraunce
* 1634 - George Chapman
* 1635 - Lope de Vega; Thomas Randolph; Richard Corbet; John Hall (son-in-law of Shakespeare)
* 1638 - Robert Aytoun
* 1640 - Philip Massinger
* 1641 - Augustine Baker
* 1643 - William Cartwright
* 1644 - Francis Quarles
* 1645 - William Lithgow
* 1647 - Francis Meres
* 1648 - George Abbot; Vincent Voiture
* 1658 - Pierre du Ryer
* 1660 - Thomas Urquhart
* 1662 - François le Métel de Boisrobert
* 1667 - Georges de Scudéry
* 1672 - Anne Bradstreet; Tanneguy Lefebvre
* 1673 - Molière
* 1674 - Marin le Roy de Gomberville
* 1678 - Andrew Marvell
* 1685 - Thomas Otway
* 1688 - John Bunyan; Ralph Cudworth
* 1689 - Aphra Behn
* 1691 - Richard Baxter; John Flavel

Last edited by wishbone; Jun 25, 07 at 04:44 PM. Reason: Needed some 17th century literature births and deaths information.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Jun 25, 07
Tea Tea is offline
ghetto gold
Join Date: Jul 2003
Tea has a spectacular aura aboutTea has a spectacular aura about
haha no not at all, i was actually going to reply to your message and ask you if it is ok for me to write you back when i return to the houseboat?? it would be a better quality msg

In ALL honestly, i read your message intoxicated and passed out there after.(which is why i forget the signs in question??)..so don't think i play that game, cause i don't.

You know i'm not like that :D

ps- thanks for making me feel mildly important...no one ever wants to shout me out
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Jun 25, 07
Tea Tea is offline
ghetto gold
Join Date: Jul 2003
Tea has a spectacular aura aboutTea has a spectacular aura about
Originally Posted by wishbone View Post
this is exactly the sort of things that keep fnk alive!



* 1600 - Marin le Roy de Gomberville
* 1602 - Jean-Jacques Boissard
* 1606 - Pierre du Ryer
* 1611 - William Cartwright; Thomas Urquhart
* 1613 - John Cleveland
* 1615 - Tanneguy Lefebvre
* 1617 - Ralph Cudworth
* 1620 - Lucy Hutchinson
* 1621 - Andrew Marvell
* 1622 - Molière
* 1626 - John Aubrey
* 1627 - John Flavel
* 1628 - John Bunyan
* 1630 - Isaac Barrow
* 1631 - John Dryden
* 1633 - Samuel Pepys
* 1639 - Thomas Ellwood
* 1640 - Aphra Behn
* 1643 - Gilbert Burnet
* 1644 - Matsuo Bashō
* 1648 - Robert Barclay
* 1651 - William Dampier
* 1652 - Thomas Otway
* 1657 - Bernard le Bovier de Fontenelle
* 1659 - John Asgill
* 1681 - Robert Keith
* 1685 - George Berkeley
* 1689 - Samuel Richardson

[edit] Deaths

* 1600 - Richard Hooker (theologian)
* 1605 - John Stow
* 1607 - Sir Edward Dyer
* 1612 - Robert Armin
* 1616 - William Shakespeare; Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra; Francis Beaumont; Richard Hakluyt
* 1621 - Guillaume du Vair
* 1623 - William Camden
* 1624 - Stephen Gosson
* 1625 - John Fletcher; Thomas Lodge
* 1626 - Lancelot Andrewes; Samuel Purchas
* 1631 - Michael Drayton; Guillén de Castro y Bellvis
* 1633 - Abraham Fraunce
* 1634 - George Chapman
* 1635 - Lope de Vega; Thomas Randolph; Richard Corbet; John Hall (son-in-law of Shakespeare)
* 1638 - Robert Aytoun
* 1640 - Philip Massinger
* 1641 - Augustine Baker
* 1643 - William Cartwright
* 1644 - Francis Quarles
* 1645 - William Lithgow
* 1647 - Francis Meres
* 1648 - George Abbot; Vincent Voiture
* 1658 - Pierre du Ryer
* 1660 - Thomas Urquhart
* 1662 - François le Métel de Boisrobert
* 1667 - Georges de Scudéry
* 1672 - Anne Bradstreet; Tanneguy Lefebvre
* 1673 - Molière
* 1674 - Marin le Roy de Gomberville
* 1678 - Andrew Marvell
* 1685 - Thomas Otway
* 1688 - John Bunyan; Ralph Cudworth
* 1689 - Aphra Behn
* 1691 - Richard Baxter; John Flavel
^ kinda confused by this:suspicious:
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