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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Sep 16, 03
Join Date: Jul 2003
Lostcause is an unknown quantity at this point
Hey Senior....

hey guy.
Just wanted to drop a thread on you to ask you a question.
You post all these political things and your just pullin it off of GNN.
Ok thats fine...but what's your point man.

What is the ONE thing you really want to get across to the masses. Nows your chance....don't paste a reply to me.
Tell us where your comin from.

Whats your point?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Sep 16, 03
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First it's not all from GNN, some of it is but not all. The point of it is probably the same as the reason most poeple are on here, to kill time. Why do you come on here?

(I got paid paid $0.20 to think about that one)
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Sep 16, 03
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Lostcause is an unknown quantity at this point
I'm asking about your moral stand not your reason behind posting.

Do you havea moral stand? Where you coming from?
What do you believe?
Your pasting other people's thoughts and things that they write pasionatly about, but all YOUR doing is pasting it up. I don't want you take this as an insult, I'm just asking you to defend yourself with your beliefs.

Post something that you feel Pasionatley about and something that you want to get accross. Or are you just another mouth peice for someone else's ideals?
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Sep 16, 03
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Originally posted by Lostcause:
I'm asking about your moral stand not your reason behind posting.

Do you havea moral stand? Where you coming from?
What do you believe?
Your pasting other people's thoughts and things that they write pasionatly about, but all YOUR doing is pasting it up. I don't want you take this as an insult, I'm just asking you to defend yourself with your beliefs.

Post something that you feel Pasionatley about and something that you want to get accross. Or are you just another mouth peice for someone else's ideals?
Fair enough, as broad of a question as that is I'll do my best to address it.

My number one concern at the moment is the declining supply of fossil fuels. Within the next 10 years we will have passed peak production and the decline of them will begin. In western society every aspect of our lives depends on fossil fuels. From Transportation, to housing, the food we eat, the heat in our houses all of this depends on fossil fuels. As the price of fossil fuels rise so will everything else. Also as we all know fossil fuels cause massive amounts of pollution. This has effects in our communities as we see increases in lung diseases such as asthma and bronchitis. It is also without a doubt contributing to the current phenomena of global warming. Globally in the last 30 years we have had the 18 hottest years on record since temperatures have been recorded. The North Pole is melting and an ice sheet the size of Vancouver Island has broken off the South Pole. While there is dispute over the exact cause of global warming there is agreement on what the effects of it will be. In short they are more extreme weather patterns. We will face unexpected heat and draughts, forest fires, storms and flooding. Also for many reasons we are already facing a crisis as world food production has hit a wall while the global population is expected to increase 50% by 2050. This will lead to mass starvation and that is without factoring in the results of less use of fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are at the center of the worlds food supply in both production and distribution. At the moment we are as a society sticking our heads in the sand in trying to hang on to the life styles that we have long enjoyed. The problems that we face going into this millennium are global in scale yet we North Americans seem to think we will not be effected. As gas prices surge and people can no longer afford to drive cars the way we do suburbia’s will become waste lands as they are dependant on cars...

I could go on but basically what I'm getting at is that a lot of things will change in our life times and I mean drastic change. The thing a lot of people fail to understand is that there is no viable replacement for fossil fuels. We don't have anything lined up that will allow us to continue living the way we do. We have to start working towards implementing renewable sources of energy into our society and researching new ones for the long term. In the short term we have to start finding ways to cut down on pollution and over all consume a lot less than we do now. What I see as the reality of all of this is that this can only be accomplished in our own community’s one small step at a time.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Sep 16, 03
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Originally posted by Lostcause:
I'm asking about your moral stand not your reason behind posting.

Do you havea moral stand? Where you coming from?
What do you believe?
Also I don't subscribe to morals in general, they are purely a construct of society and are often misguided. Ethics are worth while but are also relative. I think as far as world view science is the only real guide that we have. Compasion is a guiding value for me.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Sep 17, 03
Join Date: Jul 2003
Lostcause is an unknown quantity at this point
Would you consider love a moral?
most people would.
doesn't compasion stem from love?

You think science will put an end to man's problems then?

Let's just say (for arguments sake) that compasion is a moral.
Where would we be if people (mankind as a whole) didn't feel they should follow this moral.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Sep 19, 03
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Something got messed up in our thread.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Sep 21, 03
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Lame my post was deleted... oh well more on this latter but I have to run right now.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Sep 23, 03
Join Date: Jul 2003
Lostcause is an unknown quantity at this point
Take it it easy.
I will. I'm not working today.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Sep 23, 03
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Originally posted by Lostcause:
Would you consider love a moral?
most people would.
doesn't compasion stem from love?

You think science will put an end to man's problems then?

Let's just say (for arguments sake) that compasion is a moral.
Where would we be if people (mankind as a whole) didn't feel they should follow this moral.
Love is not a moral, however morals can be based around love. Morals are accepted behaviors by society or parts there of. While I think morals are often a good thing I would not say they should be the basis for a government or especially a world order. Morals can very so drastically that what one person considers moral could land you in jail some where else in the world. Also over time morals are often discarded and updated within any given society. For example the following were or are morally acceptable in various society's; owning slaves, beating your wife or children, women not having any rights, black people or other minorities not having any rights, mutilation of women’s genitals to preserve virginity and many others. Personally I do not consider any of these to be acceptable and would site these as examples of why morals should not be laws. In our society right now I would cite prohibition of drugs as our worst law based on a moral. I believe that the problems these laws cause will be looked at by future generations with as much contempt as the other morals I listed.

I don't think that science will end the world's problems but I do think that ignoring science will make our problems a lot worse.

As far as compassion goes man kind as a whole doesn't follow it as a moral so look around, that's where we are at.
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