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  #26 (permalink)  
Old Jul 12, 04
kick, push, coast
Join Date: Jun 2003
penguinabc123 is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by oFFseT
Cool cool. At the bank downtown still? how do you like it? That's cool that your getting back into the acting deal. Lately i've just been working my ass of and partying lot's. I work at Winner's still, but basically full time hours so it's pretty good. I'm working on the whole modeling thing. In November i'm flying to Banff and maybe have a chance to get a contract and hed to NYC or overseas, i hooopppeeeeee. So i've been busy busy busy. What's going on with you and Steph?
no im at one on coast meridian and prarie in poco :( it kinda sucks, people are assholes, real assholes, im going to try to find something better hopefully. ill have to come harras you at winners one day whilst buying pants. where have you been partying? just grad partys propbably? that would be awseome if your modeling took off, i can see you doing really good with that. do you have a shoot in november or like how is that working? me and steph are doing good, weve been together about 7 months now, its up and down but pretty good. go team!
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