Originally Posted by BongMan
hahah Tim now is as good a time as any
well when we were younger we decided mailbox baseball was fun when drunk.
We had no bat so we used a tire iron basicly long story short my buddy ended up fuckin his wrist up on a sheetmetal mailbox cut through 2 tendons and an artery or 2. When we got to emerge he was so shamamered he had beers in his coat pockets and was sitting there yelling at us about how he was gonna get sympathy sex infront of all the nurses. It was a good time..
haha i'm glad i didn't have to wait for that one.
i don't have a sympathy sex story.
when a friend used to call home (when we were 15 or so) and he was talking to his mom we'd all yell "heeerrrrpppeeesss! HEEEEERRRRRPPPPEEESSS!" that was good Times.