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  #51 (permalink)  
Old Feb 09, 05
Get down, I do!
Join Date: Aug 2002
Cdn_Brdr is just really niceCdn_Brdr is just really niceCdn_Brdr is just really niceCdn_Brdr is just really niceCdn_Brdr is just really niceCdn_Brdr is just really nice
Originally Posted by eighty5
I love the boldness, really makes a fine impact.
I'm being lipped by a pudgy little wigger from PoMo.... what the hell is this world coming to?

Man I heard the crud you were pumping from your car when you left the bank one day..... you have no right to be commenting on music or sound because from what I heard, your car stereo sucked in both categories. :)

OK, now that I'm done being nasty, you really should give the place another chance. One bad experience shouldn't throw you off. Come out to the Auto 6 yr on the 15th and experience a GOOD night at the Lotus. My guess is you'll most likely leave with a new found love for that little hole in the ground.
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