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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Jun 21, 06
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Goat has a spectacular aura aboutGoat has a spectacular aura about
People who know what's up with computers.

I moved my computer from a buds place to mine. Hooked it up at home and now the damn thing won't even get power.
I have some screwdrivers, wrenches, sockets and a couple different size hammers. What's the first thing I should do to get it going?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Jun 21, 06
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i'd say smack the thing with your dick.

i mean, that's what you would do if a girl wasn't doing something ya wanted her to do, so maybe it'll work for your computer?
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Jun 21, 06
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Goat has a spectacular aura aboutGoat has a spectacular aura about
Already tried it, obviously. It just made dull meat pounding sounds. Still no power.

(yes, it's plugged in.)
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Jun 21, 06
sponge & scooby r my boys
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Skitzo_Style will become famous soon enough
tried teabaging it let? that might work.........
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Jun 21, 06
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open it up,
make sure nuthing fell out...
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Jun 21, 06
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Goat has a spectacular aura aboutGoat has a spectacular aura about
Nothing looks out of place. I don't usually open it up though, so that's not saying a lot.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Jun 21, 06
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Chewy has a spectacular aura aboutChewy has a spectacular aura aboutChewy has a spectacular aura about
check the on off switch on the back of the tower

check your outlet that your using

possible burnt out power supply ( it may have been ready to die and unplugging it and turning it back on may have been enough to kill it for good)

harddrive may be dead, but then the comp should still get power
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Jun 21, 06
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sNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nice
make sure you didnt mix up your monitor power cord with your towers cord in the move. they all look the same to me too. could be the case.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Jun 21, 06
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Uh, myles, they all look the same because they are exactly the same.

It's not like they have transformers or anything like that. a power cord is a power cord is a power cord.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Jun 21, 06
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something may have jostled out of place. If you know your way around the inside of a computer I would say unplug everything, take everything out, put it back together and see if that fixes it.

Otherwise my guess is that the power supply is hooped.
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Jun 21, 06
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sNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nice
Originally Posted by ebbomega
Uh, myles, they all look the same because they are exactly the same.

It's not like they have transformers or anything like that. a power cord is a power cord is a power cord.
I dont believe it!
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Jun 21, 06
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nabs is an unknown quantity at this point
talk to me on msn.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Jun 21, 06
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nabs is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by sNyx™
make sure you didnt mix up your monitor power cord with your towers cord in the move. they all look the same to me too. could be the case.
thats awsome, nice advice, lol.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Jun 21, 06
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nabs is an unknown quantity at this point
is it working yet, maybe some things you can try, if not, we have reached the inevitable.

1. stupid mistake but happens by many, theres a main power switch on the outside of the powersupply, is it on?

2. open up the computer and check to see that the power is going from the PS to the Motherboard, its usually a big black or white plug with a bunch of wires coming out of it in a line.

3. maybe it may be shorting, unplug and then replug all the wires coming out from the powersupply and into the computer parts, such as the floppy drive, harddrive, cd drive and any others.

4. on the Motherboard there are connections at the bottom, usually color coded, and they very easily slip out, check to see if the wire coming from the front button is attached to the appropriate pin.

5. does the computer power on and just not start? the cmos battery needs to be changed or recharged. do this by leaving ur pc on, with the black screen.

6. another thing is that there are two differnt power voltages on a power supply, check to see that its on 120 and NOT 220.

7. THE INEVITABLE - Stock cases usually come with stock PowerSupplies that die within a year or two of when you buy the computer, with regular usage. They CAN and WILL breakdown during a move, or a sudden shock since they are retartedly cheaply built. Buy a new PowerSupply cuz its most likely roasted. i recommend ENERMAX brand, lifetime warranty and all that jazz.

Good Luck, questions PM or MSG me.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Jun 21, 06
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Originally Posted by ebbomega
Uh, myles, they all look the same because they are exactly the same.
lol Yeah, looks like a Duck...
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Jun 21, 06
tequila to free the worm
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Originally Posted by Skitzo_Style
i'd say smack the thing with your dick.

i mean, that's what you would do if a girl wasn't doing something ya wanted her to do, so maybe it'll work for your computer?
HAHAHA LOL @ this thread.. you're awesome.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Jun 26, 06
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Goat has a spectacular aura aboutGoat has a spectacular aura about
Originally Posted by nabs
is it working yet, maybe some things you can try, if not, we have reached the inevitable.

1. stupid mistake but happens by many, theres a main power switch on the outside of the powersupply, is it on?

2. open up the computer and check to see that the power is going from the PS to the Motherboard, its usually a big black or white plug with a bunch of wires coming out of it in a line.

3. maybe it may be shorting, unplug and then replug all the wires coming out from the powersupply and into the computer parts, such as the floppy drive, harddrive, cd drive and any others.

4. on the Motherboard there are connections at the bottom, usually color coded, and they very easily slip out, check to see if the wire coming from the front button is attached to the appropriate pin.

5. does the computer power on and just not start? the cmos battery needs to be changed or recharged. do this by leaving ur pc on, with the black screen.

6. another thing is that there are two differnt power voltages on a power supply, check to see that its on 120 and NOT 220.

7. THE INEVITABLE - Stock cases usually come with stock PowerSupplies that die within a year or two of when you buy the computer, with regular usage. They CAN and WILL breakdown during a move, or a sudden shock since they are retartedly cheaply built. Buy a new PowerSupply cuz its most likely roasted. i recommend ENERMAX brand, lifetime warranty and all that jazz.

Good Luck, questions PM or MSG me.
You're right it was the power source. I opened it up on the weekend and removed the 10 pounds of dust lying everywhere. It still didn't work. Opened up the box containing the fan, touched something (god knows what) and got electricuted. Tried turning it on. It worked. Then windows wouldn't load. Turned it off again and tinkered some more. Touched something or other to something else, got electricuted again and sent smoke and sparks flying everwhere. It wouldn't work at all after that. I called it quits.
Swapped out the power source the next day. It worked no probs.

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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Jun 27, 06
Join Date: Sep 2005
nabs is an unknown quantity at this point
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