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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Sep 09, 06
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Attn migraine headache sufferers

Help please.

My girlfriend gets bad migraine headaches. I have never had one, and don't really get headaches much, so i have no idea what it is like. She was in tears and incapacitated all night and i felt like an ass for not knowing what it is like, or what i could do, etc.
I was hoping to hear from you what it is like. Any sort of info you could give would be great, im checking online as well but i was hoping for first hand information.


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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Sep 09, 06
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does she suffer from high blood pressure?
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Sep 09, 06
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Mind-blowing Orgasm. That fixes it. I had a Girlfriend awhile ago that would get them. Just go "Downtown" until she explodes and that soothes the pain.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Sep 09, 06
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OK... rather than Erik here giving a useless piece of advice I'm gonna give you some GOOD advice.

Migraines can be cause by a ridiculous amount of different things. My mom suffered from them all her life. For her it was beasue she had prism (eye thing) and one eye was higher than the other. When she tried to focus on things the one eye would strain to focus and cause horrible migraines. In the end she had to get corrective lenses that helped keep both eyes level and reduce the strain. She also had to take this medication called Furinol (sp?) that was basically a super headache pill.

In my experience when it comes to a migraine there are few things you can do to REALLY help but you can make it a bit easier.... NO LIGHTS AND KEEP QUIET. Most migraine sufferers are extremely light sensitive when it hits them.

Has she been to a doctor? Optometrist? If not and you really want to help her... SEND HER.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Sep 09, 06
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^ It's not useless. It actually works.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Sep 09, 06
Get down, I do!
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Hahaha... I'm willing to bet that medical science would prove you wrong!!

What's your hangover cure Erik!?!?! :haha:
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Sep 09, 06
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Medical Science? I'm just going by Field Testing here.

Hangovers? Lots of Water before Bed. Hydration!
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Sep 09, 06
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Originally Posted by Cdn_Brdr View Post
OK... rather than Erik here giving a useless piece of advice I'm gonna give you some GOOD advice.

Migraines can be cause by a ridiculous amount of different things. My mom suffered from them all her life. For her it was beasue she had prism (eye thing) and one eye was higher than the other. When she tried to focus on things the one eye would strain to focus and cause horrible migraines. In the end she had to get corrective lenses that helped keep both eyes level and reduce the strain. She also had to take this medication called Furinol (sp?) that was basically a super headache pill.

In my experience when it comes to a migraine there are few things you can do to REALLY help but you can make it a bit easier.... NO LIGHTS AND KEEP QUIET. Most migraine sufferers are extremely light sensitive when it hits them.

Has she been to a doctor? Optometrist? If not and you really want to help her... SEND HER.
thnx. yes, she has been to the doctor and was prescribed some super pills, but hasn't had them for a while because they are crazy expensive. I'm not too sure about the optometrist, but thats a good question. I'll look into that, no pun intended.

I almost took her to the hospital last night. She said there is a medicated IV avail. that helps, but she wouldnt go. stubborn women.

And Erik, i think you are correct. If it wasn't for the red baron attacking i would have been downtown all night.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Sep 09, 06
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I get bad migranes all the time, give her a head rub, that feels so good, run her a warm bath and like posted up there low lights and no noise.. just help her relax.. that and lots of advil
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Sep 09, 06
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regular advil does nothing.... there is a migraine relief advil or tylenol.. can't remeber which... it is a blue gelcap

i know that's what this lady at my work takes for migraines.
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Sep 09, 06
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Migraine advil doesn't do much for real migraines.

The only non-prescription help you can provide is to turn out the lights, draw the blinds (I used to get my boyfriend to tack heavy blankets up over the windows), hand her a pair of earplugs or make sure the house is as quiet as you can possibly make it. I liked to have a cool washcloth to put on my forehead. It doesn't really help the pain but it's comforting. Then don't touch her or talk to her unless absolutely necessary.

this might sound weird, but my ex used to get migraines too and when he would feel one coming on, he would eat a few carrots. He insisted the crunching or something in the carrots helped dull the pain.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Sep 09, 06
you dont knowww me
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Most people who say they 'get bad migraines' have never actually had one..

I've probably only had about 10 in my lifetime..first one at about 12 years old. So I am definately not an expert..however, I do know that migraines are caused by many reasons..

-Being stressed out
-Your body craving certain items if dependent apon them (sugar, coffee, nicotine)
-Some foods (many people get migraines from eating chocolate)
-Increased amount of physically activity when your body isnt used to it.

Im not sure exactly why I have them..but I always know when they are coming..and then I take this medication (Maxalt or rizatriptan, which is a wafer type thing that dissolves in your mouth) and it usually catches it before it gets bad...shitty part is it costs over $100 for 4 and it took my doctor 5 years to prescribe.

I tried alot of things over the years..and I find that anything peppermint almost relieves it abit..peppermint gum, peppermint leaves in a cold wash cloth, or peppermint oil (sage aromatherapy sells a really good one especially for migraines..and I recommend picking it up for your girlfriend). Complete darkness, and silence totally makes a difference. I find when I have one it just gets worse when people talk or bother me..I just need to be left alone. Also, because migraines usually make me feel really pukey, I kinda sit up/lay down..sort of calms my stomache. Gravol and tylenol 3 helps the pain abit..

Erik..no girl with a real migraine is going to want you chowing down..thats just stupid..maybe a headache..but not a migraine.

Dont feel about about not knowing what to do..just let her rest..get anything she needs..and like playithard said..maybe try a massage or something..to each their own. =D
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Sep 21, 06
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green apples!!
they work wonders... no lie... i get migraines.. bad ones.. i get the aura (seeing spots.. then eventually i can only see the right side of whatever i'm looking at no matter which eye i'm looking thru..) and everything else that comes with a migraine..
my mom's best friend is a really wise older lady and she suggested i try it.. i did.. and ba da bing ba da boom.. i've used this little remedy a bunch of times.. and i've seen the difference when there's just no green apples on hand.....
its not an all out cure... but it definitely dulls migraine symptoms way down.. i find that if i'm starting to see spots, i can eat a green apple, go lay down or sleep or whatever.. and i'm back in action in no time..
its worth a try.. but please keep in mind... i ain't talkin about no green apple e's......
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Sep 21, 06
rip sc "love never fails"
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I have had migraines since I was about 10. I've been to the doctor 100's of times and they had so many pills that they made me try. I took this one pill that was tiny and orange and I had to take it twice a day, which I did untill it started to make me feel depressed. They gave me this other one that was crazy expensive and waaaay to strong. Nothing really worked so I just stoped going to the doctor. No lights and no sound and sleep. Being left alone seemed to work better then being hopped up on loopy pills that were killing my bank account even with insurance. They said it was something to do with my eyes later and I got glasses to wear when i'm reading. I don;t like glasses, but I wore them at school and at home and it did help. My doctor also sent me to dentist, which they told me I grind my teeth in my sleep and my jaw is off and they needed to break it and wire it shut. So, instead they made this thing that goes in my mouth when i'm sleeping. I hate that thing and don;t use it anymore.

But to be honest, I stoped getting them, when I changed my streesfull lifestyle. i stopped working 60-70 hours a week and ditch my hurting friends and bf at the time. And its been a little over a year now, and I don't get them now, unless its that time of the month. lol. It can be caused by so many things, just keep going to the doctor, they should figure it out but it does take a few chances.

And that IV thing at the hospital is brutal. You sleep for like 8 hours and then feel kinda gross. Its kidda creepy really.

Shes should try to maybe see an eye doctor or even a dentist,
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Sep 21, 06
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Originally Posted by .divinity. View Post
green apples!!
they work wonders... no lie... i get migraines.. bad ones.. i get the aura (seeing spots.. then eventually i can only see the right side of whatever i'm looking at no matter which eye i'm looking thru..) and everything else that comes with a migraine..
my mom's best friend is a really wise older lady and she suggested i try it.. i did.. and ba da bing ba da boom.. i've used this little remedy a bunch of times.. and i've seen the difference when there's just no green apples on hand.....
its not an all out cure... but it definitely dulls migraine symptoms way down.. i find that if i'm starting to see spots, i can eat a green apple, go lay down or sleep or whatever.. and i'm back in action in no time..
its worth a try.. but please keep in mind... i ain't talkin about no green apple e's......
I've got the spot thing too and that is scary shit, and not only does it make ur head hurt but it hurts to look around it sucks.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Oct 10, 06
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Originally Posted by mapleleaf4ever View Post

Mind-blowing Orgasm. That fixes it. I had a Girlfriend awhile ago that would get them. Just go "Downtown" until she explodes and that soothes the pain.
This is such a GREAT remedy. I get REALLY bad eye aches (thanks to the computer) and it progresses to a full on migraine. Feels like your damn head is in a vise and all you can do is cry because it hurts so bad, but unfortunately crying makes it worse.

Seriously though, if you read ANY female magazines on the top 5 ways to cure a migraine is having an orgasm. Go 'downtown' or just have sex and then her headache will go away and you can sleep :)

Actually, all a migraine is is blocked blood flow to the brain. If you have an orgasm it allows the muscles to relax and allows blood flow back to the brain.

Give it a try and find out yourself ;)
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Oct 10, 06
DnB or STFU!!
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Originally Posted by LLaaUUrrYYn View Post
I tried alot of things over the years..and I find that anything peppermint almost relieves it abit..peppermint gum, peppermint leaves in a cold wash cloth, or peppermint oil (sage aromatherapy sells a really good one especially for migraines..and I recommend picking it up for your girlfriend). Complete darkness, and silence totally makes a difference. I find when I have one it just gets worse when people talk or bother me..I just need to be left alone. Also, because migraines usually make me feel really pukey, I kinda sit up/lay down..sort of calms my stomache. Gravol and tylenol 3 helps the pain abit..

Erik..no girl with a real migraine is going to want you chowing down..thats just stupid..maybe a headache..but not a migraine.

Dont feel about about not knowing what to do..just let her rest..get anything she needs..and like playithard said..maybe try a massage or something..to each their own. =D
Pepperment leaves/oil is a good remedy. Learned a lot of new and nifty tricks when I was at Massage Therapy School. Peppermint oil is one, go for a deep tissue massage, or just put a cool washclothe or towel on your head and put on soothing music.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Oct 10, 06
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the whole orgasm thing is really up in the air.. and i find it hard to believe considering how many people claim to have migraines, and how many people actually get them.

coming from someone who has had migraines all her life, normal headaches, and occasional cluster headaches.. the last thing i want anyone doing when i have a migraine is eating me out. seriously.. i want silence, darkness and sleep.

advil does nothing. advil migraine liquigels are really nothing more than two advils in one pill.. so you can take two of those, or four of the regular ones.. it's the same thing, but they don't work.

the cause of migraines varies from person to person. for some it's stress, for some it's food (lack of, too much, certain kinds), or hormones, emotions, not enough sleep.. etc..

if she doesn't know what causes hers yet.. she should start keeping track of her eating, sleeping and stress levels.. the longer you do it, the more you can see the pattern and figure out what causes them, so you can avoid them.

either way, there really isn't too much you can do.. when one comes, just be quiet and let her sleep. maybe rub her head, or give her a back rub to help relax her so she can sleep better..

just wait, and they will pass.. :)
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old Oct 10, 06
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turn the dial to loud and rock out with your cock out
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old Oct 10, 06
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Originally Posted by .divinity. View Post
green apples!!
they work wonders... no lie... i get migraines.. bad ones.. i get the aura (seeing spots.. then eventually i can only see the right side of whatever i'm looking at no matter which eye i'm looking thru..) and everything else that comes with a migraine..
my mom's best friend is a really wise older lady and she suggested i try it.. i did.. and ba da bing ba da boom.. i've used this little remedy a bunch of times.. and i've seen the difference when there's just no green apples on hand.....
its not an all out cure... but it definitely dulls migraine symptoms way down.. i find that if i'm starting to see spots, i can eat a green apple, go lay down or sleep or whatever.. and i'm back in action in no time..
its worth a try.. but please keep in mind... i ain't talkin about no green apple e's......
I think the logic here might be similar to my ex's carrot remedy. something to do with the crunchiness?

and seriously, this whole orgasm thing....when I have a migraine, I would fucking KILL my boyfriend if he even tried to touch me. Seriously that is the dumbest suggestion ever. Darkness, silence, motionlessness is the only way to minimize how badly I want to shoot myself in the face when I have a migraine. I can't even usually handle having someone in the same room as me because every time they move it sends ice picks through my frontal lobe.
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  #21 (permalink)  
Old Oct 11, 06
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Originally Posted by prozac View Post
I think the logic here might be similar to my ex's carrot remedy. something to do with the crunchiness?

and seriously, this whole orgasm thing....when I have a migraine, I would fucking KILL my boyfriend if he even tried to touch me. Seriously that is the dumbest suggestion ever. Darkness, silence, motionlessness is the only way to minimize how badly I want to shoot myself in the face when I have a migraine. I can't even usually handle having someone in the same room as me because every time they move it sends ice picks through my frontal lobe.
right on! there are only a few people who i will allow to touch me when i have a migraine.. and even then it really all depends what stage of the migraine i'm in. they can rub my head or back, or sometimes cuddle with me, just to help me relax so i can fall asleep easier. BUT NO RUBBING THE VAGINA. ew.

ps - i'm so curious about this crunchiness thing now!
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old Oct 11, 06
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mekim will become famous soon enough
my dad has to take this stuff called imitrex or he's bed-ridden for days.
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