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  #1 (permalink)  
Old May 06, 01
Join Date: Nov 2000
sNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nice

I donno what's wrong with me, I donno if its just loneliness, or what. But I think I'm falling into depression, or something like it. I mean just sitting here at home, on a Saturday night, and I have nobody. I passed on all plans to go out, I wanted to go, but just made up silly excuses. I mean, I should be happy, but there is so much pressure on me right now, I'm doing bad in school, and my fucken mom might be moving to Sqamish with my little sister cuz her boyfriend lives here, and its not selfish of her, I think she should, but I don't want her to. If she does I will have to move in with my dad, who I don't hate, but don't enjoy being around. I would have to change schools, in grade 11. I would have to party less. Plus I have so much work, I have no time for my personal sites I want to work on, but I need the money to save for a car. The girl I'm crazy about, has little to no interest in me, and its driving me insane. I can't sleep at night worrying about things, and I'm constantly sick. I hate myself inside for no good reasons. I mean, I donno what's wrong with me, I'm just fucked up. I'm happy everywhere I go, well, I try to be, or look it. I donno, I just had to get these thoughts out, just cuz. I hope I can straighten myself out soon, or I donno, I just don't want to keep spiraling into this . . . .

  #2 (permalink)  
Old May 06, 01
¤Crazy Bunny¤
Join Date: Apr 2001
Psycho-RavEr is an unknown quantity at this point

no wonder u've been so BLEAH lately... but now i know why... *hugz*... yeah man ..bein depressed sucks... happens to me all the time... but i just cry it all out and sometimes it helps.. and sometimes it doesnt.... try talkin to ur mom about her moving there... does she HAVE To move? cant her bf move here instead? tell her that ur not very happy with all this and maybe u can work sumthin out... and yeah school can be a pain in the *knee* when u got a whole lotta other things goin on in ur life... but it doesnt mean it gonna be like that forvere... talk to ur councelor.. or a teacher or someone that u can trust and that u know u can get good advice from... (im always on ICQ if u ever wanna talk.. but lately u've been ignoring me)... just take a day of school and sleep as much as u can and go out for a run or do anything that will clear ur mind ... and u'll see u'll be ur energetic funny self again in no time... well i hope this can help u in a way... if not .. at least i've tried... *hugz*


P.S. if u do decide to go for a walk/jog... run to my house and we can talk ... *hugz*

  #3 (permalink)  
Old May 12, 01
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perhaps you can move with your mom... ? school.. oh fuck i dont even wanna start on mine.. makes me want to drill holes into my arms and pour nail polish and light a match.. poof. sorry painting my nails earliar... welcome to teenage depression, everyone has it. lots of ppl are good at hiding it. some of us are on prozac. some in denial, some too retarded to care. and then, there are those 1, 2 out of every million that ACTUALLY ARE happy. those fuckers. i swear i'll... er. at least you have a job, school and plans.. sometimes i really piss myself off and start thinking about how crappy things are, and how i'm too lazy to do anything about it. i swear. when you try to change that. its the best fuckin' feeling in the world. like i applied for a few jobs and just doing so. made me feel a lil giddy inside.... *sigh* know that there are ppl that do care about you and all that mushy stuff.

ps: girls are stupid. . :) you're a cool guy, WITH NICE LEGS!! *hoho* so if shes too dumb to notice you, smack her. girls love the attention.. er.. maybe not. move on. you're young. no time to get stuck on girls that are still too immature to date good guys.

*stab it out*
  #4 (permalink)  
Old May 12, 01
Join Date: Jan 2001
~lazee_grrl~ is an unknown quantity at this point
nuthin is wrong with u, ur not fucked up....mayeb ur toooo pessimistic and always focus on all the shit in life..there is good stuff..u just gotta find it and focus on it and that mite jst be ur motivation...
about moving..yeah...its sucks..but u gotta talk this out with ur mother and let her know wut u think about it and stuff....
about the girl..if she shows no interest..then she's not worth ur heartache..u deserve better..
about hating urself...i hate myself too..but u gotta find sum way to at least like urself...u know that weird saying..that i could be making up..about u gotta luv urself first before others can luv u..or sumthign along those lines...
..being depressed sucks..thinking about it just makes it worse..thinking is evil~..i hope stuff gets better for u and that u cheer up soon~..*hugz*
  #5 (permalink)  
Old May 12, 01
O.G. Sammy
Join Date: Apr 2001
Sammy Skillz is an unknown quantity at this point
dude, i know what you're going through....

just keep in mind that depression is just a bump in the road. you just gotta keep trucking through. Try to surround yourself with friends and family cuz they're the ones who love you the most. don't keep ANYTHING bottled up inside. find away to express your anger or depression. As pyscho raver said, talk to your mom. Tell her what's going on with you.

Perhaps getting a professional to talk to will help? I have a social worker/psychatrist and she's just there to talk cuz i often spiral down into manic depression and stuff...

If you ever need to talk, we're ALL here for you.
  #6 (permalink)  
Old May 13, 01
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Yo buddy anytime you need to talk i'm here for ya.If there's anything i know about it's emotional struggles, so leave me your home number and i'll give you a call later to chat if you want.....
Always willing to listen SEROTONIN.
  #7 (permalink)  
Old May 14, 01
Join Date: Nov 2000
sNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nice
Thanks everyone, but I really don't need the moral support, im dealing with myself, myself. So im going to close this. Thanks everyone tho.
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