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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Jun 01, 01
-->Tightcore Trucker<--
Join Date: Jan 2001
Bitchin will become famous soon enoughBitchin will become famous soon enough
Feeling really pathectic...

...I just do, and i dont like it. Trying to run away from what hurts, I dont think is really gonna help but dealing with it hurts way too much. Crying just makes me feel stupid even though i know it can help sometimes... but the fact of knowing that I have to get over something and then getting the feeling that its not over is hard... Trying to fight the feeling aint really workin its just sorta making it worse. Now i just dont know what to do!:( I'm really lost in whats going on for me, and u can tell this because normaly i dont post about these things for advice... I'm not sure at all what to do... Wether to dwel for as long as it takes or try to fix it to the way my heart wants its... i think i may have a bit of depression or something, but i know i havent been the same jovi for the past while, and this could be destroying who I am supose to be or something. Talking about it isnt getting me any where at all cause I've been talking about it for the past week or so to my friends and its just not helping... im lost for solutions or I'm out of them or soemthing... is there any help out there?!

thanx for listening...
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Jun 01, 01
Cigarette Slinging Elf
Join Date: Apr 2001
KeeBLeR is an unknown quantity at this point
hey take it easy! y so down? just slow things down for a while.. relax kick your feet up! it the summer! don't be so down in the summer! that's wut winters for! just stop and smell the flowers.. you might be taking things too fast! i feel the same way life just went too fast and i didn't stop to enjoy the moment!

relax and just chill
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Jun 02, 01
JD Interactive Designs.
Join Date: Nov 2000
orion is an unknown quantity at this point
Awwwwww hun, just remember one thing! Only you can control how you feel. If something is getting you down just forget about it, don't let it waste your time cos all you'll do is make yourself unhappy. Why be unhappy when you can stay happy? =) Good luck *hugs*.

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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Jun 02, 01
E is for Erica ;)
Join Date: Feb 2001
Erica is an unknown quantity at this point
I understand how you feel. I'm in one of those situations too. I dread having to face all of my problems, and I'm sure you do too. All I want to do is run away from what hurts, but you know what? In doing that, I'm living in even MORE hurt, for an even longer time. Same applies to you. The longer you don't face whatever you need to face, the longer you're going to live trapped inside of your pain. It's inevitable that it'll be tough, but once you get through the first part, it'll slowly get easier...things'll slowly get better, and you'll be much happier than before, when you didn't want to face anything at all. Good luck and take care sweetie...ICQ me if you need to talk. :027:

Erica :AZN:
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Jun 02, 01
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stabmyhead is just really nicestabmyhead is just really nicestabmyhead is just really nicestabmyhead is just really nicestabmyhead is just really nicestabmyhead is just really nice
things change ppl change. you have to grow to adapt to your changes. or your changes adapt to you. something like that.. you cant stay the same forever.. you know. think of this as something thats going to shape you and how you feel.. the only way we can grow is if there is change involved.. well maybe not the only way but you know what i mean. kinda. sure crying helps.. but crying all the time is just stupid. :024: but bottling it up inside isnt gonna help either cuz you'll just "forget" about it then it builds up and one day you go postal or something. and i occassionally see you at parties.. so lets not take that risk :Kimmie:

as for talking to friends about it.. you cant always rely on freinds to help... cuz sometimes they really dunno what to do.. maybe talk to older ppl or even kids.. sometimes they got the best solutions to problems... SOMETIMES. friends and such will almost always be supportive.. and sometimes you just need someone thats gonna kick your butt. :Kam:

but i'm with keebler.. sometimes its just all in your head...
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Jun 03, 01
i really look like this!
Join Date: Apr 2001
yoko* is a jewel in the roughyoko* is a jewel in the roughyoko* is a jewel in the roughyoko* is a jewel in the roughyoko* is a jewel in the rough

hmm ur situation .well u didn't give enough description.. so I have no clue wut to say except to respond to one of the things you said...

"but i know i havent been the same jovi for the past while, and this could be destroying who I am supose to be or something."

don't think that any one expects u to be a certain way.. especially urself.. it's most depressing to always compare "before" and "after"... But who you are now is who you are now. Whether you like it or not. U gotta accept who u are now and deal with it, in order to "move on"... every time we "dwell on the past" we just always get stuck in a world of the past when you and I both know that the past is one thing we *can't* change. accept the past, accept you can't change it. Accept who you are now. And work with what you have now, to get to where you wanna be in the future.

A mistake I made long ago was always *wanting back* what I used to have before.. but I had to realize that what happened in the past only happened in the past because the circumstances were set correctly for it to happen. Every experience is such a treasure. Because it will never ever happen again in our lifetime the way it did before....

fuck I'm trailing off into my own world thinkin about this crap..

hope summa this helped...
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Jun 04, 01
-->Tightcore Trucker<--
Join Date: Jan 2001
Bitchin will become famous soon enoughBitchin will become famous soon enough
meh, jovi is fine now... thought about it... n' crap and im fine now! i know what im going to do, so im perfectly fine and back to being jovi i hope:\

thanx again:)
luv jovi!
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