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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Jun 13, 01
Join Date: Apr 2001
*baby*nat* is an unknown quantity at this point
always smile

you know how we go through those negative/depressive/why is life worth living days?....well no matter what smile. positive will always win in the end.

i was going through that these past days, but this morning I came to realize all the good things in life.
i thought about all the things i've accomplished and how happy that makes me.
i've become totally independent, and i'm proud.
i've learned to love and let my guard down [ i'm sorry to those in the past (you know who you are) if my love wasn't strong enuf]

but now, i understand that the only way to live your life, is by living the life you want it to be.

never think your dreams are silly, no matter what ppl tell you. live for you and nothing but you.

always smile

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Jun 13, 01
E is for Erica ;)
Join Date: Feb 2001
Erica is an unknown quantity at this point
I totally hear you on this one girl. :) I've been going through so much depression and shizz in the past many years. The longest period of time I've really been somewhat happy only lasted about 3 months. After that, everything went downhill.

But in the past couple weeks or so, something just kinda clicked, and my outlook on life has just been so much more positive. I really have been 200% happier, and it seems like the more time passes, the happier I feel. I don't let the little shit bother me anymore. Even the big obstacles in my life seem so much more manageable. I still have my down times, but they seem to last for a very short time. For once, I feel like I'm ready to embrace my life, enjoy it, and live it to the max.

The car accident just really shook me and woke me up. Showed me how I was just wasting my life, letting each day go by, not truly living it at all. We could have died in that car, but we didn't, and to me, that's a sign for me to live my life day to day, the way I really want it to be. Sure, there are still problems, big and small, but I just approach them a different way, and don't let them knock me down.

Erica :AZN:
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Jun 13, 01
i really look like this!
Join Date: Apr 2001
yoko* is a jewel in the roughyoko* is a jewel in the roughyoko* is a jewel in the roughyoko* is a jewel in the roughyoko* is a jewel in the rough
Sumtimes it just feels like a fucking waste of time to smile. Wut for? Who for? Why? If there's nothing to smile for then why..

doesn't it hurt when you smile when you don't want to? Not just your cheek muscles but sumthing inside. Doesn't it ever feel like every time you force a smile sumthin inside of you has just pushed ur sadness a little deeper into a small hole? I'd rather let my sadness leak on the outside than to keep it compressed in the inside...
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Jun 13, 01
kiMMie's Avatar
Queen of FNK
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kiMMie is a jewel in the roughkiMMie is a jewel in the roughkiMMie is a jewel in the roughkiMMie is a jewel in the rough
What happens if you're smiling just to cover up your unhappiness....that kinda sux, cuz you're playing a role that isn't true...

I smile when I look in the mirror, and it doesn't make me feel any better cuz I know that's not what I'm feeling... :014:

Something is definitely wrong with me... :043:
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Jun 13, 01
Join Date: Jan 2001
~lazee_grrl~ is an unknown quantity at this point
look at me
u may think u see who i really am
but u'll never know me
everyday, its as if i play a part
now i see
if i wear a mask i can fool the world
but i cannot fool my heart
who is that girl i see
staring straight, back at me
when will my reflection show
who i am inside?

haha..the first verse to this song...i luv this song!!...okok..so i use to always think...~don't worry, be happy, just smile~...but i'm over that...i use to be able to fake being happy so much that i actually thought i was happy...how demented is that?...but wutever..sure..i still don't always show my feelings...and i still usually do put on a smile...cuz i dunno...sumtimes it does make me feel better....but also cuz people never really make a deal ifur happy ...its always a bigger deal when ur sad...i dunno...i figure the happy stuff in life should be made a bigger deal of cuz who wants to always remember the shits in life..altho looking back at my so far short life...i remember lotsa of the shit and not as much of the good times..wutever....smile if u want...cry if u want...u jsut gotta deal with stuff and face it head on...don't run away from it or just push it to the side...cuz it'll be back sumtime rite?..i dunno..wutever...*smiles*..:384:
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Jun 14, 01
Join Date: Apr 2001
*baby*nat* is an unknown quantity at this point
i'm not saying be fake- i just mean-rule #1-Smile- has helped me alot
but thats me- so yerp- iiya- i'm like 3 hrs late for school-gotta run- yipee last day!!!!
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Jun 14, 01
E is for Erica ;)
Join Date: Feb 2001
Erica is an unknown quantity at this point
If definitely hurts to smile if it's fake, and you're right, why do it?

But I find that sometimes, when I'm really unhappy and somebody says something to make me laugh, I bust out a smile on the outside, and a little smile busts out on the inside too. As small as it may be, over time, it grows. That's why I love being around hilarious people, cause laughing really helps open that door of happiness back up for me. It makes me think "Well, look o the bright side of things..." or "Maybe things aren't so bad after all..." It makes me want to embrace life for what it really is, and live it the way I really want to live.

Many times though, things get so dark and I get blinded towards those bright things. Things are really bad, and I can't seem to see out of the hole. I don't think it's a matter of being fake, but why feed into your depression/darkness even more when you don't have to? In the face of adversity, you just gotta stay calm, let some time pass by, surround yourself with people you love, and approach your problems in a way that is loving to yourself, as well as positive.

Erica :AZN:
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Jun 14, 01
i really look like this!
Join Date: Apr 2001
yoko* is a jewel in the roughyoko* is a jewel in the roughyoko* is a jewel in the roughyoko* is a jewel in the roughyoko* is a jewel in the rough
very true..
i guess in some cases we can believe in our happiness so much that it becomes reality..

everything can be contradicted in my mind... my mind has this way of turning everything around... funny thing is that sum ppl believe me too *mahaha*

i doubt I'll ever see wut many call a "positive" light.. it looks too artificial to me that it hurts my "eyes"...

There's this eerie comfort in being where you feel like you're "bound to be"... it becomes a part of your comfort zone... It literally becomes a part of you. Especially when your best work is created when you're in that sort of state and you actually, for once, receive "praise" for it. It's quite sad how when you're at the most postive times of your life you become the most insignificant..

I just think it's ironic.

*in sadness i've found myself... and what I saw scared the hell outta me.*

that made no sense huh,
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Jun 14, 01
Join Date: Apr 2001
BeatItFarmer is an unknown quantity at this point
good to hear

Good to hear ur gettin through the tuff....it always helps to be around positive ppl when ur down....so keep up the smilin
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Jun 14, 01
Join Date: Jan 2001
c.tard is an unknown quantity at this point
i thin it's a good idea..to smile..

when i'm sad i like to be around certain ppl cuz i know...they'll make meeh laugh..and when i laugh and get to thinking....i dunno why but itj ust makes things not seem as bad. it's like when your sad..everything just seems worse.. but when your smiling htings are brighter and things don't seem nearly as bad.. and it helps to think them thru...like..without just seeing het negative..viewing both the positive and negative..and it helps..

but ppl who are fake all the time and always smiling kinad bug meeh...i see nothing wrong with being sad...i mean it's human emotions.. everyone feels them...don't try and cover it up..cuz it's pointless..

and trust meeh.. deal with your problems..as they cum..don't push em away and pretend they're not there hoping they'll disappear...cuz it'll may just fuck up something else good in your life....it did to meeh anywayz..and ya... but im' dealing with it...and plus...theyll all cum back to you eventually..why not deal with em and get rid of em as they cum insteada letting em pile up so they can make htsi big avalanche upon you adn then it's like shiiiit....cuz ya gotta deal with it all at once if ya wanna get out alrite.... (does that make sense?)
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Jun 15, 01
Fuck the corporate world
Join Date: Apr 2001
dragon boi is an unknown quantity at this point
its like that commercial

"Smile, you got frenches"

the mustard commercial

yeah that song came to mind when i saw this thread

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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Jun 16, 01
Join Date: Apr 2001
*Rc_PoP* is an unknown quantity at this point
Yoko why smile????

hmmmmm let me think...
your alive not dead.....
you can have a decent meal everyday....
your not a bum on tha street scrounging for food....
you have running water.....
your not dying of thirst or drinking contaiminated water( like many peeps in 3rd world counties)
you have clothes on your back......
you have shelter......
you are given education......
you have freedom (well somewhat)
FUCK FUCK FUCK!!!.....dont take life for GRANTED......I challenge (well not really) you to go to a 3rd world country and see what its like......you'll be glad you live in canada.......
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Jun 17, 01
i really look like this!
Join Date: Apr 2001
yoko* is a jewel in the roughyoko* is a jewel in the roughyoko* is a jewel in the roughyoko* is a jewel in the roughyoko* is a jewel in the rough

But it's human nature to want more than what you can handle. It's human nature that when you get what you want you still want more. Never are we satisfied... and I'm sure that even YOU had moments where you coudn't appreciate life for what it had been force feeding you...

haven't you ever wanted more than you have right now? haven't you ever been dissatisfied with life even though you know how much has been "granted" for you?? Sure we all have more than those in 3rd world countries, sure we have more materialistic crap and food to fill our stomachs. But if that's supposed to make every one in this world happy then why is it that in the 1-800-gripe a thon section, heart 2 herat... life.. every one stil lhas problems they don't seem to be able to get through?

Think back to a time when you were upset about a situation.. Broken to pieces.. Did you, at that time think about people in the third world countries, and then *SMILE*about how much better your life is? Did that whisk all your problems away Adam?

Sure some one can feed me reasons on WHY *I* should be smiling.. but those reasons aren't *MY* reasons they're only reasons that can be applied to the life of the one who are making up those reasons..

and to smile because you are better off than some one else.. isn't that kind of selfish and rude? and at the same time I'm not really understanding why all of a sudden the sittuation of ppl in third world countries came up? If you are so concerned then maybe you should donated to World Vision Canada or do the 30 hour famine... maybe that woud give you a reaosn to smile too.

never in my POST did I ever say that I took life for granted. And neither did I say that I knew whether if I was living in a way that suggests so... But I'm 16, in highschool... trying to make the bes of what I can. I'm a different person every day and my views change every single day. You don't know me, you don't know my life... i doubt u have any right to tell me how to live my life or judge how I *AM* living it right now...

people in the third world countries?

well if that's a way to make you smile then that's you, and that's great. But this is me, and this is my life. I actually don't smile when I see pictures of kids with malaria in south africa. I don't smile when i see mothers on their deathbeds... so don't tell me how to be.

don't get me wrong..i still think ur a cool person i juss hadta let that out though. I would say the same to any one who said exactly wut u sed...

*luf ya still* yoko~

Last edited by yoko*; Jun 17, 01 at 08:39 PM.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Jun 17, 01
Join Date: Apr 2001
*baby*nat* is an unknown quantity at this point
to ma Rc_Pop!

hehe hey adam is our avatar thingys related?
haha they're Rc_PopERS!
haha..are they tho>?
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Jun 17, 01
Join Date: Apr 2001
*Rc_PoP* is an unknown quantity at this point
WOw did you ever burn my ass.......and you know what???I cant argue wid dat.......your right with what you said....oh and I think you know I dont smile "cause Im better off than someone in a3rd world country"..........did this post make you smile??????? oh and did I tell you how to be?????I dont think I did........just said dont take life for granted...dats all.....
hmmmm now that I think about it I was off topic wid what I said......smiling does not take my problems away......
SOOOO smile yoko........adam still luvs you too....
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Jun 18, 01
E is for Erica ;)
Join Date: Feb 2001
Erica is an unknown quantity at this point
It took me a long time to figure this out, but in the past few weeks, I realised that it's possible to have problems/troubles/obstacles, and still smile, feel happy, and have fun. I'm sure in some cases, this cannot really apply (ie. a kid that gets physically abused everyday), but in a lot of cases, it can.

A bad situation does not always have to be perceived in a dark and hurtful way. It can be approached in a way that is loving to yourself, meaning thinking in the most positive light possible, and dealing with your emotions in a healthy manner. That's what I've been trying to do lately, and I've been feeling 200% better than before. My problems haven't changed, haven't gotten any better...but my attitude has done a complete 180, and that's what has made the entire difference. I still have tough times, moments when I want to stop and give up, moments when I feel the effects of the 'tornado/tsunami/wasabi', but I guess that's inevitable. Changing your attitude is a long process, but if you keep at it, you'll find that your thought processes and ways you deal with your problems completely change.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Jun 18, 01
i really look like this!
Join Date: Apr 2001
yoko* is a jewel in the roughyoko* is a jewel in the roughyoko* is a jewel in the roughyoko* is a jewel in the roughyoko* is a jewel in the rough
adam... sorrie didn't mean to *burn* ur ass..
uhh well maybe juss a lil *snicker* . haha I know u didn't mean the whole 3rd world country thing in that way.. i juss wanted to use strategic argumentation. (twisting the truth) *evil laugh*

erica.. i agree wif u on that.. on how seeing things in a more positive light could make the load feel much lighter.. i guess it's just one of those things that you have to learn how to do.. cuz it's just so much easier to drown in ur sadness. it's the *easier way out*

You smile, "act" happy if you have to, and you will attract happy people. Because people like to be around happy people rather than ppl who are always so pessimistic about life. And once you surround urself in those types of people they'd act as a life jacket to keep your head above the water.

n things *could* begin to look up that way...

that's one way to see it too I guess :D
guess different things work for different people :)
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Jun 19, 01
Join Date: May 2001
Alvibe is an unknown quantity at this point

I think everyone's view on this thing about 'smiling' are REALLY good points!! I feel i've been a pretty happy guy through thick n thin. High school was both smiling and misery for me. But whenever i look back on it, the good times always 'stick' in my memories the most and bring a smile to my face. Now, being in college though, i realize I can't turn back the hands in time. I can't go back as much as i wish i could. I take everyday as a new day. The thing called 'Life' becomes so much harder, and it's not always easy to smile. Five classes this whole summer, and looking outside at the sunshine in school doesn't bring much of a smile to my face either. I've almost learned to avoid knowing what the weather is outside. But, it's people like you who i look up to, people with a smile that really has a positive impact on my life. I'm happy for friends like you, which keeps me on my feet. Helping patients in the hospital who cannot even manage for him/herself is hard and stressful, but it brings a smile to my face when i accomplish good deeds, and using the knowledge i have gained from school! Knowing that your life depends on what you do now. Knowing how much more you have to 'let go' of all the 'fun' to be truly successful in my eyes, aren't the most happiest times in my life either. But, yes, i want a life where i don't want to struggle, but this isn't necessarily the only thing in life to be happy about. There are bums on the street who are just as 'happy' as you guys are! Just living up to your own standards will truly make you happy, whether it being quiting school, or keep striving for something more! I have friends though who aren't in school and working hard now, and they are happy just the way they are! I have friends who have been smoking weed since they were like 13, and 7 years later, miserable because 'weed' has become their only true 'happiness'. From most my friends who have been taking 'e' for long periods of time, many have quit, because they didn't find eternal happiness in doing it all the time.
I guess my point is, do whatever makes you happy, whether it being smoking weed an working, or sacrificing a part of your life for true happiness in the future!
The reason i party these days is to relieve all that stress from school, and expressing that 'vibe' i feel at parties through my dancing! It's a passion i have and an escape from reality. This is just one way i put aside all those weekly stressors in my life, one way to continue SMILING :)

before i jet,
sup to Yoko, Adam, babynat, sweet E, dwight, winnie, stan, an' all those i missed!!

Sorry for the long essay...
Some o' tha good times...me an' my homeboy dwight! haha
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old Jun 19, 01
i really look like this!
Join Date: Apr 2001
yoko* is a jewel in the roughyoko* is a jewel in the roughyoko* is a jewel in the roughyoko* is a jewel in the roughyoko* is a jewel in the rough
alvibe.. very well said ;)
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old Jun 20, 01
Join Date: Apr 2001
BB_YungYung is an unknown quantity at this point
WoW this is such an awsome thread

love the vibe I get from reading this.. well don't we all?

I believe that knowing what the happy things in life are and cherishing them makes life grand, to smile with no reason is with outreason, is the perfect kind of life.

Believing in yourself and what the future may have install for you, is enough to make you scared, but why walk towards the future with a frown when

"you can shine like the sun and brighten up everyones day."

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