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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Apr 30, 07
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A Woman’s Guide to Splitting the Bill

Taken from; A Woman’s Guide to Splitting the Bill » Kineda

I believe guys should always pay for the bill on a first date, especially if they’re the ones asking us out. I’ll always reach for my purse at the end of dinner — and in most cases — the guy will usually say something like “thanks, but I’ve got it.” From my personal experience, guys find it quite refreshing when a woman offers to pay. It’s an impressive proactive gesture that is very appreciated, and goes long way in their score book even if they still end up picking up the tab.
There’s no written rulebook for splitting the bill when you’re on dates, but below are simple guidelines to follow.

How to Split the Bill on a Date
  • First Date: Offer to pay.
    Most men I know will want to treat on the first date. It’s one of the small things they can do, to show us that chivalry isn’t dead. When the bill comes, offer to help cover part of it, or at least pay the tip. If he refuses, and insists on paying, then let him pay and offer a thank you in return.
  • Second and Third Dates: Try to pay for part of the date.
    If you’re truly interested in the guy, find a way pay for one of the activities on your date. If the two of you attend a movie, and he pays for the tickets, offer to pay for the popcorn. Or after dinner, offer to treat him to dessert. Most guys will still insist on covering the entire date, and if he does, thank him as usual and he’ll make a mental note of your kind offers. It’ll show that your interested in more than just what’s in his wallet.
  • Fourth Date and Beyond: Pay for the date.
    It’s time to insist on paying for the night to show him you’re not looking for a sugar daddy. Reject any offers to pay when the bill comes. This gesture will show how much you appreciated his generosity during the first few dates, but that you’re independent and willing to contribute to the relationship.
  • Caveat
    Like I said above, “most men” will offer to treat on the first couple of dates, but there are many who will readily take your offers to pay. Heck, there are even some that insist that you pay your half, or even the whole bill. If so, be sure to have your wallet on hand. I can’t speak for these ungentleman-like men, and hopefully you ladies won’t have to either. If you do end up dating such a guy, look the other way and find a man that knows how to be a gentleman. Dating can be a little tough on the bank account, but there’s no excuse for being cheap — unless he’s in some kind of financial hardship — and if he is, he should be smart enough to figure out other ways to win your heart other than trying to wine and dine you!
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Apr 30, 07
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soon as a girl offers to pay for something the first thing going threw my mind is "you’re independent and willing to contribute to the relationship."

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Apr 30, 07
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Fuck that. I need a sugah mama.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Apr 30, 07
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Scratch that. I DESERVE a sugah mama.

Bitches gotta pay to get with this.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Apr 30, 07
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I only do first dates to get my free dinners and never call them again. LIKE THESE LOOKS NEED TO PAY FOR DINNER!
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Apr 30, 07
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Apr 30, 07
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Originally Posted by stabmyhead View Post
I only do first dates to get my free dinners and never call them again. LIKE THESE LOOKS NEED TO PAY FOR DINNER!
you must eat in often :push:
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Apr 30, 07
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Apr 30, 07
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I think that a good rule is that whoever initiated the date should expect to pay, having the invitee offer to pay should be a kind gesture that is offered up on their discretion and should not be an expectation.

Let's leave gender out of this, I don't think most women in today's modern age expect the guy to pay every single time, and I know plenty of deadbeat guys who depend on the girl to pay for everything, it works both ways.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Apr 30, 07
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Originally Posted by My!es View Post
you must eat in often :push:
You're just mad because I diss your advances.
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Apr 30, 07
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Originally Posted by tiedye View Post
Fuck that. I need a sugah mama.
co sign
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Apr 30, 07
R Wellbelove
A relationship or friendship should be 50/50 when it comes to buying imo. It's nice to take care of one an other by buying and it feels good to know you can be taken care of by them when they pay for you.

Although I do find that those who make more money tend to pay for more, but im not going to worry about small dollars and cents. Its the principal and a matter of showing your appreciation and respect that is most important.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Apr 30, 07
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If a girl pays I ALWAYS put out.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Apr 30, 07
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K seriously, I think couples should take turns. It may also be dependent on finances at the time, like if someone just got paid, it'd be nice if they paid for dinner. A lot of more serious couples share their finances anyways.

However, when you're single, I have to agree with Myra and the inviter should pay. If someone says, "I want to take you out to dinner", then they should be the one paying.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Apr 30, 07
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i generally don't mind paying, but find that some girls are kind of offended by that. but then i'm fine with them paying too, so it's all good.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Apr 30, 07
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Originally Posted by stabmyhead View Post
You're just mad because I diss your advances.
You're just mad because I miss your advances.
Oh and thats miss as in target.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old May 02, 07
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I will NEVER forget my "first date" with this one dude...
Let's call him, "the cheap ass":

We had gone for sushi downtown at Tsunami's and the bill came. My half of the bill added up to just over 20+ bucks adding tip and tax, and I didn't want to underpay my portion of the bill (I had full intentions of going dutch) but I only had two twenties, so I put them both down not wanting to make my date feel like he should cover any portion of my bill.

Upon doing so, my "date" automatically assumed that I was covering his portion of the bill and said,

"Oh thanks", and put his wallet back into his jeans. I should have known to run at that point but I guess when you're on the rebound you really have no standards...

In the end, I ended up having to put down an extra few $ to cover his tax, tip and bill... I was seriously peeved at that point but did not want to bother to correct his error of assumption.

I blame myself fully for putting up with it, and vow never again to date cheap impolite men.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old May 02, 07
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I've let my gf pay for dinner or anything else that we do maybe. 4-5 times today in our relationship (not including bday dinner etc)

and we've been dating for 5 years

and to this day, she still always tries to pay and also tries to be sneaky and pay the bill without me knowing... and tries to stuff money in my pockets or hide it in my house etc...

I prefer to pay for everything we do. It has nothing to do with sexism or whatever.. i just think that when a guy takes a girl out, or is dating her... he should pay etc...I only need to get worried if she stops TRYING to pay..

and on that note... last time i took my gf to dinner... we went to a really fancy place... (you know the type... the ones where you have to be wearing shoes and a tshirt to get in)... and when the bill came i said i was going to the washroom... but i ran out of the restaurant and left my gf there to pay... and for some reason, she has the nerve to be mad at me... it's not my fault she cant run as fast as me....

(note to the mental midgets: that last paragraph was a joke)

Last edited by lildonkey; May 02, 07 at 05:05 AM.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old May 03, 07
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Originally Posted by yoko* View Post
I will NEVER forget my "first date" with this one dude...
Let's call him, "the cheap ass":

We had gone for sushi downtown at Tsunami's and the bill came. My half of the bill added up to just over 20+ bucks adding tip and tax, and I didn't want to underpay my portion of the bill (I had full intentions of going dutch) but I only had two twenties, so I put them both down not wanting to make my date feel like he should cover any portion of my bill.

Upon doing so, my "date" automatically assumed that I was covering his portion of the bill and said,

"Oh thanks", and put his wallet back into his jeans. I should have known to run at that point but I guess when you're on the rebound you really have no standards...

In the end, I ended up having to put down an extra few $ to cover his tax, tip and bill... I was seriously peeved at that point but did not want to bother to correct his error of assumption.

I blame myself fully for putting up with it, and vow never again to date cheap impolite men.
its pretty sad that you're still bitter over something that ended almost three years ago.

i wouldve though finally getting laid would help you get over it.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old May 03, 07
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Originally Posted by yoko* View Post
I will NEVER forget my "first date" with this one dude...
Did it ever occur you to ask the waitress to split the bill before you dropped $40 on the table? Not communicating was your issue, not the guy.
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  #21 (permalink)  
Old May 03, 07
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The last few dates I've gone on two of the girls offered to pay, one didn't. I haven't called the one who didn't back.

I don't want you to pay, just a little respect.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old May 03, 07
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Originally Posted by SEAN! View Post
its pretty sad that you're still bitter over something that ended almost three years ago.

i wouldve though finally getting laid would help you get over it.
sean gets a high five for pulling the switcheroo on yoko.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old May 03, 07
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Originally Posted by yoko* View Post
I will NEVER forget my "first date" with this one dude...
Let's call him, "the cheap ass":

We had gone for sushi downtown at Tsunami's and the bill came. My half of the bill added up to just over 20+ bucks adding tip and tax, and I didn't want to underpay my portion of the bill (I had full intentions of going dutch) but I only had two twenties, so I put them both down not wanting to make my date feel like he should cover any portion of my bill.

Upon doing so, my "date" automatically assumed that I was covering his portion of the bill and said,

"Oh thanks", and put his wallet back into his jeans. I should have known to run at that point but I guess when you're on the rebound you really have no standards...

In the end, I ended up having to put down an extra few $ to cover his tax, tip and bill... I was seriously peeved at that point but did not want to bother to correct his error of assumption.

I blame myself fully for putting up with it, and vow never again to date cheap impolite men.
I feel like that every time i go out with stabby
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old May 03, 07
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^ You used to be my Romeo!
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old May 03, 07
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Chris and I take turns grabbing the bill. Or sometimes we split it. Usually just depends on where we are (and what they take), and what we've got in our wallets. We don't keep track, but we don't take advantage of each other either. When we first started dating, he wanted to pay for things, being a very chivalrous man, which I found very hard to accept. I have always been a very independent woman, always paying my own way. I had to work at being gracious, and saying "thank you" instead of huffing like I used to do when he wouldn't let me pay atleast my portion. We're at the point where we've bought furniture together, so I think we can handle dinning finances ;)
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