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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Jul 09, 03
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SomeGuy is an unknown quantity at this point
Mass confusion..

What do I want to do? It's been two years I've been asking myself this and I'm just so confused, everything I'm interested in I can't afford, everything I want to be involved with I can't afford. I'm thinking of going to school just to get a better paying job but I alway's promised myself I'd never sell out. I'm interested in too many things, business, electronics/technology, music, english/literature, sports, fitness, cars... on and on and on.. what should I go into? What should I make a career of? why can't my mind just fucking pick something and stick to it? Why do I ask these stupid questions? Why can't someone just tell me what to do? GODDAMNIT I'M SO CONFUSED!!
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Jul 09, 03
femme fatale
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Maryah 's thoughts : most people going to university have no clu what their future hold s and they are in all sorts of departments until they find something that clicks for them - Some things make more sense to be hobbies while others careers and sometimes you can find a great way to make a hobby into a career
I changed majors - most people I know at university aren't doing what they thought they would be when they first started -- So go and dabble things aren't always what they appear to be :)
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Jul 09, 03
cr@zya$$ pr0duc3r
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i wouldn't worry about it too much...i'm 23 and i still haven't really gotten a grasp of my career. i know WHAT i want, i just don't have the means quite yet to ACHIEVE what i want. i went to school for audio for 2 years and it helped me focus a LITTLE, but i'm still all over the place as to where i want to start. you're 19 and still young (relatively speaking of course) so you shouldn't get too concerned with knowing what you want right away. i think you should just go to a college/university and get a general degree or something...or if you have an interest in something, take a course on it anyway. even if you don't know that's what you really want, it may lead to something you DO want. i know it can be difficult in the time that we live in, what with money being so scarce and all. just take a stab at it. it's better than sitting on your ass for the next 5 years wondering what you could have done in that time.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Jul 09, 03
bob bob is offline
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most people who yearn to be everything, end up being nothing...
make up your mind, or start looking for a piece of cardboard and a black marker.

"will take verbal abuse for change."
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Jul 09, 03
-->Tightcore Trucker<--
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Bitchin will become famous soon enoughBitchin will become famous soon enough
That so reminds me of something my computers teacher[Mr. McCain] told our class in grade...9 I think it was.

he asked us all.

'What are we gonna be when we grow up?'

of course not many of us knew... who does???

but yeah... then he proceded to say that...

He still doesn't know whut he's gonnabe when he grows up and hes in his 50's. And also that one of his friends that is older then him still doesn't. And Mr. McCain also told us that teaching our class was his 5th career and that another his friends that is older them him is on his 7th...

I don't know if that helps you at all but for me... that hella opened my eyes and made me realize.... that no matter wut its never too late to change yer mind. It's yer life so you make the choice right? live it to the fullest and, hell if you want to start off with being an engineer to going to be a 1st grade teacher..whatever!! just as long as yer enjoying yerself.

I still don't know wut I'm gonna do... but I'm willing to experiment... and see where that takes me.

Blah.. I have no idea if wut I said at all helped ya Connor... but hopefully it did?!
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Jul 09, 03
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woa woa woa buddae. slow down.
if ya start lookin at the whole big scheme of things you're gonna run yourself into a panic attack or some kinky shit like that.

look at what you have to do today and tomorrow. as soon as you start goin past that, tell your brain to shut the fuck up.
one day at a time buddae. you still have a whole life ahead of you. plenty of time to do shit.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Jul 10, 03
i really look like this!
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Originally posted by SomeGuy
What do I want to do? It's been two years I've been asking myself this and I'm just so confused, everything I'm interested in I can't afford, everything I want to be involved with I can't afford. I'm thinking of going to school just to get a better paying job but I alway's promised myself I'd never sell out. I'm interested in too many things, business, electronics/technology, music, english/literature, sports, fitness, cars... on and on and on.. what should I go into? What should I make a career of? why can't my mind just fucking pick something and stick to it? Why do I ask these stupid questions? Why can't someone just tell me what to do? GODDAMNIT I'M SO CONFUSED!!
ahh.. we're in the EXACT same boat conor, i feel ya... well i guess I wouldn't say *exact* but pretty much at the same point where I don't know what it is I would like to do with my life either...

I don't have anything intelligent or insightful to add to that really, i just sympathize. I remember thinking the exact same thing:
"why can't someone just tel lme what to do?"...
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