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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Oct 15, 01
Join Date: Jan 2001
Glendita* is an unknown quantity at this point
Do lies and secrets = friendship?

Ok i honestly thought that gossip, lies, and secrets were all in the past and had ended in elementry , but i guess i was wrong.

Fuck first of all in my group of friends there is sooooo many secrets that are going around , and i hate it . I can't understand why we all can't be honest w/ everyone ..... and to be perfectly honest i don't have any secret that i haven't told my so called good friends. But the ppl that are keeping these secrets from the rest of us are really stupid because everyone knows and the only reason we don't say anything is because we can't believe that u didn't trust us enough to tell us.
I guess everyone goes through this , but i freaking sick of it , maybe i'm mistaken when it comes to the definition of friendship.

Blah i don't know maybe i should have written this in the 1-800-grip-a-thon.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Oct 15, 01
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i'm surprised tinker............? i thought that you were all good and everything?! whats up?
talking as not ur friend........i agree with you.......to have a friendship you need trust and of course no secrets between any of you. then what would that friendship be if there were secrets right? honesty is the key thing and what do you do if there isn't any of that? just tell ur friends for god damn sake right?! *sorry*
i dunno........i try not to keep anything but sometimes its hard cuz ppl take things very differently from you..........
*tinker....take carez ok?! i'm here for you.....NO secrets*
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Oct 15, 01
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Ainslie, i don't know what to say to u , u not very honest w/ me either .... blah ..... i'm ur friend what ever u tell me , isn't going to be turned around on u and thrown into ur face. The fact that u think that is kinda hurtful.

I'm fine and everything , but this has been on my mind for a while .... i had to express it is just my oppion on things.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Oct 15, 01
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high school soap opera drama on the next jenny jones! :)

solution: change schools, ditch your dead beat lying ass friends and make new ones that will probably stab you in the back as well.. hmm.. actually.. that might not be a good idea. confront these cheating friends and make them fess up and what not.

it appears you guys are living in this dream of an "ideal" friendship, without gossip, backstabbing, secrets.. dont be so damn anal about anything, or better yet, dont tell people stuff about you that you dont want going around cuz ones bound to break the "friendship code of ultimate friendness".
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Oct 15, 01
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stabby so funny

so glendita u finally got your internet back???

as for the friend thing i totally know what u mean a few people that i know are the same way i feel as if they are talking behind my back ....but yeah whatever life goes on right

glendita we cool right???
i tell no lie
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Oct 16, 01
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~lazee_grrl~ is an unknown quantity at this point
tweeedle duM~

glenda u blunt bitch..thats why i luv ya..ur always truthful to me even when i don't wanna hear it but its good cuz i like the truth..but remember wut i was talking to u about..like if sumthing just doesn't come up..then its not said..then its not like keeping a secret..the convo sorta just doesn't go there rite?..i dunno..u pretty much know my life..and i know urs..for now silly...
and we both know that as we get older..this stuff probably gets worse...thats why when ur an old lady..u don't got too many friends..cuz u figured out who the true ones where by then..hopefully..but yeah..its highskool..lotsa lies, backstabbing and stuff like that..i wonder wut the real world's like?..but yeah..aren't u glad i told u i was deciding about the parties rather then surprise u with them..my silly girl..hope u fix stuff with ur friends..or figure sumthing out..

and NO..u can't cut our attachment..u DON'T have the scissors..i do! :284:
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Oct 16, 01
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u girls are so stupid...

why can't u be like guys and just beat the shit out of each other until u straighten things out?

problem solved.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Oct 16, 01
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ah fuck i hate this high skool soap opera that i live in , U see Stabby i have realized that i just have to put up w/ this crap until grad and then i go into collage where i hopefully don't have to put up w/ this crap. i would confront these ppl but then i have to deal w/ all the shit that comes after. Blah i need new friends


Trevor yes yes i got my net back and no it wasn't underneath my bed.

Bob see gurls don't beat each other up , we just make fun of a person until that person gets an eat disorder.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Oct 16, 01
i really look like this!
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see gurls don't beat each other up , we just make fun of a person until that person gets an eat disorder.
haha glenda ..that's a good one... (AGREED!)

yeah. i'm agreein with stabbers on this one... maybe soap operas n shiznit influence our ideals of wut friendship is. at least for summa us that's the case...

but argh.. i don't know what to say to this thread...

but glenda, i'm hoping the same as you... that once I graduate I'll have more CHOICES... in who i have to put up with and who I don't.... highschool's a bitch.
is all I can say... and... hope i get to see u again.. cuz it's been LONG. ;)
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Oct 16, 01
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c.tard is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally posted by ~* tinker *bell*~
Bob see gurls don't beat each other up , we just make fun of a person until that person gets an eat disorder.
that can be too true sometimes.. ahh.. totally agreed glendita..

and bob.. even when girls do fight it's not the same... they don't fight necessairly to hurt the other person.. they fight to MAKE THE OTHER GIRL UGLY!! it's true it's true! why u think girls always go for the face y'know? long nails, scratch and scar the other girls.. pull their hair.. awwww 2 bad ya ruined ur pretty fake bleache blond bimbo hair. give the girl a black eye? aww too bad makeup won't cover that one up..

it's just to make girls ugly.. so would y ou really want all girls to just fight then?! then we'd all be ugly..

well...those who bitch fight would anywayz.. hehe

but back to the friendship thing.. meh.. i dunno.. i don't trust everyone of my friends with everything.. and i know they don't trust me with everything.. i'm not about to just tell other ppl things and spread rumours but meh.. ppl can think what they want..

but see with me.. i don't think with friendship.. you have to tell the other person everything! espeshully with high school friendships..and groups! groups is worse.. i mean.. you may all have dif opinions about each other.. and if all you guys don't trust all the other ones the exact same how can everything be shared? plus sometimes you just don't say things cuz you don't know how some ppl would react. it's likewith me and some friends.. i usuallyonly tell my bestest friend and not some other ppl cuz i dunno how they would react and i don't want them knowing.. so i only tell her.. but it's not like things are big secrets here.. cuz if someone asks i wont' lie..

and like jen mentioned..sometime things just aren't brought up..so they don't get told.. and if things dont' get brought up sometimes it's just not the rite time to just out and say them.. i mean it's good to be truthful and what not but sometimes it's just the wrong time..

meh.. i have a dif idea of friendship and what not from alot of ppl i know..which is prolly why i dont' even have that many friends..b ut i don't care.. i luv the friendsi got.. =]

but in the end.. i dunno i just wouldn't be able tot rust a whole group of ppl with everything about me.. espshully considering there all friends..and if a bunch of ppl knew everything about me i'd feel even more paranoid that they're talking bout me.. so ya..

you basically just gotta put up with it i guess.. your a very blunt person.. and not everyone is like that [i've actually met very few ppl who are like that] and it's a good thing.. but if your friends aren't all like that, then it's harder to expect the sames from the friendships as they expect. what may come easy to you is harder to someone else...
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Oct 16, 01
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Originally posted by c-TaRd
they fight to MAKE THE OTHER GIRL UGLY!!
hahaha i never thought of that , hee hee that is soooo true though , Us gurls are so weird , sometimes i do wished that we were more like guys but instead we just dwell on shit for way to long.

Originally posted by c-TaRd
.. your a very blunt person.. and not everyone is like that [i've actually met very few ppl who are like that] and it's a good thing.. but if your friends aren't all like that, then it's harder to expect the sames from the friendships as they expect. what may come easy to you is harder to someone else... [/b]
I have to agree w/ u there , i have to understand that everyone isn't going to be as straight out as i'm , and they all have there own reason..... but for me i think that if u can't be honest w/ me then why should i call u a friend , u more like an acquaints
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Oct 16, 01
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Glendita* is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally posted by yoko*
but glenda, i'm hoping the same as you... that once I graduate I'll have more CHOICES... in who i have to put up with and who I don't.... highschool's a bitch.
is all I can say... and... hope i get to see u again.. cuz it's been LONG. ;)

Well at least someone understand me , ohhhh we should totally hook up .... well when i see u on icq or sumthing like that , we'll make plans.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Oct 17, 01
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~lazee_grrl~ is an unknown quantity at this point
just stuff on my mind~

hmmm...on the topic of friendships..lately..i'm just sick of friends..why they get mad for the stupidest reasons..why they don't tell u stuff..but yeah..u do find out..and most of the time..if u don't tell me stuff..i don't care..but if it sumhow involves me..then plz get guts and fucking tell me instead of having me find out on my own...i hate it lately..truthfully..my group..i can't even say they are my group..i can't even say that we are a group..maybe a buncha girls who have their 1 or 2 good good friends but also have mutual friends and they know each other that sumwut hangout..its a strange thing..i dunno..lately..i feel sick of it...or maybe just the concept of a group..being in a group is like being labeled..."oh..ur with them"...sorta thingy..i don't want that either..i dunno..lately..sum of my friends have been sucking badly..and its starting to piss me off..they are sooo inconsiderate...they do things without thinking of how much it hurts the other person..using people is not rite..and yeah..shit like this doesn't end..ur best friend could very well be ur worst enemy..people can be lying, conniving, backstabbing, two faced monsters..it just hurts when u find out that those people are ones that u trusted and cared for lots..blah~
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Oct 17, 01
i really look like this!
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(this being my last post cuz i couldn't resisit this one)
hey jen, if that in any way involves me........
well talk to me about it, cuz I have noe clue wut that's all bout. haven't talked to u in a while so I really dunno wutsup with u...

so if u got probs with me or summin juss tell me kay.. cuz.. that post didn't make too much sense, and well if it doesn't involve me and is nunna my business then I'm lettin it go unless u needta vent or summin

i totally feel the opposite about our "Group" so i dunno where ur comin frum.. hey i give u a call sumtime...

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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Oct 17, 01
Fuck the corporate world
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dragon boi is an unknown quantity at this point
glendita let me tell u this
collage is just another huge soap opera
just in collage form
so keep your classes to a minimun like 2 or 3 and
you wont have these problems

so where did u find your internet??? in your closet?
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Oct 17, 01
Join Date: Jan 2001
~lazee_grrl~ is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally posted by yoko*
(this being my last post cuz i couldn't resisit this one)
hey jen, if that in any way involves me........
well talk to me about it, cuz I have noe clue wut that's all bout. haven't talked to u in a while so I really dunno wutsup with u...
yok..don't worry..its just my rambling..i see our group in a different way..i guess its cuz i know dif stuff and i dunno..just frustrated lately..ttyl~

(if u read this)
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