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  #1 (permalink)  
Old May 31, 04
Sofa King Sexy.
Join Date: Feb 2004
x0x_manda_x0x is an unknown quantity at this point
stupid ex boyfriend.

My ex boyfriend of 2 and a half years is addicted to meth.
He lives at my moms house and i am not aloud to go there untill he leaves to goto rehab.
He is constintly(sp) sending me e mails telling me he loves me and needs me and what not.....
I feel bad....because this guy stuck with me threw it all....
then he started treating me like shit and broke up with me...
and i kept going back to him
and then finally one time he broke up with me and i just ended it there...
that was about 3 months ago.
since then he has been addicted to meth...he tells me its my fault...and if i was to get back with him that he would stop and all this nonsence.
He hasnt slept in 10 days......says to my mother hes either gonna die or goto jail.....
Im sitting here thinking its my fault when I have been told by many ppl that its not....
I just.....as usual...DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO :(
and im posting this just like all my other posts in heart 2 heart
BECAUSE i want other ppls imput.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old May 31, 04
Join Date: May 2003
craz_e_blossom is an unknown quantity at this point
Amanda it ain't your fault...It is his fault...He made the choice to doing meth...You didn't make that choice for him...It is his own fault for himself getting addicted to it...
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old May 31, 04
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crackdragon will become famous soon enough
Sounds like you care about the guy and all but quite frankly someone dumping there baggage into your lap and telling you to fix it, cause they believe it to be your fault, is bullshit, and I am sure you know it. The guy needs to get his head straight, and you going back to him would probably only make things more complicated for you (and judging by your other "dont know what to do" threads, I dont think you need that right now).
Addiction to something like meth isnt going to stop just because you are back in his life. It's a serious problem that he needs to address and come to terms with. IMO your just going to be causing yourself worlds of unecessary pain..... what if you do get back together and he doesnt stop? Do you want to be in a relationship that you were cornered into? and when you decide to leave the relationship again, hell just blame you more.... you cant win.
I would either cut off all contact with him and deal with the issues in your immediate life, or if you feel you he really needs your help, try and do it indirectly as possible via counsellors, or contacting his family and getting them to help him out.
Hope this made sense, best of luck to yah
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old May 31, 04
tiestn vancorstenfold
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its not your fault he's addicted to meth.

the guy is stupid and to put that kind of bullshit in your head.. He deserves a good beating.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old May 31, 04
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I think it's really swell he's trying to emotionally manipulate you into thinking this is somehow your fault. That's totally awful. It seems like he's having a tough time with you not 'needing' him anymore, because you no longer go back to him. I think it's really low that he'd resort to blaming you.

It's really hard to see someone you care about go through this, but really, it's not doing either of you any better if you stick around for this. If he's going to get professional help (which I think he definitely needs), then give him space. He's going to continue to drag you into this and blame you, which is going to make you feel awful, and in the end will actually make him feel worse.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old May 31, 04
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This guy sounds like Husband material.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old May 31, 04
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Originally Posted by x0x_manda_x0x
Im sitting here thinking its my fault when I have been told by many ppl that its not....
well there ya go.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old May 31, 04
where's the beach
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back when i seriously didnt know much about hard drugs, i had an ex that was addicted to meth. i was dating another guy, and my ex said "hey lets go for coffee"
i said maybe.
he took it as a yes, and i never showed up. he calls me about 4 days later saying he'd been in the hospital with an almots od and that it was all my fault.
i felt bad for about a half an hour, unil i realized its his fault, not mine. i called him back, told him to not contact me again until he's been clean for at least 2 years, and i havent heard from him since. quite frankly, i dont care. and plus now i think it was a big lie, and most likely he was pissed cause he spent alot of money on more drugs.
but this was a trivial relationship i had with him, so he never really meant that much to me. if you care about this guy, get him into rehab.
personally though, and it is easier said than done, you need to get away from him. dont allow him to be a part of your life, because he really doesnt seem like he is worthwhile enough to be a part of your life.
he must be old enough to make his own decisions, and if they are bad ones, then they are bad ones. walk away.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old May 31, 04
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its neither his fault or yours...


no wait... no its not... its all his fault...
fuck the fucking fucker manda...
he's gone... he is no longer he if he addicted to meth.. meth is like crack.. once you're in, even if you're out later you never becomeyour normal self.. i've seen that kinda shit happen to a friend of a friend... its harsh....
forget him... and tell your mom to get rid of him... he's gonna do something bad to her one day... (or the drugs he does will anyway)
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old May 31, 04
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dont feel responsible for other peeps actions.

it's not like you stood there & spoon fed him rails.

he's just asahmed & needs someone to point the finger to.

my last ex is addicted to meth & she likes to call me up @ like 3 in the moring sometimes & tell how i'm such a dick i am & how i'm the "straw that broke the camels back" pffft please!

Last edited by C_squared; May 31, 04 at 03:39 PM.
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Jun 01, 04
femme fatale
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Jingles is on a distinguished road
Sadly, when it gets like this, it's the drugs that are talking to you and not the man you once knew
I'd be worried with his not sleeping, drug problems and emotional state about him staying with your mom and brother though - cause from the sounds of things, they would really benefit from having a calm household so they can deal with their own stuff - and having a methhead in the house won't help anyone

I understand that you might feel partly guilty, no matter what other people tell you . He was emotionally abusive while you dated him, right? he knows the buttons to push to hurt you and to get reactions and to try to get what he wants - and that's what he's trying now . Trust me, if you went back to him, nothing would change
he may have stuck by your side, but that doesn't mean that you are obligated to stick by his if he isn't going to make an active choice to help himself and get clean

It's not your fault he's addicted to anything, and if he was a real man he'd admit that and take responsibility for himself. Don't let him drag you down!
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Jun 01, 04
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hardstylin is just really nicehardstylin is just really nicehardstylin is just really nicehardstylin is just really nicehardstylin is just really nicehardstylin is just really nice
fuck meth heads!
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Jun 01, 04
Sofa King Sexy.
Join Date: Feb 2004
x0x_manda_x0x is an unknown quantity at this point
he at the moment is sitting in the chair acrossed the room from me telling me
that im slipping
that his friends all tell him that im depressed and what not.
that i dont deserve happiness...
does n e one wanna come over and beat this guy up for me.
Its ppl like him that make me stronger then i should b.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Jun 01, 04
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Tempting Manda... unfortunately I'm too sober to hand out a whupping at the moment. Although for a meth head it's almost worth it.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Jun 01, 04
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craz_e_blossom is an unknown quantity at this point
Whoa I have wanted to give him a shot in the face for the past while for what he did to SteveO now he is doing this to you and it makes me angry...Amanda you don't need him...Honestly you should just throw him out on his ass...You don't need to deal with his shit...It isn't fair to you...
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Jun 01, 04
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I *heart* you!!
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Jun 01, 04
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Cut him off.
Don't talk to him anymore...you don't need his immature antics and lies, trust me.

Once upon a time, when I was 16/17 and didn't know a whole lot about meth, I had a boyfriend who was addicted to it. At the beginning of our relationship he had never touched it, and by the end he was spending pretty much all of his money on it, and treating me like complete and utter shit.

We broke up, and I cut him out of my life for almost two years. Then, out of the blue, I received about 10 ICQ messages from him, apologizing for being such an idiot, etc. We finally talked things out, and we're friends again =)

The moral of my story?
You can't make him stop, you can't make him see what he's doing wrong. Only HE can choose to stop, and only he will realize what he's done wrong.

Stay away from him, give him time, and if he changes for the better then maybe you guys can have a friendship. If not, think of it as his loss. I know it's hard to completely cut off contact with someone you care about, but you have to think of YOURSELF here, first and foremost.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Jun 05, 04
lynzoid - KKK member
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uummm. i dont want to sound like a TOTAL bitch, but get some balls and self-esteem and kick the guy out of your mums house, and your life for good.
sure people deserve a second chance but this guys obviously a fucken loser and you are letting him walk all over you and your feelings.

sorry. it just make me mad when people put up with shit :080:

ps- never go near a jib tech again
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old Jun 06, 04
Static/COQ/DA/Exhale WUT?
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Why is he living at your moms house?
Why Doesnt your mom kick his ass out?
Does your mom know the pain he is causing?

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  #20 (permalink)  
Old Jun 07, 04
Sofa King Sexy.
Join Date: Feb 2004
x0x_manda_x0x is an unknown quantity at this point
^^ my mom knows all the above...but for some reason she doesnt care.
she see's it as he doesnt have n e where else to go...
i dont want her to kick him on the streets...
she lets him talk to me like that.....
she also yells at me when i fight back at him...id ont mean to...but it hurts me...
hes in rehab right now....but he still calls me even though i tell him not to...
also about the kick him out of my moms house
i dont live there...thus why i called it my moms house and not my house.
also he wasnt even into jib when i met him....he had never done it and didnt do it untill after.
also...he isnt walking all over me?? did u actually read the thread? i dont think so.
maybe b4 u post u should read what ur posting about....dont mean to sound like a total bitch.
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  #21 (permalink)  
Old Jun 08, 04
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TRiBaL MooN is an unknown quantity at this point
He was probably was doing it behind your back towards the end of your relationship anyways, you just didn't know it. And for him to blame you for his actions ... fuck that! His ass would be kicked to the curb and out of your mothers house. Find a new man who has something going for himself instead of a fuckin loser mooching off of your mom. Take it how u want, but I'm being real with ya! And if you repeatedly take up for him in certain ways ... you're just as guilty as he is. Find someone that's not gonna play on your emotions to keep you close, but rather someone who will treat you right & not use you as a scapegoat.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old Jun 09, 04
Sofa King Sexy.
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x0x_manda_x0x is an unknown quantity at this point
I AM NOT GETTING BACK WITH THIS GUY!? i never said i was! i do belive its clearly posted as MY EX boyfriend.
as for finding a new guy with things going for him....
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old Jun 09, 04
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PwInCeSs is on a distinguished road
you kno its not your fault
its no ones fault
ppl make choices to do what they want
me and you kno that
its hard
but your a better person then he is
hense why you still try to help him
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old Jun 09, 04
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dont ever let ppl make u feel responisible for their fuck ups
your worth more then that
WAY more then that to be exact
be strong and follow your heart....its almost always right
and remeber
lots of luv
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old Jun 09, 04
....fucking evol
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neoh will become famous soon enough
men are pigs.
face it.
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