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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Nov 05, 01
Join Date: Jun 2001
Rytalin is an unknown quantity at this point
Read this if you want to know ME.

I think there's two of me.

I'm not talking physically, as in someone that I share a soul with or something, although I don't doubt that there is two of me in that sense as well.
What I mean though, is that my psyche is made up of two of me. we've both done a pretty good job working together as one, so as not to cause any sort of split personality disorder, but there still IS definetly two Lukes up here.
The first Luke is the one that I have been for most of my life. The naive, sweet, loving Luke that seems to think that mankind, as a whole, is good. The Luke that plays the game, and gets really caught up in it, and causes much emotional sufferage for himself. This is the Luke that is not much unlike anyone else in society. The lazy Luke.
The other Luke is one that has become more assertive only over the last few years of my existance. This is the Luke that looks at everything from an objective, unbiased point of view. The Luke that stands on the sidelines and watches the other Luke in the game. The Luke that predicts what is going to happen to the naive Luke, and tells him 'I told you so' when the naive Luke gets hurt and comes crying back to him. The thing is, These are two different parts of me, but they both share the same emotions. So when the naive Luke fucks up, the objective Luke feels it as well, and gives the naive Luke shit for doing what he did, or getting into what he got into.
Each Luke drags the other one down in a way. For instance, when the objective Luke says 'okay, its time to do our homework.', the naive Luke usually responds with 'naw... we'll do it later. Lets just (watch TV/make music/chat on icq/whatever) instead. There's plenty of time.' and the homework never really gets done. When the naive Luke says, 'gee, I really like that girl. I think I'll go for her.", the objective Luke stops him and says 'naw... don't bother. she's not worth it. just another waste of human flesh. You only wanna fuck her anyways, and there are SO many better things to do with our time than chase after girls and try to get sex.' The naive Luke likes the materialistic, carnal things in life (figures.. I AM a taurus, after all), and the objective Luke wants knowledge and enlightenment. Without one, I would get hurt, fucked over, and into alot of trouble in general. without the other, I would lose the human touch that we all have. As you can see, the balance between the two of us is crucial.

It's just so damn hard to do sometimes.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Nov 05, 01
no clouds in my stones
Join Date: May 2001
galaxie is a jewel in the roughgalaxie is a jewel in the roughgalaxie is a jewel in the roughgalaxie is a jewel in the roughgalaxie is a jewel in the rough
You know, now that you mention it, it seems as though there are two Natalies inside me!

noooooh *sad face*

that sucks, I've never thought of it from that perspective before.

It's like, one of you KNOWS what you SHOULD do, but there's something holding you back - - that being the other voice in your head.

makes sense. It's shitty though!
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Nov 05, 01
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stabmyhead is just really nicestabmyhead is just really nicestabmyhead is just really nicestabmyhead is just really nicestabmyhead is just really nicestabmyhead is just really nice
i think everyone has a few sides to them... it makes a lot of sense.. its like how sometimes you see the devil and angel popping up beside you on your shoulders type thing.. you have to control and keep the 2 sides within balance or you get a lot of conflict and confusion errupting..

whenever i think of the naive, shy and sweet side of me, i think of me as a kid, or younger.. in a pretty pink dress saying, "maybe it'll work? dont you wanna try it" then the assertive, psycho stabby walks in and kicks her in the head and tells me, "dont bother - not worth it"
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Nov 05, 01
prangin' out
Join Date: May 2001
zarlon will become famous soon enoughzarlon will become famous soon enough
Dude.. I read this when I got your ICQ message this morning, but I didn't get a chance to reply to it becuase I had to run along to school.

Alright.. It makes enough sense.. I mean sometimes there are more than two sides to people.. which can get prreeeettty fuckin' freaky y0.. [ Heh, remember our theory about me having multiple personalities? *hides* hah ]
But yeah, it would make sense. I mean sometimes you seem goddamn optimistic.. and then its like "No man, fuckkkk that!"
Either way.. I like BOTH luke's..

The bitter sarcastic mean cynical one is dope ... I love to rant with someone.. \
And the nice caring 'sensitive' one that will just give and give.. thats dope too.. But you can't always be like that or youll just get taken advantage of.

Maybe every MOOD is a completely different person inside you.. hey, you never know.. ,It would make sense. Cause when you go from angry to happy.. ,
It's such a drastic change!

Anyways.. I'm just rambling.... But I'ma ramble on for a bit.

Don't let the pessimistic Luke take over al.l the time :P Although I'm not really one to talk .. heh... youve got to let yourself just.. live sometimes. =) Things can be good.. suuure they can suck ass.. but still.
Don't discourage yourself too much.. it seems that this is kind of what its about?

You'll get that balance sometime..
Just when you least expect it, as most things work.

[ word ]
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