I've had the copper-core IUD for almost a year now. Personally, I think it's all good.
1) Cramps: My cramps have been alot worse since I've had it. They HAVE lessened with time of having it, but they're still pretty unpleasant. Advil is good.
2) Heavier bleeding.
3) Sometimes at the point of the month when I -think- I'm ovulating, I get little mini-cramps for a day or 2. Nothing bad or steady, but they're there (every other month or 3 months or so).
4) Weight gain: I'm pretty sure it's at fault for about 10lbs I put on.
1) Not worrying about forgetting pills/patches.
2) No crazy horrible side effects (depo. *shudder*).
3) Not having to worry about birth control for 2 years (they say 30 months, but I'd rather be safe than sorry).
My best friend is also using a copper-core IUD because she has hyper-thyroidism and she can't take anything that affects her hormones.