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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Jul 06, 04
Join Date: Feb 2004
MrDFrost is an unknown quantity at this point
very distraught...

I recieved a very disturbing phone call from my family. (that of which i am not normally speaking with due to some decisions i have made, that go against what they believe....long story)
i have 2 younger brothers, and one of them, who is only 22 had recently confessed to my youngest brother and then to my folks about a 3 year drug addiction he's had with crack. he promised to get help and to take care of this problem, as it got to the point where he was not able to handle it anymore. He owed drug dealers money, and was not able to pay them back, just to mention a few of his dilemas.

Well i got a call from my youngest brother last night, in dire need of help as my folks live approx 10hours away in fortmac...and had only just left recently...he found numbers to drug dealers that were later confirmed as the dealers he's had outstanding balances with.
Was found out that not only is it just one dealer hes owing money to, its 2....and we was taken out to a isolated place and a gun was placed to his temple.
Very distraught to say the least. I am at a loss of what to do, to help out...Like ive said before ive been alienated from my family. and of course i live all the way out here....which causes more problems.

I've contemplated maybe getting those numbers to the drug dealers, and asking that they no longer do business with him if he calls. but i dont know these guys, and i dont know if that would be a good idea or not.

I need to vent, as atm there is no one around i can kinda go to for advice....any ideas at all, would be cool as it could very well save my brothers life...
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Jul 06, 04
femme fatale
Join Date: Feb 2003
Jingles is on a distinguished road
it's a sticky situation, one which may require some outside help
If these dealers are in pocession of guns, and willing to threaten lives over this debt, I would strongly suggest you not call them
business is business to them, very likely a pleading phone call from family will not help

If i were you, i'd probably talk to the police, no names mentioned and see what advice they have to offer, as to an appropriate course of action
and put aside the family issue and talk to them, especially if you're the one who is closest to all the 'action'
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Jul 07, 04
Join Date: Feb 2004
MrDFrost is an unknown quantity at this point
I've tried talking with the family, but they dont return phone calls...makes it tricky...as for calling the police. That sounds like a good idea...Thanks Jingles. :)
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Jul 07, 04
Hot Rod Ho
Join Date: Jun 2002
MistressSpankME is an unknown quantity at this point
I don't know what terms you and your brother are on, but the fact that you live quite far away is almost as much as a good thing as it is bad. He's most likely going to need to get the hell out of there, especially if these dealers are going after him. So hopefully you can ALL put aside whatever problems they have concerning youand maybe let him stay at your place untill things are cleared up a bit more. I just hope that they don't know where the rest of your family lives.

And another great resource is any organization that deals with drug addictions and the family and loved ones affected.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Jul 07, 04
Join Date: Feb 2004
MrDFrost is an unknown quantity at this point
normally i would consider that...but the thing is...he's married. and chances are where he goes his wife will want to be as well....and my place aint that big.....

I just heard from my little bro, that my dad wants him to take a drug test today...and if he refuses, he's kicked out of my folks house, he's currently living in....man oh man.
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