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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Jul 31, 04
-->Tightcore Trucker<--
Join Date: Jan 2001
Bitchin will become famous soon enoughBitchin will become famous soon enough
The harsh reality of losing a good friend.

I just got back from a Funeral.

I've been incomplete denial all week about losing a friend in which I spent most of my high school years with.
Nicole and I both can't believe it.. but yet we attend the funeral.. and there she is.. laying fast asleep.

Seeing all the pictures around of her, constantly with a smile.. and thinkin.. Wow, I remember that day!

Now facing the fact that she's gone is tough. Seeing old friends, meeting her fiance, And seeing her parents and knowing we all lost some one.

I don't wanna deal with it, but I am.

I've lost some one close to me before but I was young and didn't understand , I guess you could say.

Being older makes it rather tough.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Jul 31, 04
'latinum respect.
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miss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to all
Yeah, I so feel you on this. I had three of my friends that were close pass away in highschool. Whenever someone dies young, it always feels just so completely unnecessary and that it what makes it hard to deal with- that someone was taken away without being given a chance to really LIVE their lives and dreams.

I think as we get older, it becomes harder and harder to deal with death, and no matter how much of it there is in your life, it never gets any easier to deal with. Sometimes when things happen so out of the blue, it can take a really long time before you actually realized what just happened (trust me, I know alll about delayed emotional reaction on this, like after my father passed away it was sad..but it took me months before I ever just like..cried or even realized what happened). You'll find like months later it'll hit in and you'll just start crying out of nowhere, it's weird..but you've got a lot of people who care about you and will always be there for you when you need to talk to someone about it.

Take care!!!
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Jul 31, 04
Red Army Productions!
Join Date: May 2004
Euro Dollar is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by Bitchin
I just got back from a Funeral.

I've been incomplete denial all week about losing a friend in which I spent most of my high school years with.
Nicole and I both can't believe it.. but yet we attend the funeral.. and there she is.. laying fast asleep.

Seeing all the pictures around of her, constantly with a smile.. and thinkin.. Wow, I remember that day!

Now facing the fact that she's gone is tough. Seeing old friends, meeting her fiance, And seeing her parents and knowing we all lost some one.

I don't wanna deal with it, but I am.

I've lost some one close to me before but I was young and didn't understand , I guess you could say.

Being older makes it rather tough.
oh no :'(
that is horrible..... i'm very sorry to hear
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Jul 31, 04
Gravity Slave
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Death is something we must accept as we grow older. My father passed away 2 years ago and within the same year 3 other relatives passed away as well. I ended up hating the funeral home where the services were held as it was a constant reminder of a loved one that I have lost.

As we grow older so does everyone we know and death is one thing we cannot escape.

I only very recently came to terms with the loss of my father and now the pain is gone and only the fond memories remain.

As long as someone is remembered they are not truly gone. Only when one is forgotten does one disappear into the mists of time.

Take care J'nette and if you need an ear to yell at just ask.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Jul 31, 04
I heart speed garage!
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we should not look at funerals as saying goodbye we should look at them as a celebration of life, I know its hard to lose someone close evenmore so when they are young, i lost my twin sister 12 years ago this feb, i was 8 when it happned i was young but i understood but not as much as i understand now, im sorry to hear about your loss and my heart goes out to the family and other close friends, it gets easier with time, you will see.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Jul 31, 04
The Man behind the scene!
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G-Style is an unknown quantity at this point
Nothing can be said to ease you situation at all. I too have been down this road and it's not easy but my best wishes are with you and please do your very best to get your life back on track and not dwell on the situation. I friend of mine dwelled on the same situation we were in and woke up from it one day almost a year nad a half later...good luck and **hugs**
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Jul 31, 04
-->Tightcore Trucker<--
Join Date: Jan 2001
Bitchin will become famous soon enoughBitchin will become famous soon enough
Thanx guys!

This month has just been far too much lately.. as I've said before.

This is the second friend I've lost, this month. Sure I wasn't really good friends with him, but we did hang out on occasion.

It's so hard to face the reality...

One thing tho.. it does make me feel like I take my friends for granted. And I feel like a complete utter bitch for that. I can say this pass week has changed me for the better, I would think...

Just every weekend this month I've lost a friend or have come close to losing a friend.. I just hope this weekend doesnt repeat the others[I worry over any lil'thing now, when it comes to some one I care about].

I don't look at funeral as a way of saying good-bye nor a celebration of thier life.. Well maybe it is in a way... But I see it more so as small goin away party, and waiting till we see them again.

I can't remeber where I heard/saw this, but it made so much sense when it came to death...

It's a Father explaing to his Daughter about death and why it happens... They're sitting on a bench watching a Carosul[sp?]. And the fater say something along the lines of...
Father - "Wouldn't you like a ride on the Carosul?"
Duaghter "Yes."
Father "But you have to wait your turn for when the other get of it, right?"
Daughter "uh-huh"
Father "Well that's like life. You have to wait your turn to get on, and eventually you have to get off to give some one else a turn"

I don't know if that makes sense.. but it did to me when I was rather young....

All I can say I guess, is that I'm thankful for the friends I have now.
[And if anyone else passes away I'm gonna bloody FREAK!]
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Jul 31, 04
Join Date: Jun 2001
krisamata is an unknown quantity at this point
like i said i completely understand. and i really hope tonite cheered you up. i think it did.

just remember...she will never truly leave as long as you always remember her.

you cant be looking up into the stars if your head is always down!!!!

love you lots jnetter.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Jul 31, 04
Join Date: Sep 2003
Mo... is an unknown quantity at this point
i kno how u feel.. i have had to goto 5 funerals in the last 2 years... :(
its hard and it sucks...
but u always get to remember the good times
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Aug 01, 04
Join Date: Jul 2004
CodaDrummer is on a distinguished road
I am so sorry to hear that...:014:

I can't really relate with you though on the subject because the closest person I have had pass away was my Great Grandpa, and we were never that close.

Recently I did lose touch with a very good friend and it tears me up inside. I know that is so minimul compared to actually losing someone, but it still hurts so f-cking much. I can't imagine what knowing someone is gone for good is like, I don't know how I will handle myself. Well, it's just something you have to prepare yourself for, because none of us can escape it.

Best of luck. Just look back on the memories and know that those are with you forever.
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Aug 07, 04
is not out for fame.
Join Date: Mar 2004
Segued will become famous soon enoughSegued will become famous soon enough
i had one of my closest friends pass in december, it's really hard to deal with , but you just gotta remeber the good times and know that there in a better place now.
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