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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Feb 10, 05
Join Date: Apr 2001
TrixX is a jewel in the roughTrixX is a jewel in the roughTrixX is a jewel in the roughTrixX is a jewel in the roughTrixX is a jewel in the rough

i know everyone has had their share of friends making mistakes and people letting you down and trying your trust.
but imagine an extreme amount of unreliability where you find your trust wearing thin.
do you think it's fair to say that that person has a right to no longer trust anyone?? or is it a forgive and forget kind of thing where everyone you meet deserves a chance??
see i thought about this for a long time and my conclusion totally surprised me. i don't trust anyone. it's a very unsettling feeling. there are so many people out there for themselves and i think in general everyone has it in them. i do however get to a point where a person can earn my trust in time.

but i'm just curious how many people find they can totally trust someone new?? and do you think most people are in it for themselves or do i have a very jaded view of the world???
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Feb 10, 05
dabbler's Avatar
Art Is Resistance
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dabbler is a jewel in the roughdabbler is a jewel in the roughdabbler is a jewel in the roughdabbler is a jewel in the rough
well, first impressions are everything. if someone makes a good first impression with me, then i'm very likely to trust them (at least at first) even if i shouldn't. and the same goes for bad impressions, i carry my opinion of someone for a looong time if it's a bad impression. personally, i'd say it's good to doubt things, but most humans have the need to have people they can trust. i can only assume that when you say "i don't trust anyone", you just mean anyone new in your life. i'm sure you have some old friends, whether you talk to them or not, whom you do trust.

you really can't connect with people (and therefore can't make GOOD friends with anyone) if you don't take the risk of trusting them. i know i give everyone one chance, and if they fuck it up... well, then my opinion changes FAST.

Last edited by dabbler; Feb 10, 05 at 09:01 PM.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Feb 10, 05
Join Date: Apr 2001
TrixX is a jewel in the roughTrixX is a jewel in the roughTrixX is a jewel in the roughTrixX is a jewel in the roughTrixX is a jewel in the rough
your right i do have friends from the past that have proved reliable in many situations. but as for meeting and trusting new people.........don't you ever get sick of being disappointed??? i guess maybe i used to put too much trust into people i'd only met a couple times but i've found since highschool that the people i meet are so all over the place. and that's fun and exciting and all but they've all tainted my view of the 'REAL' world. maybe my defences are too strong but i find it so hard to find quality people now. or when i do find them the interest isn't there on their part. do you see what i'm saying???
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Feb 10, 05
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Art Is Resistance
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dabbler is a jewel in the roughdabbler is a jewel in the roughdabbler is a jewel in the roughdabbler is a jewel in the rough
i totally see what you're saying. but i'll tell you a secret. find ONE really good person, and raid their closest friends. hahaha.
seriously tho, when you find one solid, real person, not only can you tell whether your correct in your opinion, but you can also make friends with their other cool friends. i consider myself to be extremely lucky these days, to have as many friends whom i can rely on, as i do. tho funny enough, i'm still sitting around bored at home.:319:

Last edited by dabbler; Feb 10, 05 at 10:31 PM.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Feb 10, 05
Join Date: Apr 2001
TrixX is a jewel in the roughTrixX is a jewel in the roughTrixX is a jewel in the roughTrixX is a jewel in the roughTrixX is a jewel in the rough
closet friends?? lol fucking hillarious!
well at least you got me smiling! :)
nice to see other people share the boringness of life at times!
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Feb 10, 05
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Art Is Resistance
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dabbler is a jewel in the roughdabbler is a jewel in the roughdabbler is a jewel in the roughdabbler is a jewel in the rough
we all do. we all do. :)
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Feb 11, 05
'latinum respect.
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I think you just know if you can really trust someone and you never have to ask yourself that.

sometimes you just meet people and you find yourself letting your guard down and feeling unbelievably comfortable with the person so fast you can't even believe it.

and I say, roll with it. If it feels right, it feels right for a reason.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Feb 11, 05
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LeeBrat is on a distinguished road
i find that i do trust people very quickly, although in cirtain cases i know i shouldnt. but at the same time im not really judgemental towards most people. it doesnt really matter what they look/dress/etc like, just as long as they are pleasent ill like them.
other then that i think that most people do deserve a second chance, or the chance to gain trust/respect
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Feb 13, 05
Join Date: Jan 2005
Faxe is an unknown quantity at this point
if i get a vibe that his persons alright and theres a good first impresion then i'l trust them. but when it comes to friends that have betrayed you some how, u just have to weigh te good and the bad. say ur best friend does something really stupid once but has walked u home when ur to wasted to make it there urself and was a jenuine friend all the way to one point, then u just got to remember that there was soemthnig there and the person probably feels dumb and probably wants to fix it as much as u want them out of ur life. all im saying is look back and see if its worth living where u dont trust anyone and weigh everything. then go with ur instinct.
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