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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Feb 17, 05
dont play with fire
Join Date: Feb 2005
₣lame® is an unknown quantity at this point
so i guess this is heart to heart, need an advice

my friend really likes someone, and she needs an advice. she has been seeing someone for few months... she totally likes him a lot, has a big crash on him, and can tell he likes her too. but something came up and he no longer lives close to her, he basically had to go away, no one knows for how long. now she is totally confused, and this whole seeing and liking each other never was really talked about or ended.

She wants to speak her mind to him and tell him how she feels. Some people tell her, don’t worry about it, and move on (me for example lol) some friends think she should really talk to him and let him know how she feels, otherwise how would he know. She is not sure exactly how to deliver herself and what would be right things to say.

Also, she has no idea what he’d say, think or do about this whole thing… can anyone give her some suggestions or advice?

It will be helpful if guys said something, if anything similar happened to them. And girl, any of you had that happen to u?

thank you everyone :)
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Feb 17, 05
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i think just being honest is the best way to go. the more you try and beat around about it makes the conversation way more uncomfortable than it needs to be. plus if he's not even living here she doesn't have a lot to lose. at least if he doesn't feel the same way she can have the time to get over him without having to face him all the time!
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Feb 17, 05
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LeeBrat is on a distinguished road
well...i have no clue what the "situation" was that made him leave, but if they both honestly feel for each other then they should probebly let each other know how they feel. aside from that, she shouldnt worry about it, and as you said, move on. :)
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Feb 17, 05
where's the beach
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mugsy is on a distinguished road
alas, this is an age old problem.
there are alot of fish in the sea, but sometimes it can feel\seem like there is only one.
diffferent people react to things in different ways. some would grab the bull by the horns and tell him how they feel before he leaves no matter what the reaction may be, but just letting him know would be enough for them. (i like this one)
others would never express themselves, and end up wondering forever what may or may not have happened.

i dont think your lady friend here needs any advice, she just needs to make her own decision.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Feb 17, 05
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she most definitely needs to tell him how she feels. not only is it really hard to deal with liking someone who likes you, but not being able to be with them, but it's only going to end up as a severe regret of a lost opportunity. communication is the only way to help it work itself out. honesty is always the best thing.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Feb 18, 05
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Kraig is a jewel in the roughKraig is a jewel in the roughKraig is a jewel in the roughKraig is a jewel in the roughKraig is a jewel in the rough
It's simple...

If she really likes him and respects him, then she needs to be honest and tell him that they should see other people and why.

If he really likes her and respects her and understands why she feels this way, then it should all be good.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Feb 18, 05
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I concur with the above statement!
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Feb 23, 05
thats a tough one...
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Feb 23, 05
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well if she can't seem to get her mind off of this guy, then she needs to tell him how sshe feels.
i agree with mugsy kinda. i think asking for advice is like fishing for confirmation on how you already feel, in order to make you more convinced of what your heart is already saying.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Feb 23, 05
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tell her to say how she feels. have an imagination and creative thinking so that will take care of the delivery, cause when ever you try to plan something like that it never comes anywhere close to how you planned. if the feelings are going both ways then tell her to go for it. trying and failing is alot better then not trying and regreting.
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Feb 24, 05
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diesskei is an unknown quantity at this point
what is the point of telling someone that, if they are gone and you cannot see them. I think it would be far more torturous to each other than keeping it inside. If the distance is not too far, then yes tell them... even more so if they are coming back in the near future.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Mar 08, 05
dont play with fire
Join Date: Feb 2005
₣lame® is an unknown quantity at this point
thax a lot for your comments everyone!! i am sure these suggestions will help in ways!!

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