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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Mar 18, 05
Rave 'till Dawn
Join Date: Feb 2005
Cranke65 is an unknown quantity at this point
Birth Control.. Help! NuvaRing Questions!

Ok, this is mostly a question for chicks... Anyone ever used a nuva ring? I've never taken birth control before, and my doctor told me about this. Just a few questions... Does it protect for the whole month? Because since you leave it out for 7 days (for your cycle), doesn't it take another 7 days after insertion to start working again? Leaving only 2 weeks...? Also, my doctor and the pharmasist I got it from said you insert after your peroid, but the little booklet said between day 1 and 5 of your menstral cycle... so... During your period? Any help?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Mar 18, 05
Don't Believe The Hype
Join Date: Jun 2001
diva is a jewel in the roughdiva is a jewel in the roughdiva is a jewel in the rough
Originally Posted by Cranke65
Ok, this is mostly a question for chicks... Anyone ever used a nuva ring? I've never taken birth control before, and my doctor told me about this. Just a few questions... Does it protect for the whole month? Because since you leave it out for 7 days (for your cycle), doesn't it take another 7 days after insertion to start working again? Leaving only 2 weeks...? Also, my doctor and the pharmasist I got it from said you insert after your peroid, but the little booklet said between day 1 and 5 of your menstral cycle... so... During your period? Any help?
Day 1 of your cycle is the first day of your period.

Think of the 7 day think like the pill. The seven sugar pills are like you leaving the ring out for seven days.

Starting a new pill pack is like inserting the ring during the last few days of your period. Sometimes your period is over by the time you've finished the 28 pills. Am I making sense?

Or, think of the patch.
You keep it on for 21 days, or three weeks; then take it off for a week.

The whole 7 days without hormones allows for the levels in your body to drop, letting you get your period.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Mar 18, 05
Don't Believe The Hype
Join Date: Jun 2001
diva is a jewel in the roughdiva is a jewel in the roughdiva is a jewel in the rough
if you've never taken birth control before, it might be hard for you to use this method

why not just take the pill and not have to deal with all the hassles?

i have an IUD, which will last for five years, because i don't want to deal with taking yet another pill during the day

you should consider other options of birth control if you're not going to be able to be religious about following the instructions
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Mar 18, 05
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baby-phat is a jewel in the roughbaby-phat is a jewel in the roughbaby-phat is a jewel in the roughbaby-phat is a jewel in the roughbaby-phat is a jewel in the rough
Originally Posted by Cranke65
Ok, this is mostly a question for chicks... Anyone ever used a nuva ring? I've never taken birth control before, and my doctor told me about this. Just a few questions... Does it protect for the whole month? Because since you leave it out for 7 days (for your cycle), doesn't it take another 7 days after insertion to start working again? Leaving only 2 weeks...? Also, my doctor and the pharmasist I got it from said you insert after your peroid, but the little booklet said between day 1 and 5 of your menstral cycle... so... During your period? Any help?
I use Nuva Ring, and I find it very handy. Since it releases hormones while it's 'up there' they take affect right away once inserted. You can leave it in for up to 4 weeks but no longer! I'm on my 2nd month of using this, and have yet to have to insert it during my period- it all depends on how long it lasts for (your period that is). But honestly, any questions or concerns you have about it you should bring up with your doctor and pharmasist. :198:
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Mar 19, 05
eff eff
Join Date: Apr 2003
-ff- is an unknown quantity at this point
Listen to Diva.

She's a Nurse (well, ok, not yet - but almost)

Trust your medicos, not random ravers.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Mar 19, 05
Rave 'till Dawn
Join Date: Feb 2005
Cranke65 is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by baby-phat
I use Nuva Ring, and I find it very handy. Since it releases hormones while it's 'up there' they take affect right away once inserted. You can leave it in for up to 4 weeks but no longer! I'm on my 2nd month of using this, and have yet to have to insert it during my period- it all depends on how long it lasts for (your period that is). But honestly, any questions or concerns you have about it you should bring up with your doctor and pharmasist. :198:
I got strict instructions from my doctor to leave it in only 3 weeks, never four. And, that it only takes effect 7 days after insertion (the first time you use it.) I went back to my doctor and asked more questions... Yea, you insert during your period, but is it better at the end, or at the begining? And lets say you take it out, have your period in 5 days, and then have two more days without it in, and without your period... are you protected then, or do you have to go 7 long, hard days without sex? lol. And.. you count 3 weeks from the day of insertion, not last day of your rag, right? Also, your period should come closer to the end without it in, right? I'm all confused now... Do you have days without the ring and without your period at the end or begining of the week without? I might be over thinking this....

I've consittered other methods, but I've already bought the nuva right for three months. I think after I get the hang of it once everything's clear and I start using it (just about on my rag). If I can't figure this out, I may move onto the mini-pill.

Oh, I use projesterone cream... that won't effect the birthcontrol, will it?
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Mar 19, 05
Don't Believe The Hype
Join Date: Jun 2001
diva is a jewel in the roughdiva is a jewel in the roughdiva is a jewel in the rough
Go sit with your doctor, or nurse and have them explain STEP BY STEP how to use the thing.

Most competent professionals would not let a client leave their office with a piece of equipment or medication that they didn't fully know how to use.

Seriously, don't use that shit until you know how to use it.
You'll get pregnant.
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