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  #26 (permalink)  
Old Apr 01, 05
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old Apr 01, 05
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^I'm sorry, just quit goin after hoes :p

I'll be telling him when he answers his bloody phone.

I thought it could be harmless but she kept asking me if he was 'clean' and if she should have him tested for her sake. Kept saying how she didn't trust him, it was like she was looking for dirt, kinda like a reason to break up with him. then all of a sudden she'd turn around and ask me.... 'he's sexy isn't he, what have you done with him' or 'tell me what you've done with him now, don't be a pussy?' or 'you have something to say dont you. say it bitch' or something along those lines?!

I asked her if he knew about her being on his account, and what she thoguht he'd think.. she said " I dont care' and logged off.

the girl wsa crazy.

oh and can someone fill me in on this girl code of conduct shit thing, cause I have no idea what your talking about.
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old Apr 03, 05
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^ ummmmmm J'nette she sounds pretty nuts IMO.
I think your buddy could DEFINITELY do better!
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old Apr 03, 05
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nuts isn't always bad. kinda makes you feel appreciated
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old Apr 03, 05
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Hmm... let's see:

Girl you don't even know (guy you've barely talked to/haven't talked to in ages ) + you telling him his new gf = crazy ---> mind your own business.

Granted, you have been pulled into this but I really don't think you are at a position to tell him who he should or shouldn't date. Chances are he knows her better than you do and is well aware that she is paranoid and insecure. He's old enough to make his own judgement calls.
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  #31 (permalink)  
Old Apr 03, 05
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you should at least let'm know she went interrogation mode on you.

i mean switch the position here, wouldn't you wanna know if your SO is acting like a fucking tard to your friends?

edit: if she doens't know him that well and she's using someone's msn is just like reading their emails and shit. just cuz it's sitting there doens't mean it's for everyone to read.

Last edited by Hot Karl; Apr 03, 05 at 05:59 PM.
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old Apr 03, 05
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I say.. Get your buddy to sober up and see that his girlfriend is 11, and just saying she's 18
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old Apr 03, 05
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Leslie, I wouldnt be like 'BREAK UP WITH HER NOW!' I'm just saying that.. 'hey, your gf is playin 121 questions with me and its all about you!' or something along those lines.

let alone..she says they've known each otehr for over 2 years. why hasn't he ever mentioned her?! he's never mentioned that he hangs out with her or stuff?! I uno.

I dont wanna get involved. all that much.

I'm iffy on telling him now.. but sorta not.
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old Apr 03, 05
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By they've known each other for two years, she probably means they've known each other as casual, casual acquaintances. If they had known each other for two years and were actually decent friends, she'd probably know his dating history and the kinda person he is so that she doesn't have to play detective.

I'd be kinda iffy to tell him too because he might take it the wrong way. Considering you guys haven't talked in a long time and then all of the sudden you message him and you're all like, "you're gf is kinda insecure and asked me like a billion questions" or something like that. You know what I mean? It might just push her paranoia over the edge if she knew you were going to talk to him.

She knows she shouldn't be doing this and that it's retarded and stupid but it's probably the only way she knows how to get her information. It's kinda sad that she cannot approach him in a mature manner but she definately has some explaining to do. However, I just feel like it'd be impersonal for you to be the one to bring it up with him.

Good luck.
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old Apr 04, 05
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I still say she's crazy.

In some way, you really should let him know.

But m'eh, you're call of course!
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  #36 (permalink)  
Old Apr 04, 05
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I would definately wanna know if a girl was doing stuff like that at my place. Thats not cool at all.
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  #37 (permalink)  
Old Apr 04, 05
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Originally Posted by stabmyhead
By they've known each other for two years, she probably means they've known each other as casual, casual acquaintances. If they had known each other for two years and were actually decent friends, she'd probably know his dating history and the kinda person he is so that she doesn't have to play detective.
Well I know he's been single for quite sometime, so she wouldn't know much about him in that manner. Cause nor do I. Tho, I've only know him a quater of the time she says she has.

I'd be kinda iffy to tell him too because he might take it the wrong way. Considering you guys haven't talked in a long time and then all of the sudden you message him and you're all like, "you're gf is kinda insecure and asked me like a billion questions" or something like that. You know what I mean? It might just push her paranoia over the edge if she knew you were going to talk to him.

She knows she shouldn't be doing this and that it's retarded and stupid but it's probably the only way she knows how to get her information. It's kinda sad that she cannot approach him in a mature manner but she definately has some explaining to do. However, I just feel like it'd be impersonal for you to be the one to bring it up with him.

Good luck.
I get what your saying.
And I asked her if he knew what she was doing, she claied that she would tell him. which I doubt. Also I told her to talk to him if she wants to find out, she claims she does but doesn't believe him.
Then I'm thinkin if you don't believe him and have no trust, yet he's the greatest guy in the world... why are you with him?! I even asked her that and all he had to say was 'he's too sexy'. To me that's not a good enough basis to not believe him. Maybe if he was a major flirt with girls or something along those lines I could understand. But he's not.

I don't think it's much my business to but in, being I haven't spoken to him in aawhile... And I'm sure he's gonna find out sooner or later, right?

But I know if it was one of my close friend that this was happening to.. I'd tell them.

ugh. I uno.
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  #38 (permalink)  
Old Apr 04, 05
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Maybe just let him know that her asking you all these personal questions about him is making you uncomfortable. And maybe suggest that they should sit down and have a good talk so that she does not have to go online and interrogate his friends.
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  #39 (permalink)  
Old Apr 04, 05
..TuRnTabLe MeTaBoLiSm..
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Female code of honor aka: Chix b4 Dix

Male code of honor aka: bros b4 hoes...

but as someone else already pointed out, that really only applies when the girl/guy is your friend. If its some random slut whos dating your GUY friend and bein scandelous... then fuck her.

I kinda just mentioned as a joke at the outset. What i was trying to get across, is if your more worried about upsetting some random girl... or letting ur tru friend get hurt. Some girls wont backstab another girl...even if they dont know the girl. It just seems wrong to them. *im not one of those girls* If some chick is being a stupid cunt... and hruting one of my friends, or me...then shes gonna get wrath! lol

Last edited by .o0*HaLo*0o.; Apr 04, 05 at 01:20 PM.
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  #40 (permalink)  
Old Apr 04, 05
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Originally Posted by .o0*HaLo*0o.
depends whether u care more about breaking the female code of honor, or seeing your friend get possibly hurt.
In my experience, female codes of honour aren't.

Oft do I thank the fact that I'm male: I don't get to see 90% of the bitchiness.

As far as guys go, we have "crew". Women should have the same. This chick has nothing to do with you, so why have scruples about thinking them an idiot and trying to protect your friend?

Fuck, if someone did that to me, asked me about my friend, my immediate response would be: "Well, they've got good friends, of which I am one, and already I don't like you" and end the conversation there.
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  #41 (permalink)  
Old Apr 06, 05
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Originally Posted by .o0*HaLo*0o.
Female code of honor aka: Chix b4 Dix

Male code of honor aka: bros b4 hoes...
Hahaha. I wouldn't honour that.. simple because the vast majority of my friend are guys..... i'd always put one of my boys ahead of some bitch.

but hears one for ya....

if Chicks are before dick... what if the dick came before the chick?!
like.. you were with a boy... then you made a new girlfriend.. who comes first?!:p
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  #42 (permalink)  
Old Apr 06, 05
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If ur pretty good friends with him...he needs to know. It may save him a hell of a lot of pain and work further down the road. She sounds very rude...and i applaud u on not giving out info about him.
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  #43 (permalink)  
Old Apr 06, 05
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Originally Posted by Bitchin
Hahaha. I wouldn't honour that.. simple because the vast majority of my friend are guys..... i'd always put one of my boys ahead of some bitch.

but hears one for ya....

if Chicks are before dick... what if the dick came before the chick?!
like.. you were with a boy... then you made a new girlfriend.. who comes first?!:p
My bf comes before friends, new or old. Don't get me wrong - I don't sell out my friends last minute to hang out with my boy, but I do make plans/check in with my boy first before making "major" plans, etc. My best friend understands, she's exactly the same with her bf. Chix b4 dicks is something girls say when they feel they are losing ground on a friendship with a fellow girlfriend. If there's a situation where you actually utter those words, there was probably something much bigger wrong in the first place, like a lack of mutual respect or consideration.
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  #44 (permalink)  
Old Apr 07, 05
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^ Agreed, Nev.
Every time my bf's friends go there with the whole "bros before hoes" thing I want to be like "Hey, idiot, easy for you to say.....you don't have a gf and haven't ever been in a serious relationship!" LOL

Anyhow, I still say tell him, but do it in a "Hey, I don't mean to knock your gf, but I just thought you should know, because if it were me, I would want to know" way.
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  #45 (permalink)  
Old Apr 07, 05
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Originally Posted by Bitchin
Hahaha. I wouldn't honour that.. simple because the vast majority of my friend are guys..... i'd always put one of my boys ahead of some bitch.

but hears one for ya....

if Chicks are before dick... what if the dick came before the chick?!
like.. you were with a boy... then you made a new girlfriend.. who comes first?!:p
my boyfriend for sure :)
the whole bros before hoes, blah blah blah... i was just "filling u in"
its not a rule i live by in any means haha.. my boyfriend IS my best friend and in any situation he gets the benefit of the doubt over someone new, guy or girl.

By the sounds of it your more worried anyways, about possibly losing your guy friends respect if you start dishin out dirt on his new flame... either way, u should tell him tho, like some other ppl said, just word it delicatly. People can take the defensive side wen its regarding a new relationship.
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  #46 (permalink)  
Old Apr 08, 05
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Originally Posted by galaxie
^ Agreed, Nev.
Every time my bf's friends go there with the whole "bros before hoes" thing I want to be like "Hey, idiot, easy for you to say.....you don't have a gf and haven't ever been in a serious relationship!" LOL
Hahaha... Exactly.
Originally Posted by galaxie
Anyhow, I still say tell him, but do it in a "Hey, I don't mean to knock your gf, but I just thought you should know, because if it were me, I would want to know" way.
Yes. When I said to rat the crazy bitch out, I meant with tact. But I figure you have a brain J'nette and don't need me to tell you how to talk to your friend. YOU know the best approach. I'm just saying in my smart ass way that HELLS YES he should find out. His gf is right out there... Lol.
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  #47 (permalink)  
Old Apr 17, 05
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Well thats stepping over the line. Its the type of situation where you should just leave it alone, but if I were in your shoes I can defintiley see myself telling the guy. Nobody deserves to be with somebody like that.
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