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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Apr 07, 05
i really look like this!
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Would you marry for MONEY?

The first topic was raised during a lunch at earls with the girls.

1. Would you or could you or do you plan to marry for money?
Yes, No, or under what circumstances if any circumstances at all?

2. Would you marry/partner someone who was absolutely perfect person on the inside, (everything you'd ever asked for) but was not very physically attractive in your eyes?
  #2 (permalink)  
Old Apr 07, 05
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1] No, that's like being a live-in hooker/escort. Casue the mans gonna want you to put out @ some point and what if he's rank. And you'd never be truely happy.. sure you'd have EVERYTHING you ever wanted.. but you wouldnt beable to fill inthat void. UNLESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS... You had some warp sense of a relationship.
But I wouldn't do tht either.
I rather be happy then have money.

2] It really depends.. they'd have to have like a amazing personality to get past something like bad hygiene[which no one can get me by, BRUSH YOUR TEETH DAMN IT!]. Bad teeth and hair is something I can't get by........It jsut states whether the person is clean or not. But say they were over wieght... I could.. as long as they're not one of those ppl that are like 'feel sorry for me I'm fat' but not immensly over wieght, cause then you know they're just eating thier problems away.
If they were physically deformed, it would depend on the situation... Cause I really dunno.. how'd I'd feel about seeing some one with a foot on thier face, or if they had numbins.
It's tough one to answer sorta.
  #3 (permalink)  
Old Apr 07, 05
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1.) no. it seems completely rediculous.

2.) i would have to experience the situation. i've dated people i havent found completely attractive, and i wouldnt neccessarily blame all the problems on it, but i think it created some problems within the relationship. but really when it came down to it when i was single, for a looooong time i had low self esteem, and didnt go after anyone i found to be gorgeous, i chased people who i thought were interesting\had personality i would like.
but ive been head over heels attracted to my boyfriend since the first moment i saw him walking towards me during a night shift in the plaza. my jaw actually opened and stayed open until i realized how stupid i looked. its been over two years and sometimes i still get flabbergasted when he walks into a room and walks over to me.
basically my answer: like i said before id have to experience it. in the past i have gone for personality over looks, sometimes the looks thing got in the way. im with an outrageously gorgeous man, who has the most attractive personality and everything is wonderful. fuck it all depends on the personality.
  #4 (permalink)  
Old Apr 07, 05
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I find it interesting that the two people who responded to this thread have said no to the first question, and an "it depends" to the second.

People will admit to being attracted to someone for their looks before they'll admit to being attracted to someone for their bank account.

1. I wouldn't marry someone who was poor.
You can love a rich guy just as easily as you can love a poor one. It's probably a lot easier to initially fall for someone who's got money than it is to fall for someone who's a broke ass. There's nothing wrong with being attracted to financial security. I plan on having my own money soon, and probably wouldn't date someone who wasn't as hardworking as I was. I value ambition, so my partner would have to be very goal oriented and motivated about life. Since financial success usually follows someone who's driven, I can't see myself with someone who's poor. Money usually follows people who follow their passions.

2. I would marry someone who wasn't very good looking as long as they had other qualities that attracted me to them. The way I see it, marriage is a partnership. A potential mate has to bring a lot to the table in order to ensure a lifelong partnership. I wouldn't be able to be around someone who only had good looks and lacked a brain and wit.
  #5 (permalink)  
Old Apr 07, 05
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1) Hell no, ive have enough shit dealing with gold diggers...
2) Depends on how attracted i am to the person themself, but i wouldnt be surprised if i do fall for someone who isnt that physically attractive someday, i lost hope in good looking people who treat you like shit - yea like i should have had any in the first place - physical appearance is not a small price to pay, then again thats when high class expensive hookers and one night stands come into place, or so i learned from my previous relationships.....i was on the getting fucked side.
  #6 (permalink)  
Old Apr 07, 05
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1. No, i could never marry someone for money if i wasnt in love with the person.

2. If i'm not physically attracted to the person I don't think it would work out.
  #7 (permalink)  
Old Apr 07, 05
....fucking evol
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If MONEY asked me to marry I'd kick him in the nuts!
  #8 (permalink)  
Old Apr 07, 05
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Cdn_Brdr's Mom isn't rich so we just stick to messing around on the sly. :)
  #9 (permalink)  
Old Apr 07, 05
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1] i would NEVER marry anyone for anything but the pure desire to be with them always, coming from my love for them.

2] I could never marry someone I wasn't attracted to because regaurdless what people say, you can't have a good relationship without good sex, and how the HELL can you have good sex, if you aren't attrated to them?

There is also a difference between and "attractive" person, and BEING attracted to someone. I'm speaking to the latter.
  #10 (permalink)  
Old Apr 07, 05
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1) no, i could be completely happy living in a shack in tofino with my one tru love, i dont need glitter, although its a bonus on existing love

2)it depends... sometimes when you love someone so much personality wise, you start to see them in a different light anyways... but i mean... usually when you go to talk to a guy, its cause u think he's hot... if that initial attraction isnt there, then the convo that puts you on the same wavelength might not ever happen. BUT if it does, and you are into eachother that way, then physical attraction isnt always key. Its definatly important though, to a fully healthy relationship. You have to love the person inside AND out.
  #11 (permalink)  
Old Apr 07, 05
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1. Would you or could you or do you plan to marry for money?
Yes, No, or under what circumstances if any circumstances at all?
Would I marry a scantily clad asian sugar momma in exchange for dick? In a heart beat. Otherwise, no.

2. Would you marry/partner someone who was absolutely perfect person on the inside, (everything you'd ever asked for) but was not very physically attractive in your eyes?
Life isn't black and white like that. It's one of those, "beauty is in the eye of the beholder", doo-dads. I don't know about you, but when I meet someone and 'click' , not just a "I wanna stick it in you" click, everything about that person becomes unique as a whole. That click transcends a positive/negative perception, a shallow mentality.

Those clicks don't happen a lot.

So yeah, I'd marry someone who wasn't picture perfect, but rocked my mental world.

Last edited by Goat; Apr 07, 05 at 02:38 PM.
  #12 (permalink)  
Old Apr 07, 05
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i had the chance to marry for money. a girl i was "dating" asked me to marry her, but i said no. one of her grandparents was john labatt and another one of her grandparents was the real estate lawyer who starter whistler. so she was richer then rich. sometimes i stop and think, maybe i should have, haha. but then i remember some things called fate and love. i let them lead my way. also, i want to make my own money and learn things along the way.

the second question, hell no. i don't know a single person who could marry someone they are not attracted to physically. thats just stupid.
  #13 (permalink)  
Old Apr 07, 05
sooo fucken ugly
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1. Yeah, I'd marry for money. If someone paid me money for them to get a canadian visa, sure.

2. Depends on whether I love them or not, if someone is usually an absolutely perfect person on the inside, the mind makes them attractive. Hell, freud compared love to being drunk, and when you're drunk, even the ugliest girls(prior to being drunk) don't look so bad(being drunk). You can switch in 'drunk' with 'in love' and it might make a bit more sense.
But why the hell would you marry someone that you don't even find beautiful.
  #14 (permalink)  
Old Apr 07, 05

i think attraction is one of the most important musts in happiness!

...being attracted and being happy with your sex life is really important! its something you do daily...

Originally Posted by Jen-E-03
1. No, i could never marry someone for money if i wasnt in love with the person.

2. If i'm not physically attracted to the person I don't think it would work out.
  #15 (permalink)  
Old Apr 07, 05
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1. having a sugar momma would be kinda sweet :)

2. my first girlfriend wasn't exactly beautiful, but it's surprising how little that matters once you get into the groove of things. it wouldn't matter too much to me i don't think.
  #16 (permalink)  
Old Apr 07, 05
lebanese blonde
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my answers are similar to diva's.

i wouldn't marry for the sole reason of money. however, having money is an attractive attribute, because of everything else it implies - intelligence, drive, ambition, charisma, a good work ethic, et al. i need to be comfortable. i'm going to work hard and have a good job, i'd expect him to have the same.

it depends on if you're physically attracted to the person who's not beautiful in your eyes. if you're attracted to them, it's all gravy. if you're not, you've made a great friend, haven't found a love. chemistry is key.
  #17 (permalink)  
Old Apr 07, 05
Get down, I do!
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^Hey Robyn..... I'm LOADED... yeah that's right, I went there....
  #18 (permalink)  
Old Apr 07, 05
tiestn vancorstenfold
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1. Would you or could you or do you plan to marry for money?
Yes, No, or under what circumstances if any circumstances at all?

Yes, I'd marry Money.

2. Would you marry/partner someone who was absolutely perfect person on the inside, (everything you'd ever asked for) but was not very physically attractive in your eyes?

  #19 (permalink)  
Old Apr 07, 05
'latinum respect.
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A common misconception about women that find success and an ambitious attitude in another person incredibly alluring is that they are gold diggers. That's lame.
  #20 (permalink)  
Old Apr 07, 05
lebanese blonde
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lithe is on a distinguished road

and Cdn_Brdr, (K). (but it's with an 'i')
  #21 (permalink)  
Old Apr 07, 05
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in my opinion, whatever you call it, it's an unattractive quality.

if my partner's estimation of me will go down in any way because i catch some hard times, then fuck that bitch. that shit's lame.
  #22 (permalink)  
Old Apr 07, 05
Get down, I do!
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Originally Posted by lithe

and Cdn_Brdr, (K). (but it's with an 'i')

:( I asked for a spelling correction in another thread but you ignored my pleas.... how was I supposed to know!!!
  #23 (permalink)  
Old Apr 07, 05
'latinum respect.
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miss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to all
^ why am I always feeling like I have to remind you that you're a MARRIED MAN? :P
  #24 (permalink)  
Old Apr 07, 05
Get down, I do!
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Cdn_Brdr is just really niceCdn_Brdr is just really niceCdn_Brdr is just really niceCdn_Brdr is just really niceCdn_Brdr is just really niceCdn_Brdr is just really nice
Originally Posted by miss.myra
^ why am I always feeling like I have to remind you that you're a MARRIED MAN? :P
Why am I always feeling like you read too much into my posts and nag me more than my mother would? :P
  #25 (permalink)  
Old Apr 07, 05
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Originally Posted by rawb
in my opinion, whatever you call it, it's an unattractive quality.

if my partner's estimation of me will go down in any way because i catch some hard times, then fuck that bitch. that shit's lame.
i'll have to agree with rawb on this one.

But one the other hand if a cougar wanted to buy me a bentley, and for me to play pool boy for her i think i'd do it.....
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