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  #26 (permalink)  
Old May 10, 05
Join Date: Apr 2001
Joanne is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by wellbelove's
Pitt bulls are nasty and known to be really visouse. The owner definenlty doesnt know how to take responsibility or try to work things out. I know it must really make your familey angry... especialy towards teh dogs, but be carful and try to deal with things in a better manner before you take care of it yoruself. See what the SPCA sugets, you may be able to take them to court and fine them?

You should deffinenlty report the dogs. If there able to dig under the fence they could be at great danger to other ppl and other pets. Like I said pit bulls are well known to attack with out warning.
the fact that they're a pitt bull does not necessarily equate with aggressiveness or violence. with proper training, they can be as loyal and friendly as any other dog.

do any type of search on pitbulls and you'll find tons of links about this..

but anyway, mateo, glad to hear your dog is doing better!

--Joanne :P
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old May 11, 05
I <3 House
Join Date: Jan 2002
Ree Fresh is an unknown quantity at this point
^fair enough... however it seems most dog attacks I hear about come from pitbulls and rottweilers. Not 100% as ive been told that its the law that a pitbull in public must wear a mussle at all times.

Anyways I heard latter today that some girl had her hourse attacked and killed by a neighbor's dogs. Apparently the minimum she can sue them for is $500,000!!!

Its a very seriouse issue when pets attack. Even just a bite and the attacking animal could be forced to be put down.
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old May 11, 05
where's the beach
Join Date: Apr 2003
mugsy is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by bananasinpjs
the fact that they're a pitt bull does not necessarily equate with aggressiveness or violence. with proper training, they can be as loyal and friendly as any other dog.

do any type of search on pitbulls and you'll find tons of links about this..

but anyway, mateo, glad to hear your dog is doing better!

--Joanne :P

i was attacked by a german shepard - they're supposed to be nice. little tiny dogs can be just as aggressive, they just dont have hte power to really attack a human. but ive been seriously bitten by little dogs before.
a dogs attitude i think reflects alot on the way it is taken care of\treated. my old dog cub - he was 120 pounds (aikita) and was the biggest fuckin teddy bear in the world. when i would come home from school he would jump up and knock me down and lick my face until i could get a firm grip on his chest and push him off. my mom tried for the first six months to have him sleep in the kitchen, but everynight i would go and get him and put him in my room. anyways - i spoiled him, and he was loved dearly and walked daily and played with to his hearts content. and he was extremely well trained. we lived in a townhouse at the time, and our yard was really not sufficient for him, so we found someone in seattle that offered to take him. they had about an acre of property, and the lady seemed really nice when we left him there. 6 months later, she put him to sleep. said his temperment wasnt right. he wasnt allowed in the house, didnt get taken out that much. if that happened to me - going from a house filled with love and care to being ostrasized and not given any form of attention, i'd get a little cranky too.

anyways, the point of all that is that dogs, just like humans, pick up on there surroundings and react to them. my dog now can tell the difference between people she can be excited with and jump all over and people who she was to sit and be calm around cause we trained her in the nursing home, she was used as a form of thearapy. its all on how you train them, how you care for them.
just think when a child is mistreated at home, they usually tend to cause a form of ruckus at school\in public.
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old May 11, 05
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Join Date: Feb 2004
LeeBrat is on a distinguished road
omg, im soo sorry to hear that hun *hugs*
the last 2 years my parents have had to put 2 of our dogs down because one had cancer/cateracs(sp), he was 14 years:( i pretty much grew up with that dog, and the other recently was put down because he had gotten arthritis and couldnt walk anymore, he was also def , he was 9 years old. its horrible to loose pet when they have been in such a big part of your life.

i hope all yous well for you
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old May 11, 05
Join Date: Feb 2001
spunsugar is an unknown quantity at this point
definetely take pictures of everything. and make photocopies of the bill. our jack russels were attacked by two rotties and after that one need over a thousand dolars worth of surgery. we documented everything and got the owner to pay. and now they've been attacked again. make a big package and send it over. see what they say.
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  #31 (permalink)  
Old May 12, 05
flick ma bean
Join Date: Oct 2002
Kelster is an unknown quantity at this point
holy shit 2 pitbulls on a jack russel???

i've got a teeny jack russel, Emily, i'd be devastated if anything were too happen too her :(

your neighbours a jerk, document everything and sue him. it's not just about your family and your dog or the vet bills, but him being an unsuitable owner that won't take responsibility for his pets actions. i hope he learns his lesson and takes proper precaution with his dogs, i hate hearing bout kids being attacked by dogs.

my boyfriend is always standing up for pitbulls, he loves them and wants one as his next dog. i understand that it's all in the way they are raised, but it's really hard to believe with all the attacks in the media and how thefucking skids on commercial need too hold their dog back and cover its eyes everytime emily and I walk by. and everytime there's an attack if the owner speaks up it's always 'our dog was a good dog, i don't know what got into her ble ble ble' augh, good luck.
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old May 12, 05
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Join Date: Jul 2003
Aaron_J is an unknown quantity at this point
Fuck I hate hearing about these problems with pit bulls. Kelly is right i do really love pit bulls but i belive if you own a pitt bull you shoulkd have a seperate type of licence and a short class on them before anybody can own one. I think this would help keep stupid thugs from having them and keep them to the responsible owners only. Its a better way then banning them and killing them off one by one. But thats only my idea. Shit im sorry to hear that though. I wish you and your dog the best. I have a jack myself and would hate to have anything happen to her. Good luck
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old May 12, 05
Join Date: Mar 2004
Custard is an unknown quantity at this point
hello dog, would you like some chocolate?
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