I am about 5'11..( maybe 5'10 and a half). I too know what its like to try and buy jeans...thank god for Rock & Republics....definantly made for us tall girls! I love being tall
Rad rad rad jeans!
Originally Posted by lithe
i love love love love love love love my height! i got over any insecurities about it in highschool, now the only times i even contemplate wishing for a few less inches are when i'm shopping for pants... but then i slip into a skirt and am once again ecstatic that i'm a giant.
there are lots of relatively tall girls in vancouver, but i agree that there's somewhat of a lack of tall (6'2"+) men.
Oh I'm with you Robyn. I think myself beautiful, my height included. I was just relating to the funnier side of it. Well OK maybe it's not funny when buying pants, but we must laugh at ourselves or life will seem much too long =)