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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Feb 03, 06
Kandyapple's Avatar
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Needing a change?

So lately I've been in this funk at work. I've just lost motivation, and I'm getting irritable easily. I'm taking things a lot harder too. And even though I'm doing ok in sales and nobody's bugging me, I'm just getting very irritated with all the new rules about taking other peoples bookings. To the point that I am resenting some of my coworkers for taking some of my bookings.

I'm just trying to figure out if I'm just getting a little seasonal depression or if I really need to start thinking about a change. If I should apply for another position in my company. Or try something completely different.

I don't want to make any big jumps until after the summer, because I have bills to pay and a vacation coming up. So I want to keep my steady job. But maybe after that's all taken care of, I may start thinking about what I wan't to do, and if there is something better for me out there. (I'm thinking more customer service and less sales.) More money would be nice too. :p

I just needed to get that off my chest.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Feb 03, 06
Join Date: Feb 2003
Chewy has a spectacular aura aboutChewy has a spectacular aura aboutChewy has a spectacular aura about
in my opinion with any job .. Why would you just sit around in one position. You should try to go as far as you can. Suceed in what you are doing, set a goal and accomplish it. If the company stands in your way then its time to switch.

With my company. i have to work with shitty workers, managment that doenst give a shit, none of the proper tools to get the job done. So i am quiting, I have had enough, i feel that i put my time in and if i want to improve my education and skills towards my occupation then i need to find another employer that will accomodate me needs..

i hope you find out what you need to do, and i hope your succesful in doing so.

Last edited by Chewy; Feb 03, 06 at 06:05 PM.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Feb 03, 06
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Thanks! yah I just need to figure out what I want. I've been holding off lately just probably due to confidence issues. Not sure If I can do the job, and never applying for ones that come up. But then I see other people that have been here less time moving up, and I'm starting think maybe I should just do something about it.
I've just gotten comfortable. But maybe this is what I need. I need to stop feeling just satisfied with where I am, and start thinking of what it's going to take to make me happy. I think I need to feel like I'm going somewhere, and not get into a rutt.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Feb 03, 06
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Chewy has a spectacular aura aboutChewy has a spectacular aura aboutChewy has a spectacular aura about
exactly.. the problem with some people is they get stuck in a routine. They get comfortable with there surroundings and they feel safe and secure because they know what is going to happen next. I hav even done it myself, but i realized that if i want to succeed in anything i have to take chances and do things that i normally wouldnt do.. You have to expose yourself to all angles of the situation and then choose a different path than you normally would
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Feb 03, 06
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Yah I'm going to take some time off in the summer. I think I'm going to use that time to think about what I want in the next year or so. I think it will be easer when I'm out of my routine for a little while. Plus I'm not ready yet. I'm going to wallow for a bit longer. :p
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Feb 03, 06
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Chewy has a spectacular aura aboutChewy has a spectacular aura aboutChewy has a spectacular aura about
wallowing is good.. just do it when you feel ready.. if your satisfied with what is going on at the moment then relax. take it easy.. but always know the next page is just around the corner..
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Feb 03, 06
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justa~gurl is an unknown quantity at this point
same boat right here

everyday i am tempted just to quit
but i need the steady income since i just bought a car and am trying to save up money to travel and what not

specially since i have to finish school and everything.. seriously blows cause i just want to move forward, but all this shit i have to do is holding me back

pay back is a bitch

At least you feel this way and not completely happy where you are... it would make it that much harder to improve your state
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Feb 03, 06
feelsssss love
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oh man, i hate those kinda jobs.......

i work retail now, and i get a discount on my clothes.......

and the only thing i have worry about is other emplyees stealing my sales....

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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Feb 03, 06
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Originally Posted by Kandyapple
So lately I've been in this funk at work. I've just lost motivation, and I'm getting irritable easily. I'm taking things a lot harder too. And even though I'm doing ok in sales and nobody's bugging me, I'm just getting very irritated with all the new rules about taking other peoples bookings. To the point that I am resenting some of my coworkers for taking some of my bookings.

I'm just trying to figure out if I'm just getting a little seasonal depression or if I really need to start thinking about a change. If I should apply for another position in my company. Or try something completely different.

I don't want to make any big jumps until after the summer, because I have bills to pay and a vacation coming up. So I want to keep my steady job. But maybe after that's all taken care of, I may start thinking about what I wan't to do, and if there is something better for me out there. (I'm thinking more customer service and less sales.) More money would be nice too. :p

I just needed to get that off my chest.
whoa crap thats like EXACTLY how im feeling right now...and im in sales as well.

if i can only hold on for a few more months..then off to New Zealand i go!
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Feb 03, 06
Join Date: Jan 2006
wtf_wtf is on a distinguished road
I can so relate..you want change, dont want to quite until you find another job but cant stand beign where you are. You just hope you get through the day... It's basically same shit different day and I WANT CHANGE
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Feb 17, 06
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Lenny is on a distinguished road
went through the same sort of phase with my job recently. 2 things worked for me. 1) Taking a vacation , and 2) Sucking it up and pushing through it with a bit of will and determination. Good things have come from both and have sparked some new motivation for me. I definitely understand the money trap end of it though, so hard to give up a good situation for something new. Anyway, good luck!
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Feb 18, 06
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mojo is just really nicemojo is just really nicemojo is just really nicemojo is just really nicemojo is just really nicemojo is just really nice
i cant imagine not being happy about going to work. i love my job.

sorry to hear peeps.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Feb 18, 06
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Kandyapple is a jewel in the roughKandyapple is a jewel in the roughKandyapple is a jewel in the roughKandyapple is a jewel in the rough
Well I must admit the sun does help the situation. I still need to figure out a plan of some sorts, because right now I'm without a set goal. So that is something that needs to be taken care of.
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