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  #201 (permalink)  
Old Aug 03, 04
....fucking evol
Join Date: Feb 2004
neoh will become famous soon enough
Originally Posted by meth0dical
fuck yea, man gettin our tent up was so much effort lol. we kept fuckin up on the frame... luckily we had our lantern to see the color coded shit
we setup ours at around 6pm :D
  #202 (permalink)  
Old Aug 03, 04
ShAkE iT
Join Date: Jan 2004
Lil Tiff is an unknown quantity at this point
Wow props to Money your stage was awsome! Same with the funky town stage....i was only at those 2 all night!

Anyways good night, it was nice seeing everyone, alot of people i hadnt seen in a long time! See ya at the next party!
  #203 (permalink)  
Old Aug 03, 04
....fucking evol
Join Date: Feb 2004
neoh will become famous soon enough
heh, tiff.
we brought the super soaker just for you.
  #204 (permalink)  
Old Aug 03, 04
ShAkE iT
Join Date: Jan 2004
Lil Tiff is an unknown quantity at this point
^^ Hah thanx! Lorne got me pretty good....i was soaked!! I guess that was payback for squirting you guys with my tiny squirtgun!!
  #205 (permalink)  
Old Aug 03, 04
The Toothbrush Guy
Join Date: May 2003
Niko is an unknown quantity at this point
That was so much fun, it killed me.

Evening begins, we set up the tent and listen to PPCock. I get soaked by Neoh.
I go change my shirt, I start to feel really sick, I hang out with friends outside my tent.
Charlie Brown comes over and says hi, he spills an entire bottle of water on me. I go change my pants.
Then I dance for the rest of the party, with occasional stops to hang with friends and run around like an idiot.

Was it just me, or did Kraig play for over 6 hours? I think the only time I didn't see him on the decks post-1:30am was when Pegasus was spinning (at the TRANCE stage, no less).

Good times... except somebody burnt a hole in the bottom of my borrowed tent, and now me and Quinn have to buy it. Oh well... RAVE!

PS: I missed so many DJs I wanted to see, since the DJ lineups seemed to be "by braile" after about 2:30. I did manage to catch the last 5 minutes of Akeel's set at Money's Stage (killer stage, btw). Sad to have missed it.

Now for next year!
  #206 (permalink)  
Old Aug 03, 04
Tear out,Nu-skool, Funk
Join Date: Aug 2003
Triple D is an unknown quantity at this point
I had a great time all night !!!

I got to play twice!!

All in all , it was good times.
  #207 (permalink)  
Old Aug 03, 04
....fucking evol
Join Date: Feb 2004
neoh will become famous soon enough
Originally Posted by Niko
That was so much fun, it killed me.

Evening begins, we set up the tent and listen to PPCock. I get soaked by Neoh.

Originally Posted by Lill Tiff
^^ Hah thanx! Lorne got me pretty good....i was soaked!! I guess that was payback for squirting you guys with my tiny squirtgun!!
after loren shot you, he handed the gun to me and I got you AGAIN!

no more squirt gun, or we'll bring the hose.
  #208 (permalink)  
Old Aug 03, 04
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sweet sensi crew
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Originally Posted by Kraig
I was drunk the entire night man and don't really remember who I did and didn't give CD's too! Either I will give you a copy when I see you next or you can ask Tyler to burn you a copy!

I got one of your CD's... pretty good stuff! Was listening it on the Ride home. You have a couple of my Fave Breaks tracks on there. :D
  #209 (permalink)  
Old Aug 03, 04
'latinum respect.
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I loved : eating watermelon in the suv, bombay + redbull, the hip hop set being played @ the leftcoast stage earlier in the night (wuuu tang clan ain't nothing to fuck with), high fives, making omega adam hug kraig several times, people I wanted to see that showed up, the crew I rolled in with (<3 carrie, sophie and luke!), naps in tents, fighting kenny grant, dancing to funky house, LDUB (you're my little drunken bitter belle!), biting adrienne's boobs, running and frolicking about with kenny grant (we were skipping!!!), getting called a DA slut and rocking a 2 funky flyer in my pants, seeing people I haven't seen in ages (huuuuggh!...ishkur?), newfound ability to marathon drink and stay up all night

Hated: Creepy guys, feeling like everyone at that party was way too high and scary, no shirt guys, trance stages that just seemed WAY TOO LOUD that seemed to drown out the noise at other stages (maybe it was just the set up), not running into people I was looking forward to seeing, weirdos giving me a lightshow, having to chill with my family the day after
  #210 (permalink)  
Old Aug 03, 04
Join Date: Oct 2002
Ragga_Wh0re will become famous soon enoughRagga_Wh0re will become famous soon enough
i retract my previous statement about dj abstract.

my buddies were supposed to pick him up from the air port and he wasnt there and then i saw them at apex and they told me at like 1am but turns out DJ MECHWARRIOR!!!! saved the day and got abstract out at like 2am and turns out i was so fucking baked and at the automatic stage and was SURE i was seeing abtract spin...but i was like no he was a no show....but turns out it was him after all and im just a big jackass.

but i still hate raves and ravers.
  #211 (permalink)  
Old Aug 03, 04
Revolution Productions
Join Date: Sep 2003
-DLO_604- is an unknown quantity at this point
My review part 2

hahaha well now that i'm fully recooperated after a night's rest i remember three things. Boodang and Evolve's stages were rocking mad props to both promoters of both companies. It was weird considering the fact that I saw Thrillsekers on the evolve stage I thought they were on the FnK stage ? Whatever props to my buddies at evolve for being able to pull a few strings together to get them onto their stage. I was impressed with the HUGE ASS lazer that Triple A brought down I mean isn't the thing we would see at plaza or at Pne? That was a tripped out effect added to the whole party. Ahhh Yes sound wise Boodang definitly had the best it was freaking loud but yet so clear and crisp props to Anjew n company for that!!! Jimmy once again plays great...though he threw down harder than usual surprising but pounded the place fora closing set.

Heather aka Faeryfly: Kitten ears!!! Hahah i had a blast wth you hopefully your all rested up lazy bum. And yes your not bald your just plain cute!!!
Ben: Some wicked songs buddy don't wory about the mixin dude it'll come in time. Your an asshole for one reason..you know why =)
Cody: dude your the biggest fuckin etard in the history of etards
Sexanie: damn you were drunk and what the hll you guys walked off and got drunk without me
Harp and Kamal: dude wicked set perfecto besides the mixing haha trainwreck bros lol jkjk. I knew you guys were having trouble but other than that you guys had a wicked wicked set!!!
Char: i saw you like what twice and than you went off? haha where was your tent homie?
Dead Mike: hahaha dude you were like rolling your ass around everywhere and i was like where the fuck is mike at hahaha. whatever bro next time.
Hayley: defintly nice seeing you at a party again!!! hehe i guess I hope to see you soon at another show or something.
Bebu: haha you freakin showed those newbs who had the skills hahaha you got the skills.
Gia: omgosh haha you like that lil lapdance now you go spread the word!!!
Amanda: Like what the hell you were actually at the trance stage like WOW hahaha. Love ya babes.
Charlie: You just had to bring up the whole pizza incident. WHERE'S THE DEMO!!! hahaha
Mercedes: it was nice seeing you again!!!

I know there are a lot more of you but im sorry if i forgot you on this list it doesnt mean anything personal at all except these were the people that really stick out for me in the night!!! until next time folks smell ya laters ravers
  #212 (permalink)  
Old Aug 03, 04
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werd. good times!

carriyng records down a dirt road while beeing drunk is a bit of a task.

all the people there were great and there was a tight vibe all around.
  #213 (permalink)  
Old Aug 03, 04
ShAkE iT
Join Date: Jan 2004
Lil Tiff is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by neoh

after loren shot you, he handed the gun to me and I got you AGAIN!

no more squirt gun, or we'll bring the hose.
ya thanx for that....dont worry payback is sweet!:p
  #214 (permalink)  
Old Aug 03, 04
aka "Cyrus"
Join Date: Jul 2001
Candy-Kid is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by C_squared
werd. good times!

carriyng records down a dirt road while beeing drunk is a bit of a task.

all the people there were great and there was a tight vibe all around.
why didnt you park where UHHHh the dj's were supposed to park?
  #215 (permalink)  
Old Aug 03, 04
Join Date: Sep 2003
Mo... is an unknown quantity at this point
i just wanna say my favourite stages were Money stage and FUNKY TOWN aka Team Drunk...
CHARLIE ur sets rocked all like wat 6 of them!?!?!!
HIRshee! u kicked ass like always! much laughs to the stage near the back with the guy yelling fuck you every 3 seconds at ppl who where leaving his set,, haha good times..
glad there was no fires.. but i mean after everyone walkin on the grass and all the ravers dumpin there water everywhere i dont think it was much of a possibility to start a fire...
APEX was fuckin awsome but come to the end i was so cold i had to leave at like 6ish..
  #216 (permalink)  
Old Aug 03, 04
Join Date: Sep 2003
Mo... is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by -DLO_604-
My review part 2
Harp and Kamal: dude wicked set perfecto besides the mixing haha trainwreck bros lol jkjk. I knew you guys were having trouble but other than that you guys had a wicked wicked set!!!
i would b havin trouble to if i was fucked on mushrooms lol
  #217 (permalink)  
Old Aug 03, 04
White kids love hip hop
Join Date: Dec 2003
Berta is an unknown quantity at this point
Wow wut a night.
Our tent of PLUR was a little weak due too my 30 second packing:(
Dont worry next time it will be MUCH MUCH better;) hahahah

The money stage was BUMPIN all night, definatly my fav stage along with the one with the dance floor:) Funky town was pretty good too.
Behn420-thanx so much for the ride, im also glad i know u a lil better now!
Sampson-nice to meet u too:)
Jessica(daze_e)-my little kandie kid..damn u for having more stickers!!:p
Karlie(karmaqueen)-u made it!! and looked cute as hell as usual!!
Brandon-nice outfit;) haha that was wicked, sick dancer u are and thank u so much for the belt.
Kyle-yes thats right u'll get candy in the mail
Kat- im proud of u for being sober. too bad u guys left so early tho:(
Rory- ammmmmmmmaazzing dancer, but u already know that
Nigel-next time...we'll actually meet up before the party, that way we wont fail
PPCOCK- haha wut a please to meet u. RAVE hahaha
Tina-i barely saw u at all!! :( and we didnt get a pic either...oh well NEXT TIME!!
Tyson-when i finally got the pants..u were impossible to find:( oh and did i mention that ur amazing?
Ben- nice set:) haha i finally get a sketch
Chris(hardstylin)-yaaaay finally i meet u, had hella fun running around with u:) i think u won our battle.
Ever666-nice to finally meet u, even tho i swear i have before..just never knew it was u
Steveo!- i love u!! my husband!!
Silverwinged-i really really hope u didnt get busted hun!! soo good to party with u again
Crackdragon-nice to see u again too..i didnt know if u remembered me at first haha
Neal-heal faster!! ur set was damn good, and if im ever in van i'll come visit u for sure i promise:)
David-ur dancing still impresses me EVERY time..i love u come visit me!! :D
Tigre- "whats that over there?" *kick* hahah
ANITA-i havent seen u FOREVER!!! ur so DAMN cute
Drina and Ashley-glad to see u!! although i wasnt with u too much, hey ashley.."hello and welcome..please insert a coin!!!"
Ashley112-thanx so much for the pants:) love partyin with u
Oscar the grouch- bahaha raver fishing!!!
Dave- awww i barely saw u at all..i guess its cuz u left so early:(
Antenna boy, Shawn, Sidekick and Robb...i was lookin for all of u but never found u:(:(
if i forgot u tell me and i'll add u

Last edited by Berta; Aug 03, 04 at 02:29 PM.
  #218 (permalink)  
Old Aug 03, 04
Go Canucks Go!!
Join Date: Jul 2001
KenJi is on a distinguished road
i had some fun for the moments that were there. Tiff came a flying at me like a rocket in the sky lol.

i danded abit but had no energy in the legs. That what graveyard does to ya lol. I have to agree money stage was going good. At one point it was hella loud there

the stage with like the metal dance floor was the best to dance on , and to top it off they had good music. most of other stages were lacking this time around
  #219 (permalink)  
Old Aug 03, 04
Kandyapple's Avatar
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Kandyapple is a jewel in the roughKandyapple is a jewel in the roughKandyapple is a jewel in the roughKandyapple is a jewel in the rough
APEX titties!!! :y:
*Im sure this wont stay up long*

...not work safe....
Picture has been changed.
Attached Images
File Type: jpg titties.JPG (29.1 KB, 123 views)

Last edited by Kandyapple; Aug 04, 04 at 08:35 AM.
  #220 (permalink)  
Old Aug 03, 04
omega_image's Avatar
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i think those are the "red-est" eyes ive ever seen
  #221 (permalink)  
Old Aug 03, 04
....fucking evol
Join Date: Feb 2004
neoh will become famous soon enough
my boss just saw that pic and gave me the evil eye.
  #222 (permalink)  
Old Aug 03, 04
Registered User
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heatherness is on a distinguished road
that guys pretty hot.
  #223 (permalink)  
Old Aug 03, 04
bungoshlung's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2003
bungoshlung is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by Kandyapple
APEX titties!!! :y: *Im sure this wont stay up long*
those are one of the ungliest boobs i've ever seen

this is why girls should wears bras. stupid kids
  #224 (permalink)  
Old Aug 03, 04
Silverwinged's Avatar
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so hawt.
  #225 (permalink)  
Old Aug 03, 04
Go Canucks Go!!
Join Date: Jul 2001
KenJi is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by bungoshlung
those are one of the ungliest boobs i've ever seen

this is why girls should wears bras. stupid kids
it looks like a water balloon boob.

i bet ya it jiggles and such, but ya your right that is why girls should wear bras, and maybe a shirt in her case

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