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Punching Bag Bitch, cry and whine your way into oblivion.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old May 14, 01
omega_image's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2000
omega_image is a jewel in the roughomega_image is a jewel in the roughomega_image is a jewel in the roughomega_image is a jewel in the roughomega_image is a jewel in the rough
~cheap thiefs~

k first of all i dont approve of stealing anything, but if u r going to steal might as well steal somin wirth ur while......but fuck y steal somin so small for a risk of so high? fuk last night my car got broken into for a measly $5! i mean wtf? r u seriously that cracked out that u need $5 for drugs? grrrrrr........i mean my neighbourhood is really nice and there is usually no crime.....but grrrr i mean my car was in the drive way while other cars were parked on the street! guess they didnt have the $5 in them.....grr wat pissed me off evenmore was that is was raining! fuk could u have atleast done it on a sunny day so i didnt find a "puddle" in my car?! grrrr........fuk fuk fuk fuk fuk.......
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old May 14, 01
Join Date: Apr 2001
bebe is an unknown quantity at this point
awwww poor adam! was there any damage to the car itself? damn whoever did that is sooo retarded! if they want $5, might as well just go around picking up change off the floor! i mean wat the hell?!!? break into the car for 5bux??!?!
i hope there arent any major damage!


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  #3 (permalink)  
Old May 14, 01
Join Date: Apr 2001
*addy* is an unknown quantity at this point
ya right!!!

shitty deal!!! but then again... would you have wanted them to take more than $5? If you look at it this way, better that they took that, then anything that was valuable in there (like an addy bird) or fuct up your car right?
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old May 14, 01
Join Date: Apr 2001
BeatItFarmer is an unknown quantity at this point
me too

fuckin bastards broke into my car when it was on my own driveway!!! fuckin pricks took jackets and my deck and fucked up the door and broke a window.....I feel u adam.....any damgae?
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old May 14, 01
bake him away toys!
Join Date: Jan 2001
wundergirl is an unknown quantity at this point
my friend (ironically his name was adam too) was gonna move back to kelowna last weekend. got his car all packed in Sask. andready to go. the drive is better if you leave in the middle of the night so you hit the rockies in the day, so he went to the bar before leaving town - to say goodbye to everyone.
come the end of the night he went out to his BRAND NEW 2 DAY OLD CAR and low and behold all of his stuff was gone and his windows were all busted.
they took everything he had to his name. EVERYTHING. his clothes his kitchen shit his money everything.

poor guy. 5 bux don't seem so bad doode. still shitty tho.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old May 14, 01
pV 2008 ~
Join Date: Nov 2000
ƒORM is on a distinguished road
My 73 toyota pick-up

2 lame ass stories...

1) I just bought brand new runners and I put my old ugly ones in the box and i parked at granville to go in the arcade. These shoes were wet, old and scraggly. I put them in the back of the truck underneathe the vinyl roof and some jack-ass took them out and stole them. Great score ass-wipe...now i don't have a receipt for my new shoes!

2nd) These budget thiefs break into my truck damage the roof, take a lighter, 2 dimes, a beer bottle and a broken air compressor out of the back of my truck. So pathetic...they thought the compressor worked until they probably plugged it in and it started smoking. Go rob the back of vallue village where they drop off clothes....at least it's a victimless crime...
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old May 15, 01
Resident Old Guy
Join Date: Apr 2001
Somatic can only hope to improve
Fuckin' bastards. I caught one of those fuckers in my car one time and I beat the living shit out of him.

I hate pieces of shit like that.

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  #8 (permalink)  
Old May 15, 01
omega_image's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2000
omega_image is a jewel in the roughomega_image is a jewel in the roughomega_image is a jewel in the roughomega_image is a jewel in the roughomega_image is a jewel in the rough
grrr......fuk damn window is costing me $107.....fuk the window is tiny too! grrrr.....shoulda just left the door open!
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old May 15, 01
omega_image's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2000
omega_image is a jewel in the roughomega_image is a jewel in the roughomega_image is a jewel in the roughomega_image is a jewel in the roughomega_image is a jewel in the rough
grr.....i think someone is playing games with me......cuz last night i locked my car blah blah blah......when i woke up all the doors were open and a pencil crayon was on my seat......i mean is this some double crime? grr good thing i got the window fixed......no more break ins hopefully
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old May 18, 01
Join Date: Dec 2000
mojojojo is an unknown quantity at this point
Herer are some breakins/Vandalizms that I can remember within last year alone......

location: Plaza of Nations for frostee III
Item damaged: two right tires slashed
What they took: Nothing
Damage cost: 130 dollars

location: Safeway oakridge, lower parkade , my ex work
Item damaged: right lock front door, and trunk lock in the front (and b/c of that I couldn't open my gas door)
What they took: ashtray with 60 cents worth of pennies, and my fitness world gym bag in my trunk with sweaty sneakers and towel
Value of items taken: ashtray: 60 dollars, 60 cents in the ashtray. The gym bag was free.
Cost of repair: 100 dollars premium (60 dollars for the ashtray but good thing insurance covers it)

Location: My underground parkade garage
item damaged: back window
what they took: broken laser pointer that doesn't work and some old boston pizza candy
value of items taken: not sure how much the pointer was...but it was busted anyways.
cost of repair: 100 dollars.
Fucking bastards.

Location: Riverside (I think it was the first lucky charms)
Item damaged: back window, cigaratte holes all over back seat
what they took: Nothing
Value of items taken: Nothing. but I did get some freebies...an empty wallet and a used hairbrush... probably from the car next to mine
cost of repair: 100 dolars.
fucking bastards.

if you think your car is messed.....

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