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Punching Bag Bitch, cry and whine your way into oblivion.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Aug 18, 02
Extra Crispy Beats
Join Date: Dec 2001
oliver is an unknown quantity at this point

:211: :pissed:
ok. so like. WTF!?

i work at grouse and when i looked at the new shedule I noticed that i had zero shifts for the next week. odd, i thought, but grouse is a crackhouse anyways and weirder things have happened so i'll talk to someone later...

so on wednesday i went to work on grouse, up the tram, and ive been sick for a month and the air pressure shift fucks with my ears and THIS time it gave me the worst sinus headache for my entire 8 hour shift. it fucked me up bad. like unable to do anything.

so i called in sick the next day (friday) and explained to them what had happened because i couldnt go through that again, it was just so painful.

then later that night the assistant manager called me and told me that i didnt nmeed to come into my shift on saturday. thats weird, i thought. but i'll call them and figure out why. but apparently the manager was away for the weekend and i had to talk to him on monday. fair enough.

so my brother (who works at the exact same place i do) gets home from work tonight and tells me that ppl are asking him why i got fired!?!?!? excuse me?!?!?!?!?

no one told ME i was fired!?!? like WTF!!?!? and on what grounds??

my bro told me that "people" said that i came into work super hungover one day and then the next day called in sick. ummm.. what? i wasnt hungover at all!! its called ACTUALLY BEING SICK fuckos!!!

and i actually went to the doctor on my day off (yesterday) so i have PROOF that i was sick!

and the thing is, i think i was fired even before this cause im not on the shedule for the next week. so wtf!?

dont they have to have "cause" for firing you and give you "notice" to fire you? cause oh boy, im going to find out my rights tomorrow and fuck grouse up as much as i can!
:211: :pissed:

3 cheers for a workplace thats a peice of shit.

Last edited by oliver; Aug 18, 02 at 02:29 AM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Aug 18, 02
Sofa King Cool
Join Date: Jul 2001
Filo is on a distinguished road
Sounds rugged man!!! Make suer u give em alll the trouble they deserve. And more!!!!!!
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Aug 18, 02
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Go to Labour Relations, they'll work things out for you, and give Grouse Mountain a scare that will have them shitting their pants.

It's pretty hard to fire someone in this day and age, especially with out any written warnings or anything like that.

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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Aug 18, 02
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ya i heard grouse fired like everyone...thats pretty shitty!
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