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Punching Bag Bitch, cry and whine your way into oblivion.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Jun 25, 01
prangin' out
Join Date: May 2001
zarlon will become famous soon enoughzarlon will become famous soon enough
There is -no- fucking food here. I swear to god.

Seriously. I'm hungry as hell, there is some left-over chili in the fridge, but I don't want to eat it! I have had three bowls of that shit in the past day! Blech....

I called my mom and apparently she's going to some barbeque.. I asked her if I could come and she said no. Honestly, what am I supposed to do now? Make KD? I've lived off that stuff for the past little while! Canned food does not become of me... I wish someone would call me up and decide that somehow, I was -so- elite, and that they want to have me come over and make dinner for me.

But of course, that's not going to happen.. I am fated to sit at home in front of my computer... Looking at my long red tail.. Pinned to my bum. The bum of my pants, that is. Who do you think I am? Some fucking masochist that likes to PIN things to their arse?
I'll pin something to YOUR ass if you're not lucky, buddy!

Anyways.. I'm hungry as hell, and hunger makes Claire agro, and agro makes claire.. well.. Duh, bitchy. Mean. Evil. Wanting to KILL SOMEONE.... *growls*

Any volunteers to,
a) Make me food, or
b) Be killed?

Either way, I'm going to be very angry for a while. Grrrrrrrrrr.

Oh yeah, and don't you hate it when your parents say - "There's lots of food in our house.. Have an apple!"

And then you say "All the apples are rotting."

And they reply with "So eat them anyways!"

Honestly! Are my parents serious about this, or do they just enjoy patronizing me and seeing me scurry off to the fridge, based on the fragile hope that there *might* be something to sustain my life for a few more moments?

God damnit. I am going to go yell at someone now.

:072: zarlon
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Jun 25, 01
Gravity Slave
Join Date: Apr 2001
MC Hammered has a spectacular aura aboutMC Hammered has a spectacular aura about
Save your energy dear and type shorter posts! :c-tard:

THREE BOWLS OF CHILI! This is Zarlon -->:009:
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Jun 25, 01
prangin' out
Join Date: May 2001
zarlon will become famous soon enoughzarlon will become famous soon enough
No.. I have plenty of energy. That is TOTALLY not the problem.

What the hell are you thinking about, man? Plus.. longer posts are better. I hate fuckers who post two line posts and don't even think about it. Stupid fucking candy ravers. :063: I include myself in that subcategory also! *grin*

Hey. Chili is good. Well.. okay. So it isn't. But it was the only fucking thing to eat in my house! Do you have a problem with that? :) YOU wana buy me dinner? *please say yes.. please say yes...*

:072: zarlon
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Jun 25, 01
Gravity Slave
Join Date: Apr 2001
MC Hammered has a spectacular aura aboutMC Hammered has a spectacular aura about
Sure, I'll buy you dinner.

Grab Stabby and we'll have ice cream for dessert as well!
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Jun 25, 01
prangin' out
Join Date: May 2001
zarlon will become famous soon enoughzarlon will become famous soon enough
"Grab Stabby and we'll have ice cream for dessert as well!"

Who the hell is Stabby? Am I missing something here? *ponder*

Well.. Ok.. I have a stuffed duck. They're Stabby now. So take us out for dinner, you fucker!!! *grin* Are you serious? I don't have any money. You DO know that I'll leech off of you and suck all your funds and wealth and prosperity .. and oh wait they're the same thing... Out of you, until you're so weak from hunger and sleep deprivation from working ALL night to provide me with new clothes and fun fur for my candy raver fetish, that you collapse and I have to feed you countless points of jib so that you have more energy to work for my fun fur EMPIRE.

No.. shit.. wait. That's only if you get into a relationship with me. *laugh*
Call me - Whoever you are. You disturb me, yet you seem highly entertaining. 435 4053 [I'm Claire.]

:072: zarlon
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Jun 25, 01
NinjaBoy's Avatar
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NinjaBoy is a name known to allNinjaBoy is a name known to allNinjaBoy is a name known to allNinjaBoy is a name known to allNinjaBoy is a name known to allNinjaBoy is a name known to allNinjaBoy is a name known to allNinjaBoy is a name known to allNinjaBoy is a name known to allNinjaBoy is a name known to all
Ha ha, Claire bake me brownies again!!!
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Jun 25, 01
prangin' out
Join Date: May 2001
zarlon will become famous soon enoughzarlon will become famous soon enough
Chris, I'll bake you brownies if you buy the mix. This time we will bake them in a NORMAL PAN.. So that they dont just heap onto the plate. :)

And yeah, you get to buy the brownie mix again too.

:072: zarlon
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Jun 25, 01
Gravity Slave
Join Date: Apr 2001
MC Hammered has a spectacular aura aboutMC Hammered has a spectacular aura about
LOL! You equated Stabby with a stuffed duck! HAHAHAHAHA

*OH! My tummy hurts*

Stabby is StabMyHead (leslie). Have you two met?

I'l call you but it'll show up on call display as a government number so you probably won't answer. :118:

Unfortunately I have a dinner appointment made for me a 6pm today. Anytime this week though is fine. Just let me know.

Claire, when I get off work I'll give you a ring.

BTW. I don't do jib. :003:
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Jun 25, 01
Join Date: Jan 2001
c.tard is an unknown quantity at this point

*runs far far away...* :003:

sorry.. just felt like posting this even tho it's unrelated.. i'm bored..hehe
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Jun 25, 01
Gravity Slave
Join Date: Apr 2001
MC Hammered has a spectacular aura aboutMC Hammered has a spectacular aura about
Didn't you follow the other thread? I'm a spy. :118:

Serious covert undercover work as Stabby found out at Sunkissed.
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