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Punching Bag Bitch, cry and whine your way into oblivion.

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  #176 (permalink)  
Old May 06, 03
[RooЯ]pure glass
Join Date: Oct 2002
Hot Karl is an unknown quantity at this point
wow that was a long thread.

seriously though, u guys obviously all know each other cinist83/budmaster/jeevbs/ash etc etc
is it really a good idea to say 'I DEAL DRUGS' online where it's just gonna be archived?
  #177 (permalink)  
Old May 06, 03
Join Date: Jun 2002
[edit_out] is an unknown quantity at this point
have I met you Sean!? aren't you the guy who propositioned me for oral sex at Evolution 2003?

and my post was directed more against BUDMASTERFLEX making himself look like more of a fool but that's pretty much a moot point now. but if he doesn't, I'm going to have to call in my ELITE ARMY STRIKE FORCE.

yes, that's them, in all their terrifying glory.
  #178 (permalink)  
Old May 06, 03
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cinist is a jewel in the roughcinist is a jewel in the roughcinist is a jewel in the roughcinist is a jewel in the roughcinist is a jewel in the rough
i dont know if anyone has said that they infact 'sell drugs'....or has sumone? i think its been all assumptions so far
  #179 (permalink)  
Old May 06, 03
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beach*bum is an unknown quantity at this point
PAGE 8...GO TEAM GO!!!!!!
  #180 (permalink)  
Old May 06, 03
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sNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nice
the best is when you contrast what the original post was compaired to the topic of convo now. thats the real humour.
  #181 (permalink)  
Old May 06, 03
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BUDMASTERFLEX is an unknown quantity at this point
yes shannon i am looking for that call me.
  #182 (permalink)  
Old May 06, 03
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cinist is a jewel in the roughcinist is a jewel in the roughcinist is a jewel in the roughcinist is a jewel in the roughcinist is a jewel in the rough
jeremy i l0st yer number, iLL look for it but i might be able to help you out it looks like...pm me
  #183 (permalink)  
Old May 07, 03
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cinist is a jewel in the roughcinist is a jewel in the roughcinist is a jewel in the roughcinist is a jewel in the roughcinist is a jewel in the rough
d0nt worry bout that last thing, i g0t yer number now...and my friend will need a couple days now probably, sorry bout dat

  #184 (permalink)  
Old May 07, 03
prangin' out
Join Date: May 2001
zarlon will become famous soon enoughzarlon will become famous soon enough
Originally posted by ~ASH3~:
imma replie with thhe simple threat of violence.....ninja imma cut
cha nikka
Nah. You won't touch him, none of y'all will. Why? Because deep down inside, you know you are all wrong.

Getting arrested, is YOUR fucking fault. Yes, drug dealing is a stupid fucking thing to do... as is heating yourself out. Anyone with any common sense would either not deal, or not heat 'emself out.

I guess smoking weed/doing any drugs are pretty fucking stupid things to do, too... no matter how much fun they may be.

So why don't y'all back the fuck off and stop giving NinjaBoy shit? I know for a fact Chris is an awesome guy, add in the fact that he doesn't do ANY drugs or drink, indicating he has a lot more willpower/common sense/intelligence than a lot of you. (Myself included).

..Only read this to the end of page1, I guess I should reply to the rest of this bullshit.
  #185 (permalink)  
Old May 07, 03
prangin' out
Join Date: May 2001
zarlon will become famous soon enoughzarlon will become famous soon enough
Originally posted by cinist83:
are these people serious? h0w can anyone care s0 much as to write such long paragraps that very few agree with and even less actually read.
Haha, Can you even read? (stabby I follow yah!)

Shiiiiiiiiit, dawg..
  #186 (permalink)  
Old May 07, 03
prangin' out
Join Date: May 2001
zarlon will become famous soon enoughzarlon will become famous soon enough
Originally posted by jeevds:
man, i just read this thread, and man, who the fuck is ninja bitch. man, if you disagree with anything that is said, just shut the fuck up because i don't think anybody really cares. you are being a bitch....hence the name ninja bitch
HAHA.. Who are you d00d, go to hell!

Oh yeah, and for anyone who wants to go after stabby. I will not, I repeat, will not, throw the first punch, but if you go after one of my best friends and I'm in the vicinity, you might get fucked up. It's not a threat, you just might not find threating my friends that important after I say this.

Haha. I'd say to any of your faces that you're faggots.

Another thing.. Hell, I wouldn't fuck with stabby. Vicious, whut.
  #187 (permalink)  
Old May 07, 03
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jeevds is an unknown quantity at this point
man, i don't know who the fuck you are, but i think it's pretyy funny that you make a threat and then say it is not a threat. if you knew me you will know i am a peacefull guy, but i will do what i want to whome ever i want and that will be none of your concearn. how about not threatening me if you don't know what i look like because seriously i don't think you could hurt me or jeremy for that matter.
any of you bold thugs who want to talk to me.........i'm brown,and i'll probably be wearing a bage "billabong" hat at the next party. come talk to me........pleease.
  #188 (permalink)  
Old May 07, 03
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jeevds is an unknown quantity at this point
untill then be carefull what you say because you may be digging your ditch deeper and deeper.
this thread is annoying, but very entertaining.
good job!!
  #189 (permalink)  
Old May 07, 03
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sNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nice
Originally posted by jeevds
any of you bold thugs who want to talk to me.........i'm brown,and i'll probably be wearing a bage "billabong" hat at the next party. come talk to me........pleease.
ok. jeevds I challenge you. bring ur gameboy, cuz im gunna kick your ass in pokemon!
  #190 (permalink)  
Old May 07, 03
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stabmyhead is just really nicestabmyhead is just really nicestabmyhead is just really nicestabmyhead is just really nicestabmyhead is just really nicestabmyhead is just really nice
Pfft... Pokemon... it's ALL about Monster Rancher.. that's what the, uhh, real kids play. Not like that excuses me from having Pokemon Yellow...

What you people don't understand is that NinjaBoy, Klaus and various others, DON'T have a problem with you guys. It's quite apparent that that's just how they post. Blunt. They're just being NinjaBoy and Klaus :P You are taking this way too seriously.

This is a message board = open to discussion. You post, others reply. Not everyone is going to agree with you. It's not the end of the world, it's no reason to get your panties caught up your ass. How are you doing to deal with the rest of your life's problems when you can't even get past something so petty as the opinions of a stranger on a message board? Please. Do tell.

At least jeevds seems semi reasonable. Props for sorta knowing when to quit.

So everyone, put the penises back in the pants, smile happily and stop ejaculating off all over f&k. :)

So I end it here, I may be a hypocrite, but I just couldn't help myself:
  #191 (permalink)  
Old May 07, 03
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cinist is a jewel in the roughcinist is a jewel in the roughcinist is a jewel in the roughcinist is a jewel in the roughcinist is a jewel in the rough
Originally posted by zarlon

Haha, Can you even read? (stabby I follow yah!)

Shiiiiiiiiit, dawg..
whut da fuck? are sure you want to fuck with me clair? i really haven't been feeling myself lately so you might want to rethink your attemp too dis me, cuz i dont have much self control these days, it's horrible. i have developed a temper and its scary.
or we can get a beer, your choice
  #192 (permalink)  
Old May 07, 03
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sNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nice
chick fight!!
  #193 (permalink)  
Old May 07, 03
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cinist is a jewel in the roughcinist is a jewel in the roughcinist is a jewel in the roughcinist is a jewel in the roughcinist is a jewel in the rough
lol maybe i just need to sm0ke a joint?
  #194 (permalink)  
Old May 07, 03
Join Date: Apr 2003
BUDMASTERFLEX is an unknown quantity at this point
yes maybe you should smoke a joint. but a chic fight sounds mint!
if you have no cheeba and need to smoke cheeba I will always smoke cheeba.
  #195 (permalink)  
Old May 07, 03
femme fatale
Join Date: Feb 2003
Jingles is on a distinguished road
I made it to the end!!! Okay now I feel I know the plot well, and the names of the major players - but are they a good looking cast? can this be moved to prime time?

I'm fucking the winner, boy or girl!
(eight pages makes the minutes at work just melt away)
  #196 (permalink)  
Old May 07, 03
Join Date: Dec 2002
jeevds is an unknown quantity at this point
Pokemon..hahaha, that's funny.........i woulden't even dare accept that chalenge........i know my limitations.
jeremy, do i know anyone who has posted on this except you?
  #197 (permalink)  
Old May 07, 03
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sNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nice
how about we all toke and then watch the girls go at it... ?
  #198 (permalink)  
Old May 07, 03
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Goat has a spectacular aura aboutGoat has a spectacular aura about
how about we all toke and then watch the girls go at it... ?
^fuckin rights man. im down with that
  #199 (permalink)  
Old May 07, 03
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cinist is a jewel in the roughcinist is a jewel in the roughcinist is a jewel in the roughcinist is a jewel in the roughcinist is a jewel in the rough
Originally posted by snyx™
how about we all toke and then watch the girls go at it... ?
whut the hell? you aint tokiN shit witout me myles
  #200 (permalink)  
Old May 07, 03
Join Date: Dec 2002
jeevds is an unknown quantity at this point
Now that's what i'm talking about
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