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Punching Bag Bitch, cry and whine your way into oblivion.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Sep 03, 01
O.G. Sammy
Join Date: Apr 2001
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Friends who change over night...

one day you think you know them inside and out...and they know you inside and out...and then all of a sudden BANG...it's like they're someone totally different. and it's not the same cuz the person is no longer the person you knew so well. and what really sucks is when you know the reason WHY the friend changed suddenly and you can't do anything about it cuz it's beyond your power. It sucks how one thing said can change everything...

and it's not even a piss-off kind of thing...it just hurts like a bitch cuz the friend has changed and in a way has been brainwashed by other parties (who shall remain NAMELESS)...

i dunno. it just sucks cuz you want things to go back to the way they were...but inevitably, things are gonna be a little awkward even after everything is patched up. i dunno...i'm just rambling but i think some people would know what i'm talking about.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Sep 03, 01
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partying is the devil!! THE DEVIL I TELL YOU!! its like going to them nsync concerts and like carving blink 182 into your arm!! ITS THE FUCKIN' DEVIL I TELL YOU!!!!

errr.. ppl get so tied into going to the latest party, hitting up them raves and listening to ppl make music with records that they get lost between the fancy lights and lasers and overpriced parties that they dont see any need for friends cuz they meet all these new nifty ppl that'll always be there for ya. cuz you like met them at this rave and you feel some connection with them. and like totally.

fuck that. if your buddy is ditching you for their new found raver buddies then they're being a retard. give it 6 months and see if they are still close with their new raver buddies.

or something like that..
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Sep 03, 01
O.G. Sammy
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no no...by "other parties" i meant...other people. although the whole thing did happen at a party...

and yeah...a part of me totally wants to be be lke "whatever...see ya later" but then there's also a part of me that's the exact opposite.

and i've talked to the friend once after it all happened and the person apologized and stuff but there was nothing else to say. we just remained silent. from talking to hours on end to silence. it was just awkward

and i don't wanna make the first phone call cuz...i dunno. it's just weird.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Sep 03, 01
Cigarette Slinging Elf
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uhh i think by parties he ment people but wutevea your point is still valid dear stabby...

I know exactly wut you mean Twiggie... one day everything is cool and the next it's like WUT THE #$@! You have to look at it this way though.. if your "friend" is all of a sudden changed to be a different person you have to come to the realization of the fact that maybe that person has matured or has failed to do so.. you have to look at your self i think... Do you consider yourself to somewut of a mature person (without being arrogant of course) ? maybe your "friend" has not matured enuf to realize wut kinda person he/she/it is.. and is still searching to find that out... but in the end that it may just turn out to be that that person may have come to the realization that who he/she/it was, at set moment, is not truly him/her/wutever...

that's my 2 yen worth of info hope it helps

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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Sep 03, 01
O.G. Sammy
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that's so true...

but my friend KNOWS that she's changed...she's even told me. and that's what's so weird and AHHHHHH. cuz like...she knows that this other person is totally corrupting her and she's even told me that she doesn't wanna associate with this person anymore...yet she still does. and maybe that does make her immature. Or maybe i'm the immature one cuz everyone says that change is inevitable? and change IS good...it just sucks when it's for the worse and it REALLY SUCKS when it happens all in one night. it's just that i've known this person for most of my life basically and now all of a sudden she's just changed. maybe it's just a temporary thing (i hope) but she said some stuff and it was basically a slap in the face/a knife in the back/etc etc. I dunno. forgive and forget....i can totally forgive. i already have. i'm not even mad at her. at all. just kinda hurt. as for forgetting?? is that REALLY possible. it's always gonna be in the back of my mind. it's human nature...
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Sep 04, 01
E is for Erica ;)
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I'm pretty sure I know which situation you're talking about cause we chatted over ICQ last week. I don't think you should blame yourself for feeling the way you do, cause from what you've told me, you haven't been treated the way you should be if she is REALLY your friend. Change IS inevitable and people DO change. But true friends should always stay your friends, even if they change over time. I can say that I've changed a lot over the past year or so, but I'm still loyal to all those who have been loyal to me throughout these years. I don't just change all of a sudden and forget about my friends. You've already told her how you feel and she apologized, but if nothing has changed in terms of your friendship and how she treats you, then does that really show that she's sorry? I believe that if somebody apologizes, they are not truly sorry until they act about their apology.

Everyone deserves TRUE friends and I don't think you should settle for any less. I know it hurts, but remember that there are lots of people that really care about you and will treat you the way you should be treated.

Erica :AZN:
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Sep 04, 01
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I kinda know what you mean Twig-E...I've just had to encounter something along the similar line with a good friend of mine...uh, I don't even know if I should be calling her a "good friend" anymore...

What I hate the most is when you don't know what's going on, and you're talking to them for hours about your life, their life, etc...and then you find out that they've been talking about you behind your back or something like that. That sux :043: Why pretend? What's the purpose of that? It's like wasting your breathe and time on this person that you believed you were "friends" with. If people have problems with people, why don't they just admit it? Why don't they just come clean? :047: What are they afraid of?

I've begun to not tolerate all the bullshit anymore...it's a waste of my time and energy. If they can't build up the courage to speak to me about their problems towards me, then...they should just let it go. I'm not a mind reader, right? At least if they talk to me about it, something can be done...

All this fakeness is making my stomach churn... :271:
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Sep 04, 01
i really look like this!
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in y interpretation i know wutcha feelin...

sumthing about that person probably makes her feel "valid".. probably makes her feel special in some way... or else why else would she stab her best friend in the back for some one who she hasn't even known for just as long...

(i mite be completely wrong though.)

anyways... i betcha anythin if u give it time she'll come runnin back.. prolly just enjoying the "high" she gets frum those ppl rite now...
but if already she knows that it isn't good for her to be with them, then it's obviously gonna become even more clear through time... it's just a shame that she's throwing it all away fer sum thin even she can't fully appreciate..

(again, i'm prolly misinterpreting the situation...)
wutever. i tried my best. ;)

Last edited by yoko*; Sep 04, 01 at 09:59 PM.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Sep 04, 01
O.G. Sammy
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yoko: you hit it...bang in the center. It's like...so stupid cuz she KNOWS what she's getting into and yet she can't cut her self off from the person/people. and even if she decides that the other person is who she wants to be friends with, i wish she'd just like..handle it differently than how she did. I don't wanna get into specific details cuz it really doesn't matter. But what she did/the way she acted was just really rude and immoral. I dunno.

kimme: i totally know what you mean! but your post made me think...like you said, if someone has a problem with a friend, why not let them know? perhaps i should confront the friend about the whole situation. i dunno if that would help but at least i'd get it out in the open. maybe she doesn't even know how i feel (although i don't see how she couldn't...but perhaps she doesn't). i guess there's nothing to lose...or is there?

ahhh this is so confusing.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Sep 04, 01
i really look like this!
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woohoo!! (well it's nuthin to be woo-hoo-ing about..)


oh well in that case I could majorly relate cuz it's happened to me many times before... Juss the whole "ditch ur good friend for an acquaintance" type of thing...

i don't know why I put up with it sometimes...

well this person, she like thinks she can have everything at once at the same time. Maybe it's possible but it's sure not working for her. Reason is because she sells you out if a "Better oppurtunity" comes along... like if sum one frum the popular crowd asks if they wanna do summin with them then they immediately ditch previous plans and juss make up sum lame ass excuse 'Oh i had already made plans with them long time ago'..

okay maybe once or twice is okay, and maybe better if you don't get "found out"... but sometimes I know HOW I could corner them.. and even when I question them, they still try to deny it, and when it should be THEM that should be feeling like the fool for LYING TO MY FACE, *I* feel like the foolish one becuz they don't juss straight out admit the fact that they were lying frum the start which makes me look like the untrusting friend..

anyway that was so off-topic..

but i hate ppl like that who run to a "better oppurtunity" it makes you feel worthless as their friend.. like not "GOOD ENOUGH" for them...and it sucks when you know that the friendship that they run to is clear to you and even her that it's really worthless. superficial artificial plastic not-so-fantastic friendship...the kind of friendships that are only good for the first few weeks that they last.. until they realize that they can't provide to her wut you were able to "provide"... And by then it feels worse when she comes runnin back.. cuz ur juss thinking.. "you already ditched me once.."
it juss makes u feel iffy bout the friendship..

wow. I'm sorry none of what I said was any good to making you feel better.. i guess I was just trying to relate.. and sympathize in a "i no wutcha feelin" way... whoops..

cheer up? :)
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Sep 04, 01
O.G. Sammy
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haha! it's like you're taking the words right out of my mouth. but like the thing that really sucks is that the person who she's selling a LOT of people out for is the biggest loser. he's the epitamy of loserness. and i'm not talking "highschool heirarchy" here. i'm talking like loser as in lifestyle loser. anyone who's met him/seen him would think the same (i know some people from the site know who i'm talking about). if the guy was some really cool guy who had an awesome life going for himself, perhaps i wouldn't feel AS bad. but the fact that this person has NO life just makes it worse.

But i've decided that i'm not gonna let it get to me...if she's decided to "start another chapter" in her life than maybe i should as well. as Kimmie said, it's not worth stressing over anymore.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Sep 05, 01
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Honestly, I think if it bothers you that much and you're concerned about your friend, and the value of relationship with that person, you should talk to them about it. It's better to discuss things out in the open...and yes, maybe she doesn't know how you feel...how you truly feel, that is.

If it's not worth it...the arguments, the name-calling, etc. then don't bother...Is it really worth your time and energy? You really have to think about it and plan what you're going to say before you say it, cuz you don't wanna hurt the person's feelings during the process, right? You just wanna make your point, and hopes she understands it.

Good luck Twig-E :Kimmie:
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Sep 05, 01
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yoko, haha. isnt this a prime topic, didnt we talk about this a while ago?

my story is pretty similar, i have a friend, and whenever she's suicidal, in need of comfort, drugs, or she doesnt have anyone else to make plans with -- she runs to me. i am her fuckin' last resort. gee that makes me feel fine and dandy. ive known this chick for like, 5 years about and she always disses me for her new, or the popular crowd. she'll come back whenever she cant get attention from them, its pretty pathetic cuz shes like a friendship leech, jumps from crowd to crowd to see who will show her more attention. but what can you do? some people just have a soft brain and will buy into any shanadigan (sp?), try anything and succub to peer pressure and breathe it all in like air. we're not really friends anymore.

the "popular" crowd or what not are now showing interest in her, so she thinks, "oh cool, right on, i get to be cool and popular too, my old friends will always be there for me right? oh yeah! so ill just hang out with the new crowd for a bit." yeah, the in crowd usually like to pick up one or two of the school "outcasts" and play with them for a while, or not.. im rambling

plan: if you want to go extreme start bitching out her new friends and throwing doll heads at them and telling them to stay away from your friend. :) if not. just bear with it for a while, i mean 5 years is too fuckin' long to bear with something like that. but if you start to ignore her, she'll most likely ask whats wrong.. i dunnno maybe its her life long goal to be popular or whatever and she just wants a taste for it?
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Sep 05, 01
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Bahahaha..."friendship leech" <-- I've had a couple of those in my lifetime...and man, do they ever leech!!!
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Sep 05, 01
i really look like this!
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stabs.. haha yeah. summin like this... i think that's why I can relate to twig-e lots.. hah..
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Sep 12, 01
O.G. Sammy
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after a few days of thinking...i've come to the conclusion that i don't wanna be friends with the person in quesion anymore. If the roles were reversed...I know i would have not only apologized to the friend...but i would have also addressed and acknowledged the issue at hand. The so-called friend DID apologize for whatever that was said but didn't really address the REAL situation...the root of the whole thing. I can't see this person ever reciprocating any feelings or emotion. I've talked to the person twice after the whole incident and the person made everything out to seem as if nothng happened. but the more i thought about things, i realized that THAT'S what was making me so mad; the casual demenour of the person...etc etc. I don't hate the person at all....i'd just rather not be friends. It just sucks when you THINK someone is your really good/best friend but in actuallity, you're merely a pawn in their eyes. oh well...the joke's on the so-called "friend" cuz as of today, i couldn't care less.
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