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Punching Bag Bitch, cry and whine your way into oblivion.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Sep 29, 01
*FeMaLe JunGLisT*
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Speed Demons!!!!

Kay, i used to be like the speed queen....... i never went the speed limit..... but then i got pulled over and cried my way out of it hehehehe.....

NOW, after seeing many friends get in car accidents because of reckless driving im super cautious about how fast im going ect....

I CANT STAND PEOPLE WHO SPEED!!!!!!!! it drives me nuts!!!
Especially people who speed past you and cut you off!!! Or people who dont signal when they're speeding and changing lanes!! grrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!

:snyx: So to ne1 who thinks they're cool cuz they drive fast? SLOW THE FUCK DOWN! :snyx:
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Sep 29, 01
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mister-peenutt has a little shameless behaviour in the past
i speed. but not cuz i think it makes me cool. but because i choose to and enjoy doing it in a safe manner!

the reason you might be getting cut off is if you are driving in a stupid way. what i mean is. driving in the left lane and going the same speed as the right and boxing in people who wanna pass you.

so if you wanna go slow. stay the fuck out of the left lane!

and don't take it out on those who speed in a proper manner just because your friends fucked their cars up because they were driving RECKLESSY<--- thats the key word here. just because you speed doesn't mean you are being reckless.

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Sep 29, 01
I lost a button hole..
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i must admit i do speed as well...but im not an idiot about it.....i speed but i don't overly speed....i mean ill be doing 70-80 in 50 zones all the time....unless im feeling mellow and stoned then im not that bad......

but i hate beign the passenger to someone who is speeding.....especially with my friends cuz i can bitch all i want but theres some of them who jus don't care.........and thats the reason why they get 3 to 5 hundred dollar speeding tikets...fuckin idiots....

my friend giles jus got his license like 2-3 months ago...and he's the cockiest kid on the road man....he always thinks these 80 yr old ladies are racing him and hsit...but the fuckin guy drives a station wagon........and when i bitch...u knwo what his big excuse is all the time....."...well every one of our other friends does it or has done it at one point"...haha very good thats why half of them have all lost their fuckin license u fuckin dickwad.......

and he's a fuckin dork in the rain too..,...he drives as if it was dry out.....and he fuckin tailgates......i have to bitch at him like a fuckin mother to get him to smartin up......

my biggest peev on the road is people who don;t signal as well....where the fuck do these people get off assuming that i know where theyre going......some people are jus really fuckin inconsiderate.............

i can't imagine how frustrated ill get when i do......

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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Sep 29, 01
no clouds in my stones
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Originally posted by mister-peenutt
so if you wanna go slow. stay the fuck out of the left lane!
Fuckin right! Stay outta my lane mofo!
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Sep 29, 01
I lost a button hole..
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i disagree vince.....

sure i speed but that doesn't excuse me from the law thats been posted all over our streets.....if u wanna call me a hypocrite than u can go ahead and do so....but theres a reason why those limits are put up....but speeding only increases ur chance and everyone elses chance on the road of getting into an accident......there really isn't any kind of "safe" speeding.....ur still taking more risk than necessary......
thats like saying......"oh im gonna do 5 caps...but im gonna do it the safe way and do them all in halfs through out the nite".....its still stupid is it not.....

but i will agree with u on the part about the people that don't know that hte left lane is a "PASSING LANE"...i hate when people sit there too....and especially when theres a big load of people who are all boxed in behind u and they still don't have the common courtesy to move over to the right........but then again.......eveyones a dick at one point or another.....


Last edited by Cowboy; Sep 29, 01 at 05:57 PM.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Sep 30, 01
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I speed carefully... Uh, is that an oxymoron??? Hahahaha :160:

I try not to speed... but sometimes I'm in a hurry or sometimes no one is on the road, and having the tunez cranked and rippin' down the street is pretty fun :D:

I don't encourage speeding... Actually, most of the time when I'm a passenger, I tell the driver to slow down. I, too, have lost friends in accidents... I should know better :035:
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Sep 30, 01
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hmmm..i really don't mean to speed most of the time..unless i am in a hurry to sumwhere..i don't go that fast tho...sumtimes on the highway but?..meh...i dont' highway drive much...

but it does piss me off when peopel just all of a sudden stop to turn and ur like..wut de hell cuz they have no signal..or the stupid peopel who signal after they stop to turn..retards!..omg..and the peopel who go 40-45..i hate driving behind them..at least go 50..that is the speed limit!!..can't u get a ticket for goin to slow?..it always seems i get stuck behind the slow peopel when i'm in a rush..~
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Sep 30, 01
D D is offline
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I hate bad/slow driverz...

And what peenut said is absolutely correct.

The thing that pisses me off is>>> PEOPLE WHO AREN'T AWARE OF WHAT IS GOING ON AROUND THEM!!! These are the people who drive slow in the left lane,,, don't stop on the stop line,,, don't understand/know how 2 merge,,, etc...

I don't know about you guyz,,, but when I see some rip up behind me,,, I just move outta they way:)

I used 2 get very angry @ bad driverz,,, and still do on occasion.

But then I remember...



Last edited by D; Sep 30, 01 at 10:00 AM.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Sep 30, 01
I lost a button hole..
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i was driving to iimix with this girl natasha...and jus let me start off by telling u she's the worse driver ive ever been with in my entire life.....she's terrible....i won't go into detail about her driving infractions but ill jus pass along what she said that nite in the car......

"i don't pay attention to the other people around me.....i pay attention to what im doing"

i was quite shocked at first when i heard this...and then i began to get a lil scared....*eeep*....

how can u not pay attention to other drivers......thats like the whole fuckin thing about driving...always being aware of ur surroundings......

lets jus say ive yet to ride again with good ol' natasha....

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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Sep 30, 01
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I usually do go over the speed limit but thats because I'm the type of person who is always late and is always in a rush trying to get where I'm going....I am cautious though....but I know i should be more careful....and I think i just need to work on leaving places 5 minutes earlier so that i'm not always late, then I wont speed so much!

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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Oct 06, 01
*FeMaLe JunGLisT*
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Hmmmmm....... Lets take a look at this..........

Originally posted by mister-peenutt
the reason you might be getting cut off is if you are driving in a stupid way. what i mean is. driving in the left lane and going the same speed as the right and boxing in people who wanna pass you.

-Hmmmm did i say i drove slow in the fast lane??? NO!
I go the speed limit or just a lil over in the slow lane!

Originally posted by mister-peenut
so if you wanna go slow. stay the fuck out of the left lane!

--Did I title this post "I like driving slow in the fast lane cuz im a fucking moron??" NO! CUZ I DONT AND IM NOT!!! So was that comment really necessary?? No! Not unless you're trying to be an asshole!

Originally posted by mister- I'll lick your Peenuts
and don't take it out on those who speed in a proper manner just because your friends fucked their cars up because they were driving RECKLESSY

Actually Mr. I'll lick your Peenuts , My friends didn't fuck up their cars cuz they were speeding...... It was because of RECKLESS DRIVERS WHO WERE SPEEDING!

But then again , Like you said.......

Originally posted by mister-peenut
just because you speed doesn't mean you are being reckless.
Hmmmm.......... so what exactly do reckless drivers do??? since they're not speeding.... and when i say speeding i dont mean like 70 in a 50 zone , im talking like 90-100 in a 50 zone.........You may think its fine when ur whizzin along doing 90 in a 50 zone, but ur friends stuck in ur passenger seat or the ppl ur whizzin by probably dont think the same..... :(
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Oct 06, 01
no clouds in my stones
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Originally posted by BabyK
Hmmmm.......... so what exactly do reckless drivers do??? since they're not speeding.... and when i say speeding i dont mean like 70 in a 50 zone , im talking like 90-100 in a 50 zone.........You may think its fine when ur whizzin along doing 90 in a 50 zone, but ur friends stuck in ur passenger seat or the ppl ur whizzin by probably dont think the same..... :(
Maybe next time you should make your statement a little more CLEAR.

You said "Speeding".
51 in a 50 zone is speeding.
60/70 in a 50 zone is speeding.
90/100 in a 50 zone is speeding.
Ah, duh.

I do avg, 80/90 in 50 zones...that's because most of the time when I drive it's late at night and there aren't many other drivers on the road. If I'm going 90 along a completely FLAT road (I live in Richmond) with ZERO other cars on the road, you can't call that reckless!

Now, going 90 in a 50 zone in the middle of traffic could be considered reckless because that's 40km faster per hour than every other car around you, and there's a better chance of getting in an accident. (more cars to hit, more bad drivers to hit you, etc.)

So it really depends on the SITUATION, not STRICTLY the speed at which you are travelling.

It's better not to make such blatant generalizations...it's obvious that someone was going to disagree with you, so chill. You're not going to change anyone's mind if you're being rude. The best way to change a mind is to present hard fact, and good arguments.

(by the way, when Vince was saying 'you', I don't think he was referring to you personally. I think he meant 'you' as in 'a person' or 'one').
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Oct 06, 01
Join Date: Jan 2001
mister-peenutt has a little shameless behaviour in the past
Originally posted by Baby i'm a fucking zeek K

Hmmmm.......... so what exactly do reckless drivers do??? since they're not speeding.... and when i say speeding i dont mean like 70 in a 50 zone , im talking like 90-100 in a 50 zone.........You may think its fine when ur whizzin along doing 90 in a 50 zone, but ur friends stuck in ur passenger seat or the ppl ur whizzin by probably dont think the same..... :(
reckless driving = people who speed and cut through lanes every like 2 seconds. tailing. racing on public streets. etc etc. and people who speed aren't reckless.. if they were then police would be reckless all the time. reckless drivers could be going the limit too.

i'm also saying get the fuck out of the fast lane if you're going the limit. the police don't care if you are going 110 on the highway where theres a limit of 90 just as long as you aren't weaving through traffic. so if you want to drive the limit get in the right lane. or if you see someone comming up on your ass quickly switch to let him by. and ok i didn't need that last comment. i apologize. i just get touchy when people are in that lane and i'm boxed the fuck in.

and be more clear when you say "my friends fucked their cars up because of reckless driving."

read that out load and see what that says to you. it doesn't say that they were hit by reckless drivers.

corrie i see your point and its a point well taken. yea the limits are their for a reason and i break them, but not badly badly. and what i meant for my so called "safe" speeding was in the middle of the night on the freeway where no one is around or at pitt lake or colebrooke, which are secluded country roads that are DEAD straight empty and flat. but still then i choose not to be an idiot and go like 240km/h.

to me. "safe" speeding. is when no one else is around and you aren't going like 200over the limit.

guh. too much typing.


and babyK i do share your view on this subject. but my main beef is with those stupid spoiled cocky pieces of shit young people who have new cars and think they are the worlds best drivers just because they went to see fast and the furious and they think can be just like them. yea sure i'm young but i do think i'm a pretty good driver. but i don't let that go to my head like some punks do.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Oct 07, 01
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BeatItFarmer is an unknown quantity at this point

If u are a good and safe driver then the speed u drive (within reason) really doesn't make that much difference....

CORRIe giles is fucking reckless it's not the speed he drives at but the way he drives....if he drove the same way at 50 he would still be dangerous.....but I don't understand why u of all ppl got into geoff's beamer ? he was drinking and driving ...which I thought u were against and he only took it out for the purpose of ripping it up on the streets...guess I just don't understand ur logic
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Oct 07, 01
Fuck the corporate world
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me i speed
yes i admit it but i do it in an a way so that other people arnt in danger say its like late at night and the roads are empty
im not gonna follow that limit im gonna go about 60-80 in a 50 zone....thats only if im alone in the car
if me and bb or anyone else i probally go 60 no more
i try to follow the 10 over the limit rule
but yeah if i wanna pass someone
i must agree with vince on that one
stay outta the left lane
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Oct 07, 01
*FeMaLe JunGLisT*
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BabyK is an unknown quantity at this point
Peenut...... Agreed, cocky shits w/ new cars suck.....

galaxie wow! u seem so smart! you get a gold star!!!
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Oct 07, 01
Gravity Slave
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I quit speeding since it's not worth my life if I arrive a few minutes late and I have too much left to see and do in this world.

For those of you that speed to get a 'rush' from it, you are all chickenshits. Speeding in a car with seatbelts, airbags and steel all around you is easy. Anyone can do it.

As I said before, if you really want to see how brave you are, go strap on some skis or a snowboard and rocket down a slope at 100+ Km/h. You and Mother Nature playing a game of chicken.

Now that I have that to satisfy my need for speed, driving fast in a car is boring.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Oct 08, 01
no clouds in my stones
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galaxie is a jewel in the roughgalaxie is a jewel in the roughgalaxie is a jewel in the roughgalaxie is a jewel in the roughgalaxie is a jewel in the rough
Originally posted by BabyK
Peenut...... Agreed, cocky shits w/ new cars suck.....

galaxie wow! u seem so smart! you get a gold star!!!
Good. I know I'm smart, now you do too.

Wonderful that we can come to these type of understandings =0)

hey vince... :355:
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old Oct 09, 01
I lost a button hole..
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Re: depends

Originally posted by BeatItFarmer
If u are a good and safe driver then the speed u drive (within reason) really doesn't make that much difference....

CORRIe giles is fucking reckless it's not the speed he drives at but the way he drives....if he drove the same way at 50 he would still be dangerous.....but I don't understand why u of all ppl got into geoff's beamer ? he was drinking and driving ...which I thought u were against and he only took it out for the purpose of ripping it up on the streets...guess I just don't understand ur logic
for one thing...speed always makes a difference no matter how fast ur going......
for example these dead highways that u all seem to think its safe to drive on with no cars in absolute perfect conditions is still dangerous....what if at that point in time a deer or some shit decides to cross the road....are u tellin me u are just as capable at maneuvering ur way into the clear to avoid him without over compensating or any other bullshit at the speed limit then at 30, 40, 50+ over the limit..........if u are then all ur doing is justifying irrational actions and ur only lying to urself.........

for one thing.....when i got into that car i was also drunk......when he showed up...i was unaware that he was drinkin.....i was drunk so if he seemed drunk to the average person....i obviously did not pick up on it.....we were SUPPOSED to go to burger king and then i was to be dropped off....
i got suckered into a night of kidnapping friends and was only informed of his drinkin 4 hours earlier on in the nite like halfway through our escapades...he assured me that he was no longer drunk and stupidly i settled with not walkin 5-10 kilometers home at 5-6 in the morning so yeah.......i was still drunk at this point and i was obviously stupid enuff to remain in the car......im not gonna sit here and bullshit that it was ok becuz blah blah blah.....i know it was stupid now...but im not gonna kick myself over it now....its done with.........

u don't understand my logic huh....i odn't exactly know what ur trying to say by that....if ur calling me a hypocrite then fine whatever i guess i am.....but at least i know im a fuckin hypocrite and i don't try to fuckin bullshit everyone and justify my negligence......

if u speed...ur in the fuckin wrong people.....face it...stop trying to hide behind ur pointless excuses..........

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  #20 (permalink)  
Old Oct 09, 01
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I was meerly shocked to see u of all people so excited to go out and rip around....apparently u took the comment the wrong way and see it as me trying to make it seem like ur a hypocrite (which by the way I don't think u are) I just thought it was funny how u were so excited to go and do it....even if u were drunk, it was just something that I thought I would never see......to tell u the truth I liked the fact that u finally wouldn't mind somebody speeding....anyways if u took it as me calling u a hypocrite then sorry.

PS and about the speed thing I said within reason...on those big open highways u can see off to the sides easily and if u are a good and careful driver and are aware of ur sarroundings like ur supposed to be then it can be relatively safe to speed (within reasonable speeds) if u don't agree wwith this then I don't understand ur logic when we talked about u going with geoff and u said it was okay cause he would only speed on open straights down side streets
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  #21 (permalink)  
Old Oct 09, 01
the drummer
Sweet E @ the drummer's house

I am TOTALLY against speeding, simply because my best friend got killed by someone that was speeding back when I was in grade 4.

Sure, speeding may give you a rush...it may make you "look cool"...it may make you feel like you're in Fast and Furious...it may get you to your destination on time/make you not as late as you would be if you were driving at the speed limit. Whatever your reason for speeding is, it is totally wrong. First off, you not only put yourself in danger, but you put everyone else in your car and around you on the road in danger. By speeding, you are endangering OTHER people's lives. Could you really live with yourself if you killed someone else cause you were speeding for fun? For the rush? Cause you were late? I know I couldn't. And who gives a flying fuck if you're going to be late?! Would you rather put up with the consequences of being late or of killing a human being? Stop and think about that. If you know you're going to speed if you're late, then don't put yourself in that position. Be responsible and plan your time so that you won't be late in the first place. It really isn't rocket science at all. I don't give a fuck about what you say...there is NO SUCH THING as "speeding safely." It takes only one moment of carelessness, a split second, to end a life. Stop being selfish and drive carefully. You just might save your life and the lives of others.

Ugh, this topic fucking pisses the hell outta me. :378:

Erica :AZN:
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old Oct 09, 01
I lost a button hole..
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Cowboy is an unknown quantity at this point
Re: shocked

Originally posted by BeatItFarmer
I was meerly shocked to see u of all people so excited to go out and rip around....apparently u took the comment the wrong way and see it as me trying to make it seem like ur a hypocrite (which by the way I don't think u are) I just thought it was funny how u were so excited to go and do it....even if u were drunk, it was just something that I thought I would never see......to tell u the truth I liked the fact that u finally wouldn't mind somebody speeding....anyways if u took it as me calling u a hypocrite then sorry.

PS and about the speed thing I said within reason...on those big open highways u can see off to the sides easily and if u are a good and careful driver and are aware of ur sarroundings like ur supposed to be then it can be relatively safe to speed (within reasonable speeds) if u don't agree wwith this then I don't understand ur logic when we talked about u going with geoff and u said it was okay cause he would only speed on open straights down side streets
what are u talkin about....the only reason i might have seemed excited to u was becuz i had jus woken u up and compared to myself u weren't chipper.....i was jus glad that we were getting more people out with us...so then maybe giles wouldn't bitch about going home and how we kidnapped him and blah blah blah....hehe.....

if u weren't callin me a hypocrite then fine by me...it seemed as if u were but i guess i just misunderstood what u were trying to say....

but i honestly think its sad that u "liked" the fact that i was willing to get into the car....i would think that u would be disappointed if anything...but hey whatever floats ur boat....

i never said it was ok that he was rippin it up on little side streets....i said that to minimize the situation....that was for my own comfort becuz im totally against what i took part in....but i honestly would feel safer rippin it up on those streets than i ever would rippin it up at 200k which that car could EASILY do in a matter of 10 seconds....i was jus happy i wasn't in the latter of those situations

if all ur trying to say then is that ur surprised.....i got that message in the first post.....im getting the feeling thats not all ur doing with these posts....i mean...yeah...it was stupid...i already said i wasn't gonna sit here and and try to justify my negligence...which was excatly what it was........i WAS drunk...and becuz i was drunk i didn't care...actually i shouldn't say i didn't care....i was jus too lazy to stop and bitch.......but that doesn't excuse me from doing something stupid....we could have just as easily died doing the speeds we were that nite.......then the speeds he had done before when he giles and bryan had fucked up and totalled that thing....but rest assured....he never would have hit anything close to those speeds with me in that car.....drunk or not.............

and once again...there is no such thing as reasonable speeding.....speeding is SPEEDING...lets sound that out everyone.....*S*P*E*E*D*I*N*G*...ive been in a car with u brendan....and if ur trying to tell me that when u speed ur mr attentive then ur honestly full of shit...thats not meant to be a personal attack or anything....im jus saying that when ur doing ur "reasonable" speeding....ur jus as likely if not more to not see something coming on to the road or whatever the situation might be........why are u so stubborn to admit that ur no patrick carpantier man......chances are u will fuck up....

"if u are a good and careful driver and are aware of ur sarroundings like ur supposed to be then it can be relatively safe to speed (within reasonable speeds)"

sweet......thats what i always aim for....to be RELATIVELY safe...pffft.....cmon dude...can u actually sit at that computer and argue with me on this situation......cuz if u are all ur doing is arguing for the sake of arguing....theres no way in hell u can be right in this situation.......not in the eyes of the LAW...not in the eyes of SOCIETY and im sure not in the eyes of those that love and care for u.........those actions are selfish and until u realize that....we are all at risk.......

now i feel like a fuckin preacher..

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  #23 (permalink)  
Old Oct 10, 01
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BeatItFarmer is an unknown quantity at this point

if that's what u remember telling me and that's the way u remember acting......no good is gonna come of this between us bickering...

and I didn't think that it was cool that u were going into a drunk guys car but more glad that u loosened up ur attitude towards faster driving
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old Oct 10, 01
I lost a button hole..
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Cowboy is an unknown quantity at this point
what are u talkin about.....how would u know how i was acting...u weren't even there.....
the only time i saw u all nite was for less than 5 minutes when we tried to come and get u........

i don't see how u could have a better recollection of the entire situation if u weren't even present......
what are u talkin bout???

what i said the other nite when u told me u read my post....
i restated exactly the same thing i said to that nite in that last post jus more in depth and i actually explained why i said what i said......if u don't understand or think im "remembering" what i want to then ur memory is jus as selective as u THINK mine is......

i never said i wasn't in the wrong for allowing him to drive like that....how many times have i already stated this....

"if that's what u remember telling me and that's the way u remember acting"
wtf is that supposed to mean.....
i don't need any smart comments from u...especially when its pretty clear u have no idea what ur talking about......
anyway...this subject is SUPPOSED to be about speeding...and u singled me out for some fuckin reason...u say becuz u were shocked but i beg to differ.........so whatever ur reasons behind this whole fuckin thing are fine i don't care.......drop it....

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  #25 (permalink)  
Old Oct 14, 01
Join Date: Oct 2001
Carpet Munch is an unknown quantity at this point
FUCK YOU if I want to drive at high rates of speed and endanger my life and no one elses I should have every fucking right to do so
your putting your life at danger so what the fuck do you care if I die it's one less person you have to deal with
nothing pisses me off more then radar traps on highways
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