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Punching Bag Bitch, cry and whine your way into oblivion.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Jan 06, 04
E is for Erica ;)
Join Date: Feb 2001
Erica is an unknown quantity at this point
Cutting Hours

Pretty pissed off right now. My work had to cut everyone's hours cause they're not making enough money to pay the amount of staff that they hired. I can understand it from their perspective, but they basically cut our hours SO drastically so it would force some of us to quit. My hours got shafted from 15 hours a week between 3 days to 4!!! hours between 2. How would it even be worth my time to go down there to work TWO bloody hours a day? Also, when I originally got hired, they told me that we would get $10 an hour after the first month assessment (from $9). But after a month passed by, I asked about it and they said that they can't do it due to insufficient sales. I would have understood if they had told me from the get-go that the raise would only happen in accordance to how sales are doing, but they basically guaranteed it to me. Just really unhappy with how things have gone since the cafe has opened (they delayed opening for about 2 months after I got hired), and the fact that I have to go and look for another job now.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Jan 06, 04
Straight Outta Mocash
Join Date: Nov 2003
Gusto is just really niceGusto is just really niceGusto is just really niceGusto is just really niceGusto is just really niceGusto is just really niceGusto is just really nice
You should quit for sure. That's ridiculous.. going to work for just two hours is a waste of time.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Jan 06, 04
E is for Erica ;)
Join Date: Feb 2001
Erica is an unknown quantity at this point

Yeah, I already did...completely ridiculous. I mean...that would make me a big fat rich THIRTY SIX dollars a week working there! That's only enough to support 1/3 of my weekly drinking expenses, not to mention food and all that other shit.

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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Jan 06, 04
my jungle needs no king
Join Date: Apr 2003
junglequeen is an unknown quantity at this point
thats insane
why would they hire so many people then?
employers like that are dumb - do they realize how many piddly jobs we'd have to keep to make up a real paycheck
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Jan 06, 04
E is for Erica ;)
Join Date: Feb 2001
Erica is an unknown quantity at this point
no doubt. 4 hours...that's like, half a regular full time shift, and not even one full part time shift. >_< whatever...time to move onto a job that will make me a bit more tips anyways. at least this forces me to start looking now rather than procrastinating about it.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Jan 06, 04
'latinum respect.
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That sucks, especially when you're planning to move out.

I bitch about my job lots, but in some ways it's ok. It's definitely not ok in that I'm working for a government contract that is negotiated BY THE MONTH, which means that one month we have tons of work to do, I work tons of overtime, etc. The next month, the gov't can suddenly decide they want us to do signifigantly less work, which means that I get less hours, more days off, etc. And trust me, the gov't is sooo indecisive...sometimes they'll change their minds about how much they want us to do twice in a day...but, on the upside, I've become much more flexible.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Jan 06, 04
Straight Outta Mocash
Join Date: Nov 2003
Gusto is just really niceGusto is just really niceGusto is just really niceGusto is just really niceGusto is just really niceGusto is just really niceGusto is just really nice
36 bucks a week before taxes? Shit, how could this company even have the audacity to do that? They must be breaking some kind of labour laws or something... but then I don't have a clue.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Jan 06, 04
femme fatale
Join Date: Feb 2003
Jingles is on a distinguished road
this means you will need to save more money - and the only way to do that is move to Burnaby w/ me and my cat.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Jan 06, 04
'latinum respect.
Join Date: Jan 2002
miss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to all
Originally posted by gusto
36 bucks a week before taxes? Shit, how could this company even have the audacity to do that? They must be breaking some kind of labour laws or something... but then I don't have a clue.
It's basically like a passive aggressive method of firing someone

they don't want to actually be the bad guy and do it, so they make working conditions/pay/hours so undesirable that most would just quit.

thumbs down!
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Jan 06, 04
Straight Outta Mocash
Join Date: Nov 2003
Gusto is just really niceGusto is just really niceGusto is just really niceGusto is just really niceGusto is just really niceGusto is just really niceGusto is just really nice
Yeah, I guess so.. but I thought that legally if you come in you have to get paid for 4 hours at least. At least if they laid people off instead of making them quit people could collect UI. Fuckers.:)
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Jan 06, 04
'latinum respect.
Join Date: Jan 2002
miss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to all
They changed the rules, now the minimum is 2 hours.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Jan 06, 04
E is for Erica ;)
Join Date: Feb 2001
Erica is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally posted by gusto
Yeah, I guess so.. but I thought that legally if you come in you have to get paid for 4 hours at least. At least if they laid people off instead of making them quit people could collect UI. Fuckers.:)
EXACTLY. They basically passively tried to get us to quit by cutting our hours drastically so they didn't have to pay us severance by laying us off.

Oh well, I know this will work out in my benefit once I find a new job cause it will definitely be a better paying one. I still find it a pretty assholish thing to do, but I guess they ultimately had to look out for themselves in the end.
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