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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Mar 11, 04
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American Media on Todd Bertuzzi

Hear that sounds? That is the sound of one Grapes snapping.


Where the FUCK do American sports journalists who don't know Todd Bertuzzi from a hole in the ground get off passing judgement on Bertuzzigate? During a trip between job sites at work today I listened to a guy I formerly respected, Dan Patrick of ESPN radio, sound off with his two cents about the incident. This came as a bit of a surprise to me, as I'd never heard anything even remotely Canucks related on his show. Hell, I'd rarely heard him talk about the NHL.

The fucking clown, in the middle of his rant about what we can determine about Todd's character, has to stop and put the question out there "I don't know?... is this the sort of thing he usually does?"


Stop talking s.hit about what you don't know. Any hockey fan worth his weight in pucks knows who Todd Bertuzzi is, and what his character is like. People's attitudes towards him may be different, but you at least have some kind of knowledge footing. Patrick is in the dark, yet he presumes to have the ability to comment on the incident, its ramifications and the factors that lead up to it. Unbelievable.

These same jokers like Patrick and Jim Rome then have the nerve to (without fail!) suggest that "This is the reason no-one ever pays attention to the sport of hockey". If the hypocrisy of this statement isn't wildly obvious, allow me to make it crystal clear: It's clearly the ONLY reason they ever pay attention to hockey! Never do I hear any serious hockey coverage on these otherwise enjoyable shows, and yet something ugly goes down and suddenly everyone wants to throw in their two cents.

Well we don't want your uninformed opinions. We've got plenty of knowledgeable people North and South of the border without you asshats chiming in.

I'd like to tell you more about what Patrick said, but I was forced to turn off my radio when I heard the phrase "Coming up after the break, we'll get Tonya Harding's take on the Bertuzzi incident..."

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Mar 11, 04
Join Date: Jan 2003
e_BoY is an unknown quantity at this point
i just saw Colorado news and they didn't pass judgement on BErt. They actually said they feel he didnt mean what he did etc... They were nice about it
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Mar 11, 04
Control Canonical
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Leviathan will become famous soon enoughLeviathan will become famous soon enough
By his logic no one would pay attention to baseball because every once in a while a pitcher purposely hits the batter and there is a bench clearing brawl.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Mar 11, 04
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ceiling cat!
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^ what, no attempt to play devil's advocate? :P

Lol... in my email to Dan Patrick I actually tacked on something along these lines:

"I'll make you a deal Dan. You don't belittle our national pastime when something ugly like this goes down, and we won't belittle yours when Pedro's judo-flipping 73 year olds."
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Mar 11, 04
Control Canonical
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Leviathan will become famous soon enoughLeviathan will become famous soon enough
^BUHAHAHAHAH thats too funny
almost as funny as when Pedro did it :)

I'd like to hear his reply to you.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Mar 11, 04
jim jim is offline
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jess and dave, don't be dissing the ZIM.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Mar 13, 04
runs tings
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That ESPN radio show is terrible on most days. The opinions on that show are the most biased and uneducated i've seen of any sports radio shows around. They think they can just say whatever they want because they are 'big' american sports journalists with 'affiliates' all throughout the US.

I can't stand that show. It's like Judge Judy, seriously, what they say goes, regardless of their uneducated and soemtimes childish opinions and they'll have no one tell them otherwise.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Mar 13, 04
runs tings
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firestar is on a distinguished road
And plus they talk WAY WAY to much about college basketball.

:017: ZzzZZzzZzZz..
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Mar 13, 04
Mizz Dancin Queen
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ashley112 is an unknown quantity at this point
i got bets on that canucks dont make it to play offs :) GOOOOOO TORONTO! :kam:
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Mar 13, 04
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The Vancouver Canukcs will make the playoffs no question. How far we go in said plaoffs is a whole other story. If you are a fan of the canucks you want to see them go pretty far because Todd's suspension could go longer if we don't play enough games. The suspension is designed for him to miss at least 30 games so if we don't make it past the 1st round he'll be out at the begining of next season too. Come on people Todd is a great guy who just got caught up in the heat of battle and did something stupid that ended up having something happen that noone wanted to especially Bert. If you are a canucks fan support the team when it needs you most.
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Mar 13, 04
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Originally posted by ashley112
i got bets on that canucks dont make it to play offs :) GOOOOOO TORONTO! :kam:
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