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Punching Bag Bitch, cry and whine your way into oblivion.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Oct 20, 01
little miss muffet
Join Date: Sep 2001
Gilkayo is an unknown quantity at this point
kande not war!

Ok so i am at a club on wed to see Form and Kaos right? Everything’s fine there. So i am sorry.i know some of you out there don’t like to dance..That’s fine..But me I love to. I didn’t go to the club to be a “bar star” I hardly ever go to clubs…I don’t like to drink..But when I know something good is going on then why not right?
I am there with some friends..and out of our group..Im the only kande kid…yes I am a kande kid. So what right? Im at a club that’s playing some awesome music and of course i am going to dance! im not a breaker…I don’t know how to break dance…I wasn’t break dancing I wasn’t going to try..So im dancing the way I feel comfortable and of course..some bicthy junglist behind me starts to mock me because im not dancing like anyone else!
Of couse im not fucking dancing like him…Im not him!
So anyhow!!!! I really have to say that if you( junglist that is...*moon*petalz*!!!!) would like to be known as something other then agro….you’ve got to learn not to mock people that are different! It goes the same in life…this fucker ruined my night because he chose to mock me for being out of the ordinary!
We should learn to look past what a person has on or chooses to wear and look at ourselves as a group of happy people that choose to come together and unite in something that we all enjoy.
Its people like this fucker that stop people from doing what they really want in life…I didn’t make fun of his ugly face..he shouldn’t make fun of me because I choose not to dance like him!
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Oct 20, 01
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:( Sorry that you had such a bad time Gilkayo...

I'll dance with ya next time, k? :Kimmie:

And dancing should be an expression of how you feel... it shouldn't determine who you are...
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Oct 20, 01
*FeMaLe JunGLisT*
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Awwww that really sucks............. Honestly, im a junglist..... but i totally respect others and the way they dance/dress ect. Unless they keep bumping into me and not apologizing. Im sorry you had to go through that...... that really sucks.....People who do petty things like that to get attention are really hurting. If you have to stoop so low as to put sum1 down to make others laugh and make yourself feel more confident then you really need to take a look in the mirror and realize how pathetic you are.

Hopefully next time that person will think twice b4 mocking u.. or any1 else.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Oct 20, 01
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oh god no -- a kande ravers worst nightmare, a fuckin' JUNGLIST!! that's bitchy!! HERE TO TAKE AWAY YOUR FUCKIN' PARTY!! DID HE TAKE YOUR KANDE AWAY?? way to lay down the stereotypse stabby. :) thanks.

yes we've heard the kandy kid cry out about how there are SOOO many bitter junglists in the scene.. and we've heard the junglists go off about how stupid the lil kandy kids are.. and you know what? THIS RAVER SOAP OPERA IS GETTING OLD. big deal, they dont dance like you, big deal, he's ugly, big deal he doesnt wear phat pants.. the percentage of people in reality taht really care about this: very low.

stabby says: next time, start dancing harder and screaming and flailing like a psycho. i mean who the fuck cares what some other dumb raver says to you? oh.. you do.. shit. nevermind then
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Oct 21, 01
little miss muffet
Join Date: Sep 2001
Gilkayo is an unknown quantity at this point
over your head!

Look at this from a perspective as if I wasn’t a kande kid!
You have to look beyond someone’s out shell to see what’s inside...he chose to make fun of me for a stupid reason and what i’m trying to say is that he had no to right to do so.... he made fun of me as a person!!!
It hurts when people do that. You should know that!
I don’t like the soap opera either but look deeper into the meaning and maybe you could see beyond what’s right in front of you…do you really have to be so shallow about the whole thing...what if he were to make fun of me because i’m white? Would it be different? I don’t think so...its still someone putting you down for being different in some way.
Do you think that if I was dressed the same as him or friends with him that he would have done it?
I'm glad you are so neutral about the situation but i’m sure when it all boils down to it that you would have felt the exact same way...kande kid or not! :219:
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Oct 21, 01
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*addy* is an unknown quantity at this point
We're all hypocrites

Realistically, we are all guilty of making fun of someone without "knowing the person." I critize people all the time, or just cut them down. Never to their face, but you know you make those asshole funny comments just because. I'll admit to it that I've made fun of the way people dance. Never because their a candy kid, or a junglist or whatev. I think we all have??
If you say you haven't made fun of someone for what they look like or how they act without "finding out who they are inside", then you'd be lying.
It's a shame to isn't it? When I initially read your post, i was like, shit you know? That's dumb.
Then I realize I do all the time. Never to anyone's face, or anything, but I do it, and that's just as bad.
I'm not condoning this behavior I'm just sayin, shit you know, it happens. It's human nature. An unfortunate side of human nature.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Oct 21, 01
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mister-peenutt has a little shameless behaviour in the past
if you are talking about moon*petalz why do you keep reffering to her as a guy?

you keep saying "he ruined my night. he did this. he did that"
blah blah blah.

its SHE. not HE.

too bad you got made fun of though.

everyone gets mocked. who cares what other people say.

if someone mocks you. mock them.

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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Oct 21, 01
little miss muffet
Join Date: Sep 2001
Gilkayo is an unknown quantity at this point

its not about moon*petalz...im pretty sure she would be the last person to make fun of me and actually mean something by it...(right girl? where have you been anyhow?)
no it was a guy at a club..it was not moon*petalz!
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Oct 21, 01
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stabby says: GET USED TO IT. goddamn, ppl poke fun at or get poked at everyday.. it happens. whoopdidoo does it matter what "raver status" either of you are? not really.. hell you could be a "junglist" and they would of still made fun of you. is this the first time you got picked on? hmm? don't tell me you didnt think this kinda personal slandering and whatnot doesnt happen.. yes the "rave scene was built on PLUR" or so i've heard, but lets be a lil realistic here.... most ppl are fuckin' pricks!

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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Oct 21, 01
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see if somene said shit about me while i was dancing i would
turn around give him the finger..and then get a pool stick and shove it up his ass soo hard he can feel it from his brain!
bastards...dayam ppl that critize ppl for the way they dance. =(
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Oct 21, 01
little miss muffet
Join Date: Sep 2001
Gilkayo is an unknown quantity at this point
gilkayo tells stabby to READ b4 he replies!!!
you must be agro about something.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Oct 21, 01
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stabby says she read it and has read this kinda "emotional raver deliema (sp?)" tons of times and honestly wonders why you ppl even bother caring what your peers think when you know they arent gonna change.

ppl dont take the time to get to know you or whatnot because that takes time so they will stereotype and go by what other ppl say, its an easy not very productive way to filter out those you want to associate yourself with and those that you would rather not. ppl do it all the time.

plurry stabby says: you should of gave the junglist a kandy bracelet and hugged him and told him that he didnt have to say those mean things to you and that you loved him for the person he is even if hes bitter. *damn stereotypes*

yes.. i just MUST be agro about SOMETHING.. cuz there is NO WAY that i am just like THIS.. if you havent noticed this is how i always am sweetheart. ohh wait.. im agro.. I COULD BE A BITTER JUNGLIST!! LOOK AT ME!!

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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Oct 23, 01
since we're all SO STUCK on stereotypes here, I'd like to know one thing... why the fuck was there a junglist at the F+K night?

I though hardhouse was supposed to be the sworn musical enemy of junglists.


just a thought.

as for that mean person making fun of the way you dance, who cares???

I get funny looks all the time when I'm dancing, but I don't fucking care. If someone doesn't like your dancing, then they can go fuck themselves.

oh and try to stay away from putting people into stereotypes. you'll find yourself alot happier or something.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Oct 23, 01
Join Date: Nov 2000
moon*petalz is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally posted by Queerduck4

I though hardhouse was supposed to be the sworn musical enemy of junglists.

no, no, no, you have it all wrong. that would not be a junglist, that would be a wannabe junglist aka a poser. junglists are allowed to enjoy hardhouse. to say a junglist can't like hard house is like saying a skater can't wear shoes unless they're skate shoes. does that make sense? there are no rules we need to follow......
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Oct 24, 01
prangin' out
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Meh.. People will make fun of whatever the fuck they can find, if they're insecure enough..

Just take it as a compliment. THEY are jealous of YOU.. And they feel bad about THEMSELVES, therefore they feel a need to put YOU down, so they can feel better about themselves.

They need to make someone else look lower, in order to make themselves look higher. *shrug* That's what I've always thought about that.. Sometimes it doesn't seem so convincing..

But ya, stereotypes suck. People are people... And whether they were junglist, kandE, "bar star" or a fucking WIGGER, I don't care.. We should all respect each other.. People are people, damn it! :)


/me ends rant

:219: zarlon
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Oct 24, 01
how high are the stakes
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" I really have to say that if you( junglist that is...*moon*petalz*!!!!) would like to be known as something other then agro….you’ve got to learn not to mock people that are different!"

Since you adressed all junglists here, im going to say, not all junglists are agro, not all of us mock people" if you dont want to be stereotyped for being kande. dont come on here and say junglists mock people, just because there's ONE asshole out there that did mock you.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Oct 24, 01
Using the force
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I've found that theres two very distinct types of Jungalists. (Of course theres peeps inbetween - but I haven't really met many)

Totally cool, outgoing ones that turn out to be the type of people you went out to meet in the first place...

And totally agro, bitter, elitist loser fucks.

The latter wreck it for the former, which hopefully make up most of the jungalist crowd.

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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Oct 24, 01
little miss muffet
Join Date: Sep 2001
Gilkayo is an unknown quantity at this point
i understand where you are coming from NEMESIS!
i know that not all people in this world like to make fun of others. i understand that not all junglist are agro. one of my closest friends is a junglist...i love her to death and she hates the fact that shes stereotyped soo badly..it looks bad on her part...im just saying the few out there that bring bad vibes kinda ruine it for the whole group ya know?
i know that there are lots and LOTS of nice people out there...and i did not mean to make it seem like i had just meant that i had something against junglist...im sure there fuckers out there who wear kande too.
it just hurts when other have to stoop so low as to make fun of
just becasue im not goth does not mean that i have anything against them right? get what im saying!!!
haha....i think that im just way to plurry for any of this...im just hurt when the rest of the world cant be happy that they are somewhere they enjoy being and can have fun and no one elses expense!
i never bother anyone cause of the way they dance...i must admit that i have watched and judged my dancing around other people..but ive never mocked them.
i would be just as upset if it was a kande kid that had made fun of me.
it was just the fact that i believe that junglist are so badly stereotyped..and i think its because of people like this guy...
no one seems to realize it but saying one person to someone could break them..wether they admit it hurt or not.
i mean im not going to change just because of something said cause i cant do that...but it may stop me from doing something i really want to do.
"KandE NOT war!!" :)
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old Oct 24, 01
prangin' out
Join Date: May 2001
zarlon will become famous soon enoughzarlon will become famous soon enough
No-one cares about what I have to say!
My ideas are insignificant!

:snyx: insignificantzarlon
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old Oct 26, 01
Using the force
Join Date: Oct 2001
Sir_K is an unknown quantity at this point
PLUR all the way

To hell with the bitter jaded fucks.

War and confrontation suck! Peace rulez
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