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Punching Bag Bitch, cry and whine your way into oblivion.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old May 15, 04
Registered User
Join Date: Mar 2004
heatherness is on a distinguished road
one of those days

so today is one of those days where u just wanna curl up and die..
i dunno if i'm pmsing or what, but i just don't want to be here. i wanna go on a vacation or something.. get out of this hell hole. its also one of those days where u realize that all your friends suck. backstabbers, hoes, moochers... or straight up scandelous bitches. why the drama ppl? its lame.. i'm tired of getting walked all over.. is everyone out there assholes? i knew it was a bad day when i woke up late cause my alarm didn't go off ... then work sucked ass once again. come home.. find out my dads ordering pizza! YAY!! to only find out when it gets here.. he doesn't even get one kind i like.. oh yeah, thats sweet! fuck u too dad! i'm going off the shizzle.. and i just needed to vent. and wow it feels good already... i wanna go to boston pizza and get some half decent pizza i actually LIKE. woo.

ps. margie, i'm not mad at u, i'm mad at the world for sucking :(
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old May 15, 04
DJ Deezel
Join Date: Sep 2003
dSl-DuDe is on a distinguished road
yeah, i think the following sorta happens to everyone every now and then. I always have really shitty days aswell. As you stated above, days in which I feel I have lost all friendships, don't get enough sleep the night before, sleep in, then have a crazy ass day at work and can't meet the required expectations.. In the last couple of years, mainly in my senior high school years, I've had some very serious issues come up, and I hate to say this, but i've considered suicuide several times.. Sometimes it just hits you that you shouldnt even exist on this planet...As everyone should know being a teen is very difficult

anyways.. i wish we all could just go on vacation to get away from it all, or make a fresh new start, but its usually just unrealistic. One can't just keep changing or restarting their life every few weeks

Just my 2 cents, hope it makes a little bit of sense
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old May 15, 04
The Great Satan Of Funk
Join Date: May 2004
Raver_O.G is an unknown quantity at this point

Here is my little SOB story: This morning I go out around noon, turn on my car stereo (Beefy bitch, 1400 watts with 3 12s, 5 farad caps, front and mid stage 3.5s and 6x9s, Pioneer Head unit) and guess what? NOTHING happens. SO I take it to my installer, and he pokes around, then pops up and tells me the power supply on my 1200 dollar Head Unit is blown, and he'll have to send it off for 6 WEEKS TO get it fixed! I WAS NOT IMPRESSED. This is the SECOND time now with this deck, supposed to be one of the best, and it keeps crappy out on me, and in the MIDDLE of this beautiful cruising weather. I wanted to talk to the manager right, to see if I couldnt work something out, but like all good beaurocracies, it was some assistant to the assistant to his sister's monkey fucking dog groomer....so nothing happened....SO I go on about my day, and Im at the tailors, getting some adjustments to my grad tuxedo, and as Im walking out of the story, the gold chain bracelet my ex GF gave me falls of in about 6 pieces, totally broken. When I get home, my dad tells me I have to drive over 100 klicks in the morning to go and work, out in this 2 horse town FALKLAND for the weekend!!!!

SO here I now sit, going slowly nuclear, wanting to eather crush someones skull, get fucking shit faced and off my rocker....better yet BOTH...FUCK, I hate days like this.

Last edited by Raver_O.G; May 15, 04 at 09:43 AM.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old May 15, 04
Bounce or be Bounced
Join Date: Jan 2002
B-Funk is on a distinguished road
i just felt today that nothing i was going to do was going to make the day anymore enjoyable and as bored as i was i just couldn't get out and do anything. just had no motivation i geuss and im just kinda down about a lot of things lately.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old May 15, 04
The Great Satan Of Funk
Join Date: May 2004
Raver_O.G is an unknown quantity at this point
aww muffin

/heavey pet
/face pet
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Jun 01, 04
~Sc@ndelu$~'s Avatar
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Join Date: Dec 2003
~Sc@ndelu$~ is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by heatherness
so today is one of those days where u just wanna curl up and die..
i dunno if i'm pmsing or what, but i just don't want to be here. i wanna go on a vacation or something.. get out of this hell hole. its also one of those days where u realize that all your friends suck. backstabbers, hoes, moochers... or straight up scandelous bitches. why the drama ppl? its lame.. i'm tired of getting walked all over.. is everyone out there assholes? i knew it was a bad day when i woke up late cause my alarm didn't go off ... then work sucked ass once again. come home.. find out my dads ordering pizza! YAY!! to only find out when it gets here.. he doesn't even get one kind i like.. oh yeah, thats sweet! fuck u too dad! i'm going off the shizzle.. and i just needed to vent. and wow it feels good already... i wanna go to boston pizza and get some half decent pizza i actually LIKE. woo.

ps. margie, i'm not mad at u, i'm mad at the world for sucking :(
So much Drama! why must u even say my name if it has nuthing to do with me? I just dont get it?! i like drama but not fighting with my freinds
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Jun 01, 04
ShAkE iT
Join Date: Jan 2004
Lil Tiff is an unknown quantity at this point
Maybe some people just over react wayyy too much with out getting to the bottom of it. And maybe they cause their own drama!
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