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Punching Bag Bitch, cry and whine your way into oblivion.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Nov 19, 01
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Jess_C is an unknown quantity at this point
fake vs. real

i just don't understand. ok, when i graduated, i finally distinguished my 'real' friends from my 'fake ones' you could say. i moved out, and kept in touch with only the true ones. then i start hanging out with some new people...and more with people i've known for quite a while, just didn't live close enough before to hang out much. i can generally tell who the 'fake' friends are from the 'real' ones, since i've went through this before. [good judgement of character]. the one that surprises me, i was warned about, though was also told had changed [for the better]. so i give them a chance and then eventually it bites me in the ass. it seems like they couldn't even give a shit either, which hurts. i don't know what to say now either. especially getting screwed over left right and center? fuk...'fake' people who are only your friend for selfish reasons suck ass! 'groupies' you could say...annoying and big waste of time. yet they do so well at making you believe they're not. fuk!
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Nov 19, 01
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I totally know what you're talking about Jess... and where you're coming from :(

Too bad the vicious cycle of *fake vs real* is neverending, huh? I went through what you call the "screening" process after I graduated high school, and then again after college. You just have to filter out the bullshitters, cuz after a while, your brain can't take it anymore... as well as your emotions :043:

It hurts though... a lot sometimes. Especially, when you let your guard down and the person, takes so much time and effort, and makes you believe that they're *real*, finally shows their true colors.

Last edited by kiMMie; Nov 19, 01 at 03:28 AM.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Nov 19, 01
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i feel like i've done this screening process 100's of times...when i first moved here, when i graduated, when i moved, and now again!

though, when the person you believed was *real* isn't...fuk! especially when they swear they're not *fake* as they hate *fake* people just as much as I do...yet they still screw you over!?

this always occurs with some people my age, yet when i'm friends with people older, this never occurs. argh!

i always thought rule number one was, don't let your friends down and rule number two was, don't make a promise you can't keep! why is it that some people don't apply those to their *friendships*
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Nov 19, 01
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Re: fake vs. real

Originally posted by Blondie_Jess
'groupies' you could say...annoying and big waste of time.
Don't flatter yourself honey.

People aren't "groupies". Groupies follow bands and djs around because they love their music, and they wanna be "cool". People are fake to you because they want something from you, or they're too stupid to realize what actual friendship is.

It's life. You've gotta deal with it because that's the way it goes.

No one is perfect, I'm sure there have been many a circumstance in your life (as well as the lives of everyone else) in which you used someone to your advantage by being fake to them.

No one's an angel, and no one is perfect all of the time...If you can't admit that to yourself then that's your first problem. It seems to me that you have such high expectations of people, you're constantly complaining about them.

Just try to take everything in stride...it all happens for a reason and what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger and wiser...or bitter. It's much better to just learn from life's lessons and become wise rather than hateful and bitter.

My two cents, sorry if it was harsh. Didn't mean to point fingers and it's nothing against you personally, just from my observations of this board.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Nov 19, 01
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the screening process..i have trouble with that..cuz i stupidly refuse to believe that many of my friends are fake...even tho i see it rite in front of my face that they are..i guess its the being hurt factor that makes it hard...cuz after trusting and believing in them..and then seeing their true colors...yeah..its just hard..but its good when ur real friends are there to look out for u..

never letting ur friends down and never making promises u can't keep are in my friendship rules..but lotsa people jsut don't have the same rules..and if they know they aren't gonna be true friends to u..then even if they have those rules..they wouldn't apply i guess..???..

grrrrrrrs to fake people~:255:

Last edited by ~lazee_grrl~; Nov 19, 01 at 04:46 AM.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Nov 19, 01
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I thought, this was going to be about fake breasts.

Damn, those things suck.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Nov 19, 01
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This is a good topic Jess...

One thing that nobody has mentioned,,, is how materialistic people are these dayz...

sad... but true!

I've also been hurt,,, and 2 tell you the truth... I don't think I'll ever be the same way that I waz before it happened. I don't care 2 get into the details right now,,, but ask me in person 1 day and I'll let you know what happened.

All I can say is... get on with your life and put it behinde u!

Life isn't complicated... ONLY WHAT YOU MAKE IT 2 BE!!!

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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Nov 19, 01
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Fake girls

I come across a lot more fake girls then fake guys...guys seem to just not give a fuck...they can fight with each other and then be best friends the next day but with girls it seems like they're malicious (sp?) in their efforts to make themselves feel "good"....its fuckin pathetic...
I've had some sort of fling with most of the girls in my group of friends over the past couple years and because of this I became somewhat of an enemy to them (except the truly not fake ones) ....what's pathetic about them is that when they are together they talk about how I'm such a prick etc...but when I talk to any of them on the phone or just when we run into each other alone at the mall or whatever they are so nice...and not the fake nice...the real genuine nice.....kinda bothers me how at times women can be so trivial...
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Nov 19, 01
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Re: Fake girls

Originally posted by 24K
One thing that nobody has mentioned,,, is how materialistic people are these dayz...
OMG I HATE that! There's this one girl, we're kinda okie I guess, used to be best friends. But ever since a certain *guy* came along she's totally different! She's so.. fake! I mean ya sure, people change, I accept that, but not the way she changed. She changed everything for HIM. And if he hadn't come along then this would be alot dif. She's so materialistic too! OBSESSED with what she has/doesn't have. Blah I can't stand her anymore altho I can't just rid her like that [mutual friends, we go to school together] We just don't relaly call each other, or talk much outside of school [unless it's like school something or were out with friends] But I don't like materialistic ppl! I mean ya sure, I like materialistic things, but they aren't EVERYTHING. They just mean WAY to much to some ppl.

Originally posted by BeatItFarmer
I come across a lot more fake girls then fake guys...guys seem to just not give a fuck...they can fight with each other and then be best friends the next day but with girls it seems like they're malicious (sp?) in their efforts to make themselves feel "good"....its fuckin pathetic...
This is too true, more often girls are fake then guys are. Well in a way. Girls are alot of the time, fake to everyone. Guys are just usually kinda fake to girls [not all guys just some.] I don't even know really why girls do it, me being a girl and all... Most girls tho, at this age are just WAY to obsessed with stupid things. They think they have to look perfect, they have to fit in, they need a boyfriend, ppl will like them if their like everyone else. Blah, stupid bullshit like that! Alot of girls are like that, but some aren't. I think it's just harder for girls, being more emotional and all. Like if you don't fit in and your "different" you prolly will get picked on [from what i've seen adn experienced] and trust me, it's no fun at all. So girls will try so hard to be what their not to spare themselves the pain. They want to fit in, they think it'll be easier like that but meh, it's just more fighting with yourself over not being who you really want to be. But, that would change more after your out of school more grown up.

But about girls just using ppl for things, you know why alot of em do it? Because they can get away with it! It starts out like with their Dads... The girls can cry [even if they really don't want to] or whine or be upset, and alot of the times their Dad's will give in. They'll get what they want [not with all..but some..] Now, the girls see how this works with their Dad's, they can manipulate them to get what they want. So they'll try it with some guys. It'll sometimes work. And that's just how it is. They learn to manipulate people, for their own self-pleasure. They play on feelings and what not, to get what they want.

I know WAY too many girls who do this, I don't like it! I dunno bout alot of ppl here, but I've grown up with my Dad who doesn't give in just cuz i'm his "little girl" or anything. I can't just suck up to get what I want. Tried it once doesn't work, and I don't do it to others. The girls I know who do it tho, it usually starts with their dads..

Bahaha fuck this is long.. um.. i'll shaddup now..
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Nov 19, 01
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Re: Re: Fake girls

Originally posted by c-TaRd
They learn to manipulate people, for their own self-pleasure. They play on feelings and what not, to get what they want.
One more thing bout this [after this i'll shaddup! I swear! =P]

Guys do this alot too! I mean think about it, how many guys will just flirt with girls, and bullshit bullshit just to get whatever it is they want? They do the same thing..

It's everyone girls are just usually faker cuz the whoe personality/fitting in/emotional thing i mentioned before..
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Nov 19, 01
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yeah i know what you're talking about,
People end up doing that to me alot, I guess im not soo good at seeing fake from real but i totally sympathise with you none the less.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Nov 19, 01
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I'm fortunate enough to have had the same group of friends for many years, and I've known my closest friends since like gr.8, some even since gr.1. I can't say I've ever been used, or at least not to my knowledge, so I can't totally relate. I guess I've always been pretty picky with my friends, and have never had problems seperating my "acquaintances" from my true friends.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Nov 19, 01
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Originally posted by Sean
I'm fortunate enough to have had the same group of friends for many years, and I've known my closest friends since like gr.8, some even since gr.1. I can't say I've ever been used, or at least not to my knowledge, so I can't totally relate. I guess I've always been pretty picky with my friends, and have never had problems seperating my "acquaintances" from my true friends.
Yup, I would have to agree with you on that. My friends I've had since kindergarten are back home...and funny thing is I'm still best friends with them. However, I moved out here, and I have to be very careful...it's very annoying. Many people I can distinguish between friends or acquaintances. However, some are very manipulative and make it hard for you to tell the difference. I dunno...anyways, sean, we have to play soon...call me ok?

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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Nov 21, 01
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Fake people blow.
I'm glad that I've gotten pretty good at seeing through them.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Nov 21, 01
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Originally posted by Rytalin
Fake people blow.
I'm glad that I've gotten pretty good at seeing through them.
I'm getting pretty good at it too, however there's still those few that manipulate you into believing they're fine! That's where the challenge lays!
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Nov 21, 01
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Everyones fake

I think everyone is fake... but it depends on the degree you take it to.
Sure people can say "oh no, I'm straight up, I'm honest ra ra ra"
but really... your not.
For example, the very very first time you meet someone... do you act the exact way you are?
Doubt it.
So it just depends... theirs just normal people... and then there are FAKE ASS people... and I'd have to agree... the FAKE ASS people are hurt.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Nov 22, 01
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Jess Jess Jess. People are fake. We all put on a face for others. Like would you act the same way to your grandma then you would to a boyfriend?

I think not.

I think it just depends - real, well, personalities aren't real they're applied because we live in a spiritually raped society.

All this buy this, buy that, take this cruise, shop at this store, listen to this music blah blah blah bullshit can be a bit much to handle.

Sad part is some people think it's the only thing out there, they get blinded with indiviualistic views and material goals - taking obvious disregard to the fact that shit rolls down hill - we're all connected.

Know what I think? I think the only real thing out there in regard to people are the virtues we choose to honor (PLUR!). Some people don't honor any and believe life is about me me me, those are who I would call fake.

It sucks when you give people a chance and then they smack you around like a red-headed step child, but hey - that's life (doesn't have to be but it is sometimes). Don't let assholes make you paranoid cause you may miss out on meeting some kewl people.

Take care and gimmie a shout soon.

markpaul :384:
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