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Punching Bag Bitch, cry and whine your way into oblivion.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Nov 20, 01
Join Date: Jan 2001
~lazee_grrl~ is an unknown quantity at this point
grrrs to PHASE ONE

teachers and their stupid "phase one"..

i know they just want/need more moneys cuz they haven't gotten a raise in forever and due to many education cut backs..

but its ruining so much...i probably wouldn't care as much if i weren't in gr.12...well..actually..i would..cuz yeah...i'd still involved in wut i'm so worried about now...so many good things can't happen cuz teachers aren't allowed to sponsor students and their activities..and even if they are allowed to do a lil sumthign..most of them are too scared of crossing their invisible picket so they won't..
i just really hope they don't go on to phase two...or else i'll go crazy..:058:

Last edited by ~lazee_grrl~; Nov 21, 01 at 12:50 AM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Nov 21, 01
Join Date: Jan 2001
c.tard is an unknown quantity at this point
Ugh.. my ss teacher was telling us bout this today.. At least he's being cool bout it =]

Apparently before, they weren't aloud to do report cards or anything [altho jen you shouldn't have to worry cuz they said they were still doing marks for grade 12's cuz it's more important for them then the other grades], and they weren't supposed to do any marking or anything outside the school and stuff right?

Well not, they're not even ALOUD to POST our god damned marks!! oh sure.. this won't affect us?! this won't affect us my ass.. it's not as bad for most of the schools out there cuz what they dont' get marks now, they can get down later right? Cuz they have the whole year for it y'know? But me.. i got term by term.. so cum the end of january my classes are done and if my work hasn't been makred then it won't get marked.. i also don't get to know how much i got in my classes so i have no clue if i can take summer school or not! FUCKING SHIT!!

They say this'll put pressure on the adminstration or whatever to do something?

Ya fucking right!! So what.. the teachers get more free time after school, less work.. and it doesn't relaly affect anyone BUT the students.. do you think no report cards, and less work for teachers is REALLY gonna make something happen? Cuz i sure as hell don't..
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Nov 21, 01
You know you love me <3
Join Date: Apr 2001
starsprite is an unknown quantity at this point
I know..this friggen bites. I got my report card last week cuz I'm a grade 12, but everyone else was called to the main foyer today and the administratos had to hand them out..
-They aren't allowed to hand in their attendance records
-Read out The Howl(our daily newsleter) anymore
-Take money from students for field trips or anything

but what pisses me off most of all is that I was asked to teach a workshop to elementary skool teachers on how to teach hip hop to children and now its not happeneing..I prepared so much and it would be $50 per workshop...grrr...

It would suck so much if they go to phase 2...I really hope they dont! :039:
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Nov 22, 01
break dance, not hearts
Join Date: Sep 2001
bebu*funfun will become famous soon enough
i'm hella worried as well. i'm president of the dance committee and heading the pep rally coming up and if they hit phase 2 all my hardwork would be gone....that would REALLY blow. If phase 2 hits.....basketball season would be messed up as well. we have tons of HUGE bball tournies comin up! ahhhhhhhh! our san diego trip in christmas for basketball already got cancelled...because teachers can't handle with money and shizznicks! CRAP! tat made me really mad...

and about the report card thing.....the only course i'm failing is my only grade 12 course which is chemistry...so that means i'll only be getting an ONE course report card and it's gonna be a big fat F! ....WOW TATS GONNA BE PRETTY! dammitttttttttttz!

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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Nov 22, 01
Join Date: Jan 2001
~lazee_grrl~ is an unknown quantity at this point
grrrs...i don't think my skool is even getting report cards..not even gr.12's..we gotta go ask for our marks..blah~..and yeah...so many things are already ruined..no christmas dance..(the best one)..no blood donor..(which i'm spose to do)...no inclass collections for charities..<-- which is bad when the our skool is always the biggest donator to the organization....phase 2 would ruin even more...i dont' even wanna think about that..

heh..the principals collect our attendance sheets now..and teachers don't collect $$ or sign anything..most field trips are cancelled..i dunno..i feel bad for admin cuz they got soo much more to worry about..i'm glad that at least sum of our teachers aren't all scared/stubborn about pahse one..and that our admin is actually being nice to help us with stuff..=)

hopefully this ends soon..and they get their moneys..so that phase 2 never happens and phase one goes away..then stuff will be back to normal rite?
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Nov 22, 01
Join Date: Jan 2001
c.tard is an unknown quantity at this point
Jen ~ At least you guys can ASK for you marks! We're not aloud to know AT ALL!! They changed the programs on the comps so the teachers can only put one mark at a time.. so if you do a test..t he teacher can post the results of the test only, but no marks. They won't even know em!!

My ss teachers being cool and he's gonna show us how to calculate our own marks since it's more important to us [my class ends in like 7 weeks ro something.. i don't have the whole year]

But this fucking sucks man...
I want to know my marks.. geez! I had to deal with not knowing ENOUGH last term considering my teacher WOULD not do them [when there was no job action thing either because he's just lazy] and I like to know how I'm doing cuz I'm on terms here!! IT HELPS!! geez...

and now because of this, i don't know which what my mark in english was [i know i failed] so i don't know if i need to drop foods and repeat it then or take it during summerschool.. and... I NEED TO KNOW CUZ FOODS IS NEXT TERM.. but.. well I guess it just looks like i won't be gradding on time.. ugh.. [my failing is not their fault but i could've done somethingabout it which they are keeping me from doing]

And just one question.. what is Phase Two? I know this is Phase one.. but what the hell goes on in phase two??

i think the teachers have enough money as it is.. ugh.. they should put more money into the schools and stuff!!

and another thin that sucks.. i might loose my field trip to the aquarium for bio =( i was SO looking forward to that too..
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Nov 22, 01
Join Date: Jan 2001
~lazee_grrl~ is an unknown quantity at this point
in phase 2..basically..all teachers do is come to skool..teach and then leave when skool's over..NO EXTRACURRICULAR stuff..no sports..no clubs..no nuthin~..no afterskool things cuz no sponsor teachers to look after students..thats when skool gets really fucked up~..
but it won't happen..*crosses fingers*
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Nov 23, 01
Join Date: Jan 2001
c.tard is an unknown quantity at this point
Ahh.. that's phase two..

well ya.. hOPEFULLY that doesn't happen.. but fuck.. do you think the teachers even deserve a raise?

I thinkt hey should put more money back into the SCHOOLS themselves and not the fucking teachers salaries.. like really.. you should see some of the teachers..thei cars.. their clothes.. fuck man!! i don't think they get paid all that bad at all!! geez..

we even talked bout my teachers salary once..this thing we were doing and he did him as an example.. he's got plenty of fucking money!! so what the hell..

then at school we get wha? crappy as tet books.. paper that so thin you like erase one and it rips right thru.. they can't even give us poster paper.. not like we do posters that often..

ugh.. stupid school board..
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