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Punching Bag Bitch, cry and whine your way into oblivion.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Oct 08, 04
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miSsy_chriSsy has a spectacular aura aboutmiSsy_chriSsy has a spectacular aura aboutmiSsy_chriSsy has a spectacular aura about
Co-Workers who Steal....

There's this goddamn flake of a retard female at work. She's flaky, wierd and sketchy.

She goes on and on about how she pays her AND her useless bum of a 26 year old boyfriend's rent every month, they live in a bachelor suite in the beautiful west end that's about 750 a month, plus the phone bill, cable bill, ect ect, plus they have a dog. She makes MAYBE $650 a cheque. And this is her only job. I never could understand how she buys all the groceries at Safeway (expensive!) for her and the boyfriend, AND manages to support the dog, pay bills and how she manages to drink almost every night.
I mean it's nobody's buisiness where people get their money. But when something seems fishy, when I'm hearing the till pop open when the store is empty.... and my tip jar is less full after I've left the room for a minute.... well, then we all have a right to ask questions.

It's strange how our tips are ALWAYS short when she's working... it will be a really really busy day when she is working with us, and we manage to only go home with 15 bucks each. BUT when she is NOT working, we wonder why we're all going home with 25 bucks each in our pockets, and why we aren't getting nearly that much on a busy day with HER working.
She is CONSTANTLY counting the tip jar... which makes me nervous anyways. We always tell her to "just leave it and we'll count it out later." But no, she's always got her hands in it.

So I'm trying to figure it out, but I"m guessing she's walking home with at least 40 bucks of our tips in her pocket a night. Becuase how does she manage to go to Safeway with her boyfriend after every shift and buy 3 bags of food?? (i run into her almost every time) And That just doesn't add up to her income.

So i spoke to the manager. So did some other girls there. I Mentionned my concern, and got some very gross feelings when I heard the response.
The manager stated that whenever she is on shift, the till is short at least 40 dollars. Some nights, she said, we'll be short at least 80 bucks in the till (always when that girl is working). Which is rediculous. Because we're a TINY cafe, the management is BARELY making money, and we serve 3.99 breakfasts and coffe. How can we possibly forget to void or misplace upto 80 bucks. That's so so disgusting.

So here I am, trying to figure out how the hell she affords to live every month. It's getting rediculous. Our tips lower every time she's on shift. The managers are pissed, but they can't afford to train someone else for her job yet, and 4 other staff memebers are quitting. So she *has* to stay or the management is fucked.

This is so fucking lame. I'm in school, working my ass off, doing this as a part-time job to earn myself money for lunch, supplies and fabric for my classes.... and this little bitch is walking home with our hard-earned cash and feeding the mouth of her lazy-ass fucking dog and boyfriend. NOT fair.

It's not one of those cases where "I think it's her"..... it's one of those cases where I know what's going on... but she thinks we're all a bunch of idiots. It's getting to the point she can't even look at any of us straight in the face anymore. It's sick sick sick.

I need a new job. A serving job that gets me the tips I deserve.
It's not fair that the manager won't fire this person, with SUBSTANTIAL evidence of missing money when SHE is working. (on every other night, the till is balanced.)

I'm just not getting this.


Thieves SUCK. Don't steal from your goddamn Co-workers!!!
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Oct 08, 04
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When I was in highschool ,I worked at a restaurant where money started going missing.

My boss called the police and set up a camera in his office, where the vault was hidden in the floor and made to look like a drain. It turned out that the person stealing was the manager (who tried to pin it on me) and the boss' best friend. The police arrested him , and he was obviously fired.

If she steals as much as you say , you would be able to buy a closed circuit tv/ camera and a VCR for what she steals in a week or two. That way accusations can be backed up.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Oct 08, 04
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BongMan will become famous soon enoughBongMan will become famous soon enough
hich is rediculous. Because we're a TINY cafe, the management is BARELY making money, and we serve 3.99 breakfasts and coffe.
damn Missy Im comming for some eggs and shit sunday
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Oct 08, 04
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I have a co-worker that sings out loud.... IN ARABIC!!!

I just put my soundproof earmuffs on, start the sander, and magicly, IDM starts playing in my head :)
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Oct 08, 04
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I need a new job. A serving job that gets me the tips I deserve.
If there was any more evidence that management needs to can her right away, this is it. I mean, you're saying they can't fire her because they're short of staff right now, but then you say that you're thinking of leaving. So they're in danger of losing another decent employee by keeping the thief employed.

Doesn't make much sense does it?

Next time you see her reach her hand towards the hand jar, smack it. Then look at her like I know you want to.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Oct 08, 04
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I don't see how it would be so expensive to hire (train) another employee. What if you get someone who already has experience? Throw me in there and I'd have it in two shifts I reckon. But I have experience working in restaurants (earls!), cafe's and bartending. Does management actually think it's that hard to get someone new? That seems weird to me.

And yeah, people that steal suck ass and they will get what's coming to them sooner or later. Karma. I've personally had a lot stolen from me. A lot.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Oct 08, 04
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seriously is your managment stupid? even if it is a small cafe and i understand the no money to train someone right now and stuff but they should talk to her about it, take her into the office and ask if she has seen anything and explain that they have been short lately and are asking all the girls working there if they know anything. then she will get the point that they are on to her and stop.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Oct 08, 04
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maybe i'll suggest they call the cops and set up a cam. that's a wicked idea.

there's a London Drugs accross the street, maybe we could temporarily buy a camera, set it up, record her working, then return it after the footage is taken.

even so, isn't it just rediculous it had to come to this?? Like over 150 bucks a week is alot of money especially for a little cafe to be losing. it is also strange that me and another girl have to bitch all the time because they're not doing anything. they keep sticking up for this girl, saying "she's having a hard time" blah blah blah. Yah well... aren't we all!!! Suck it up princess! That's life. Ditch the boyfriend and maybe you'll find yourself with a few extra hundred bucks a month.

There's something wierd going on, i totally agree with that comment.

Girls who date and support loser boyfriends by stealing from work.... SUCK.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Oct 08, 04
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i'll take her spot.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Oct 08, 04
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obviously it's not a big deal to the managment so what does it really matter to you, your not losing money other than the tip jar but that is extra and if it's that big of a deal put a key on the jar and only open it at the end of the day. it's the managments problem you saying she sucks for doing it isn't really your place to get mad at her for, it's not really your business.
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Oct 08, 04
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Euro Dollar is on a distinguished road
don't be mean brit.... seriously...
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Oct 08, 04
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BongMan will become famous soon enoughBongMan will become famous soon enough
nut nut the food Monday you say Crissy welll what can I expect on the menu :)
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Oct 08, 04
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*Geminiz* is an unknown quantity at this point
It makes no sense to me why they would keep someone who steals from them working at their business. Cost them money?? Well in reality, they are better off dealing with the situation and keeping the rest of the staff happy. I'm sure you would not be considering a job change if this were not happening. Therefore either they have to keep the rest of the staff happy (those who are not stealing from them) and let her go, or they can wait till everyone quits and then they'll be left with who?? The stealer and ALL new staff who require training for the position.

I think the main issue here is that SHE IS STEALING from them and from the rest of the staff. How can this not be enough of a reason to just get rid of her - who care's what the cost is - it's really quite rediculous. She's stealing from a business and she's not fired right away! It's just crazy.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Oct 08, 04
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Originally Posted by SweetEzZe
obviously it's not a big deal to the managment so what does it really matter to you, your not losing money other than the tip jar but that is extra and if it's that big of a deal put a key on the jar and only open it at the end of the day. it's the managments problem you saying she sucks for doing it isn't really your place to get mad at her for, it's not really your business.
You're effing stupid if you think it's "not a big deal". How would YOU feel if someone at your workplace was stealing money out of your pocket? Plus, regardless of the management's "concern" for the situation, Christy has every right to be pissed off when she's being an honest employee, doing her job, and then getting sabotaged out of anywhere from $20-50 a week for her honest work. Why the FUCK should this stupid bitch she works with be able to steal money to make ends meet? And by just sitting by and accepting it you're condoning what she's doing.

I agree with "suck it up princess". Get another job if you're in such rough shape...That's what the rest of the decent human beings on the planet have to do.

Christy, get another job that will value your abilities, moral fiber and hawtness all proper-like. :)
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Oct 08, 04
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Originally Posted by *Geminiz*
She's stealing from a business and she's not fired right away! It's just crazy.
It happens more often than you'd realize...There was a guy that got caught stealing digital cameras from my work, and he didn't get canned. That was like, 1.5-2 years ago. He JUST got fired 2 weeks ago for lateness.

I'm glad. He was a moron.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Oct 09, 04
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Maybe it's a case of her not actually being the thief. What if it's management skimming the cash and letting everyone blame her? Even if her boyfriend's a lazzy prick it doesn't mean he's not slanging crack or something to make some $ling on the side.

For real though get a spy cam set up a catch whoever it is.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Oct 09, 04
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tvmann is an unknown quantity at this point
Video camera sounds like a really good idea.

But in case the thief is not the person you suspect, the camera would need to be kept secret from as many people as possible.

Even if the camera was very visible, bolted on the ceiling or whatever, it might stop the thief because they would not want to get caught.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Oct 09, 04
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That really fishy... I know when working at my coffee shop if you where even a dollar short or somthing it would be noted! $5 or more and you where questioned. We always felt ver comfortable with eachother and had alot of trust so our tip jar was never a concern... however if any complaints where made then some seriouse action would be taken.

Thats surprising your manager wont really do anything about it, especialy with that much money!!! Because our manager would rather make costomers wait to print out any $1 void and have a co-worker witness it!?!
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old Oct 09, 04
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miSsy_chriSsy has a spectacular aura aboutmiSsy_chriSsy has a spectacular aura aboutmiSsy_chriSsy has a spectacular aura about
Originally Posted by MissBehavior
You're effing stupid if you think it's "not a big deal". How would YOU feel if someone at your workplace was stealing money out of your pocket? Plus, regardless of the management's "concern" for the situation, Christy has every right to be pissed off when she's being an honest employee, doing her job, and then getting sabotaged out of anywhere from $20-50 a week for her honest work. Why the FUCK should this stupid bitch she works with be able to steal money to make ends meet? And by just sitting by and accepting it you're condoning what she's doing.

I agree with "suck it up princess". Get another job if you're in such rough shape...That's what the rest of the decent human beings on the planet have to do.

Christy, get another job that will value your abilities, moral fiber and hawtness all proper-like. :)
Lisa.... fuken RIGHTS.

Sweet-ezze: Having at least 10-15 dollars a day stolen from me, IS "My business". Please refrain from tipping me with your 2 cents.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old Oct 09, 04
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Originally Posted by MissBehavior
You're effing stupid if you think it's "not a big deal". How would YOU feel if someone at your workplace was stealing money out of your pocket? Plus, regardless of the management's "concern" for the situation, Christy has every right to be pissed off when she's being an honest employee, doing her job, and then getting sabotaged out of anywhere from $20-50 a week for her honest work. Why the FUCK should this stupid bitch she works with be able to steal money to make ends meet? And by just sitting by and accepting it you're condoning what she's doing.

I agree with "suck it up princess". Get another job if you're in such rough shape...That's what the rest of the decent human beings on the planet have to do.

Christy, get another job that will value your abilities, moral fiber and hawtness all proper-like. :)
wooo hooo chrissy's gonna be a stripper!!!
hehe j/k... too everything to be a stripper :)

mmmm wikkid dj too... may be you should stick with your current job, and i'll weed out the bad leafs?
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  #21 (permalink)  
Old Oct 09, 04
Red Army Productions!
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Euro Dollar is on a distinguished road
i'm gonna call right now btw...
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old Oct 09, 04
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miSsy_chriSsy has a spectacular aura aboutmiSsy_chriSsy has a spectacular aura aboutmiSsy_chriSsy has a spectacular aura about
seems like euro might be replacing the theif in the next 2 weeks lol

I hope they like you, i'll keep putting in good words to the managers for you hun!!

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  #23 (permalink)  
Old Oct 09, 04
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_bRiTt will become famous soon enough
Originally Posted by miSsy_chriSsy
Lisa.... fuken RIGHTS.

Sweet-ezze: Having at least 10-15 dollars a day stolen from me, IS "My business". Please refrain from tipping me with your 2 cents.
in my first post i said your only reason to be mad is the tip jar thing other than that it is the managers problem. and i said get a lock for it then she can't get into it, it's not that big of a deal. you did the right thing by confronting the managment about it but maybe beong straight up to her about it with the manager present would get through to her and make her think twice.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old Oct 09, 04
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We're all a pretty tight knit group at work. Everyone has full access to the locker room and many of the people leave lockers open during the day.

As far as I know, there has never been an incident, while I have been working or prior to my employment.

The same cannot be said for the staff at the Wendy's I used to work at. Purses, jackets, food, everything was being stolen constantly.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old Oct 09, 04
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miSsy_chriSsy has a spectacular aura aboutmiSsy_chriSsy has a spectacular aura aboutmiSsy_chriSsy has a spectacular aura about
^^ ugh!! that's so creepy!! did your stuff get stolen??

When I worked at Staples about 2 years ago, every shift we had a bag check before we were allowed to leave the building. There was never ever ever anything stolen. except a few pens.... possibly some white out as well.

Does anyone else have bag checks at their work?
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